Can I vaxx you a question? (R.E.A.L.)


Can I vaxx you a question?

Has anyone noticed the parallels of what's happening currently to what occured in the 1980's with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)? Did you know that Dr. Fauci was T.V.'s glorified expert during the AIDS epidemic, just as he is currently for the corona pandemic? Do you know how Dr. Fauci and his allopathic cronies determined if someone was HIV positive in the '80's? They used the PCR test, the same test they are using currently to see if people are positive with COVID. They said that AIDS started because black people had anal sex with monkeys, and they said that COVID started because of Chinese people eating bats. Hmm...

In January, scientists in India analyzing the coronavirus found four insertions in the spike protein that shared identity or similarity with HIV. You can read this study here. The similarity with HIV is not found in any other coronavirus and is not natural. Recently, Australia recalled a vaccine for the coronavirus because it was causing false-positive test results for HIV. The manufacturer of the vaccine claimed this was due to them inserting strands of HIV into the vaccine to improve its efficacy. Hmm...

The new corona vaccine is mRNA vaccination, a type of vaccine that hasn't been used on the public before, and it is being rolled out to the entire fucking planet. (I can assure you Bill Gates and his family won't be receiving the vaccination - just ask his doctor. Because the elite don't vaccinate their children. They certainly have a great interest in making sure that you all vaccinate yours, though.) The way the mRNA vaccine works is by injecting RNA, which is like a set of instructions for your DNA to follow. The RNA in the vaccine instructs the ribosomes in your DNA to start creating the spike proteins of the coronavirus. The spike proteins are the pointy things all over the spongy ball in all the picture you see of COVID. The spike proteins are what bind to our cells, but the spongy ball thingy is what actually makes you sick. So when your DNA creates the spike proteins, your body will detect them as foreign invaders, which will make your autoimmune system kick in, and create antibodies for the virus. That way, when you are infected with the coronavirus, you will already have the antibodies in your system ready to fight it off, a process which normally takes about two weeks from the time of infection. Plus, the mRNA vaccine poses no risk of making you sick, unlike other vaccines, so it is therefore safer. Hmm...

This all sounds good, in theory, and all the "people who get science" seem to think it is perfectly safe. I am not one of those people, so perhaps it is my ignorance that is causing my concerns, but I just wonder how many of my cells will create these spike proteins? Will the RNA instruct my ribosomes to produce the spike proteins once, or will it continue to instruct them to be created over and over again? How many spike proteins will my immune system end up fighting off - and for how long will this internal battle ensue? Will the antibodies created in response to the spike proteins be as powerful as the ones which respond to the entire virus? And why the hell are there HIV strands inserted into the sars-COV-2 spike proteins? AIDS doesn't kill you directly, but when you do get sick, your immune system isn't able to fight off the disease. I fear this vaccine will kick the autoimmune system into overdrive, perhaps even cause the immune system to go haywire, and start attacking healthy cellular structures. I have many reservations about this vaccine, and I doubt that anyone can honestly and confidently assure me that "everything is going to be ok".

When did we get the idea that fucking with our DNA was a good idea, anyway?

tl;dr: I am concerned about the mRNA coronavirus vaccine, and have concerns that this entire situation is building towards a premeditated mass genocide. I do not trust the government, the media, or "the experts".

C.overt O.perations V.ia I.nfectious D.isease '19

C.ertificate O.f V.accination I. D. '19

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