Beliefs (R.E.A.L.)


Language is a tool of deception when words can take on multiple meanings. Words are powerful tools of creation, and help build the intangible reality within the material reality. As a result of the deceptive nature of words, "god" has become a dirty word, so a new word or phrase should be used to better describe the god I am talking about, which is "the true source of creation" or "the one true God" or "the one God" or "TOG" as it shall be referred to for the remainder of this post.

TOG is pure love; TOG didn't create pure love, TOG just is pure love. In other words, pure love is the true source of creation. I'm not sure if TOG would be some type of being or non-being, but the idea of TOG being a personal creator tends to be problematic. In my opinion, it does not matter nor will it effect anything, so I just think of TOG as pure love. TOG creates beings of pure love, and in the nature of pure love, TOG creates free beings of pure love. This is a non dual existence; there is only love and the positive polarity.

Because TOG creates beings with free will, the potential to bring the negative polarity into existence is there. I feel that the difference between TOG and the beings TOG creates is that TOG is love, while TOG creates beings of love. TOG does not have the potential to create the negative polarity; because TOG is the source of all creation, the desire to create the negative polarity will never manifest itself within TOG.

TOG creates beings of love who have the gift of free will; the free will is the potential for duality. If a being of love were to turn against TOG, that being manifests the negative polarity within themselves by choosing to invert love into hatred. TOG is not the creator of duality or the negative polarity, the beings TOG creates have the potential to manifest it using their gift of free will. This means that there is no such thing as pure evil; evil is good that has been corrupted. Love is stronger than evil because love is the true source of creation; however, a being that chooses to manifest evil within themselves chooses to do so for the power of having more than TOG. This perceived power is derived from the knowledge of evil, and using it to deceive and manipulate other beings who have not chosen to manifest evil within themselves. TOG is pure love, and is not concerned with power dynamics. Inverted beings of duality corrupt themselves in this process, and their love becomes tainted. They truly have no more power than beings of love, because true power is derived from the gift of true love that TOG gives all beings. Inverted beings of duality only have the power of the knowledge of evil, which they can use to manipulate, deceive and trick beings of love with.

The Earth is a planet of duality, which shows us that two possible events occurred. The Earth might be a creation of an inverted being of duality. The other possibility is the Earth was once a non dual planet of love that became corrupted afterwards. The people of Earth are all love beings of TOG inside a human body. If Earth was once a paradise for beings of love, it existed in a non material form. If Earth is the creation of an inverted love being, that would mean that each and every one of us has the capability of creating planets, when in our true, spiritual form. TOG may create the planets, or TOG may only create beings of love, and these beings are able to manifest planets. Whatever the case may be, the one thing we can know is that we are severely separated from our true selves during our human experience.

We are all familiar with the story of how we ended up in this state. The serpent, a being that turned from the source in order to manifest duality within itself, used the negative polarity to deceive us into using our free will to agree to what the serpent was selling us. The serpent does not have the power to invert a love being into a being of duality. The serpent told us that we could see more than TOG and have more knowledge if we choose to invert ourselves. Perhaps the serpent tricked us into agreeing to experiencing a world of duality, with the goal of the serpent being to use temptation to coerce each of us into choosing to invert ourselves into beings of duality. So, I would imagine that we didn't choose to turn our back on TOG, but in our naivety and curiousness, we agreed to take a look into the serpents promise of more knowledge - the knowledge of duality. Whoopsie on that one!

So here we are, beings of love incarnating into a world of duality. There is no such thing as pure evil, because love is the source of all creation. There is only good that has been corrupted by evil, or love that has been corrupted by hate. We either chose to incarnate on this planet, to just kinda check out what this whole "duality" thing the serpent told us about is like, or we agreed to allow our home to become corrupted by duality, turning the Earth into a hardened material state. If the latter is true, I would imagine the planet is now permanently corrupted from here on out. This is the seriousness of manifesting duality - once you do it, there is no going back to the prior, non dual state. This is what it means to be damned to Hell eternally, Hell is anything that is corrupted by duality. This means that the Earth is an eternally corrupted planet, but this doesn't mean that your true form - the soul within you - is a corrupted being.

We have definitely got ourselves into quite the situation, however. We are subjected to a corrupted experience here on Earth. TOG is in no way responsible for this situation either, and hopefully I have successfully explained why that is. TOG is pure love, and would never subject a being of love to a life in a world corrupted by duality, where one must endure pain and suffering, in order to get to Heaven. What occurred here is that we chose to leave Heaven, or we allowed Heaven to become corrupted, because we were sold on trying out the experience of Hell. Yikes.

When you sell your soul to the devil, you are damned to Hell eternally. This is a bit of a metaphor. The devil is not more powerful than you. The devil is a being created by TOG, just as you are; the only difference is that the devil chose to turn away from the source and become an inverted, being of duality. By doing this, a being is no longer a non dual love being, but instead a love being that is forever corrupted by manifesting duality within itself. Damned to Hell eternally means damned to duality eternally, and is no longer able to be in Heaven, because Heaven is anywhere and anyone that is not corrupted. A being corrupted by duality corrupts its environment.

Perhaps it seems crazy to you that anybody would choose to corrupt themselves with duality, but it happens. The temptation of duality is the power that is to be had in a world of duality, which is pretty shit power in my opinion, but love beings succumb to the temptation of the devil for these material rewards. The people who run this world are running the world because they chose to corrupt themselves and manifest duality. They now hold the power in this world, and power and control over us, but only in the material world of duality. They are tempted by fame, and the worship and adoration of all the naive love beings that have no idea what the fuck is actually going on here. The longer we remain trapped here in the material world of reality, the longer we must fight against the temptation of "selling our souls to the devil". The number of people who are doing this in order to be on the winning side of the world is increasing, which in turns brings more evil into this world, which makes the choice to be evil more tempting for more people.

I know this world is full of love beings that couldn't fathom ever turning to the dark side (I'm just describing the plot of Star Wars, don't tell me you actually believed this shit) so they simply have to suffer through this life and then they will be ok, right? No - it is not that simple. Choosing love and non duality isn't enough to go back to Heaven. The serpent told Eve that she won't die if she eats the apple. Many think that the serpent lied to Eve, but the serpent simply used the deceptive power of language and meaning to trick her. See, you don't die - you don't really die. The real you is a non dual love being created by TOG and you are an eternal being. So when you die, you come back. We have all been trapped into a reincarnation cycle here as well, no doubt something we were manipulated into choosing to agree to.

Remember, pure evil can't exist because the true source of creation is good. Good becomes corrupted in order to manifest evil. In other words, good manifests evil, but it is impossible for evil to manifest good. If there was a second source of creation that was pure evil, and beings of evil could turn on their creator and choose love... I mean, I am very glad that is doesn't work this way, because this is evil that we can hardly even fathom as to how vile and terrible of a creation it would be... and I somehow doubt these beings of evil would see the benefit to choosing love. The nature of evil is that it is trapped in a self-serving narcissism. Love is the underdog of duality, which is why evil can be so tempting for some. As everything is love at it's core, a being who manifests evil becomes a being of love and evil, a corrupted being. This combination makes these beings very skilled at deceiving and manipulating beings of love, because they understand us more than we understand them, and they appeal to our empathy, compassion and kindness in order to deceive us into reincarnating again and again, forgotten life after forgotten life... it really is a cruel trap we Curious George'd ourselves into.

I'm going to repeat that once again: the evil understands the good more than the good understands the evil. This means that we are dealing with beings that can appear to be just like us, y'know good people, that are in truth putting on a front of friendliness, when they are secretly waiting to stab us in the back. Many of us are in a process of becoming corrupted, while others are playing with the temptation just to get a taste of the darkness. This means overall good people doing shitty things, but many of them will ultimately resist the temptation to sell their souls. Over the course of several lives lived over thousands of material years, our integrity and kind nature is increasingly put to the test by the environment, and those here with us. As the linear time of duality progresses, the number of corrupted beings we share the planet with is ever increasing, in turn shaping the environment into a more sinister, more deceptive - and more dangerous - habitat to survive intact in.

If you're like me, you know that people are turning to evil, but you really wonder why they give in - it seems like kind of a shitty deal, in the grand scheme of things. Well, it is, and the beings of duality hate the non dual beings. They hate us because we are not corrupted like they are, so it becomes their prerogative to tempt us with evil. This is very much like the idea that "I took the shitty ass covid vaccine, so you should have to take the jab too. Everyone should be vaccinated and the unvaccinated are selfish narcissists." Ha, that's rich, because they did not take the jab as an act of selflessness and the greater good of herd immunity, as they are claiming after the fact; no, they took it because they were scared from all the fear based programming fed to us by the manipulators of reality, who hoard the esoteric knowledge of black magic and witchcraft, and understand the human potential for psychic ability, and use it to keep power and control over the uninitiated masses. You may be dumbfounded by all the people that are taking the jab, and are seemingly blind to how sinister this whole pandemic has been, and they can't see nor understand that the government is evil. They have become spiritually handicapped in a sense, and the reason the trust the establishment is because they are more corrupted by the evil, and more deceived by all the lies. For example, atheism is an idea that propagated and fed into the collective subconscious and our "prestigious" institutions by the beings of duality, who are definitely not atheists, and are amused and disgusted by how many people they have fooled into this negative polarity lie. What we are seeing is that the people who took the jab are heading towards further control, while those who refuse the jab are reading posts like this one. Hopefully you would rather be here, reading this. If not, oh well, I tried... and I'm not through yet.

We can all stand back and watch from a distance as others are deceived, and stare in disbelief and be proud of ourselves for seeing through the deception, but we all must remember that each and every one of us was deceived by evil, or else we wouldn't be here. Where is here, exactly? Here, we are in a world that is actively trying to keep us trapped in it and ultimately drive us to making the choice to corrupt ourselves in a way that there is no going back from - this is some heavy shit. So really take time to appreciate the depth of the indoctrination and manipulation of reality going on here. You might be as far away as one sharing the same environment can be, from succumbing to the temptation of evil, but you are far from the end of the journey. By now you should appreciate the understanding that if you know you won't choose the dark side, then you can be assured that they know that as well. This is a two-step operation going on here: ultimately, the goal is to fool you into eternal damnation, but in the meantime the focus is keeping you in the trap.

While it might be difficult to turn good people into bad people, it is a far easier task to trick good people into the reincarnation cycle. Remember, you are in a world where everything is trying to deceive you, so if you think that the most distributed book in history, and a religion followed by many people around the world is your ticket to salvation, then you should probably reconsider your position. The assortment of religions and belief systems around the world is no random occurrence caused by the passage of time - they are all feeding beliefs that induce reincarnation in some way, even ways that are so deceptive that the reincarnation is concealed with language and other beliefs. Beliefs are so important, because the beliefs you hold when you die, are the beliefs you become beholden to in the after life. The best lies are lies that are mixed with truth, because the truth makes the lies more believable. So whatever religious or spiritual beliefs you are passionate about, contain a lot of truth, which is why they spoke to you the way they did. Hidden within that truth is a lie, a lie that will make the whole thing the trap that keeps you in the cage when all is said and done. The opposite of freedom is authority. You don't know anything or anyone the way you know yourself, so always trust yourself ultimately. If Jesus Christ was the genuinely great dude that the Bible describes him as being, he would never ask you to accept him as your lord and savior, and he would never want you to do that. Remember that you have your gift from TOG - that is your power. TOG gave you that power because it means you will never need to be saved. Pure love is not a separation. Remember your gift - it's yours to do whatever you please with, because it is the gift of authentic free will. This gift is your power - your power for YOU and only YOU.

Never forget that.

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