Choices (R.E.A.L.)

 Choices (originally posted on Reddit @ r/conspiracyNOPOL)

Hello conspiracyNOPOL. I'm out of my hibernation with another important message for you all and I know that just makes you so fucking happy and excited.

I can't see the moderators of this community from where I'm staring, but I'm assuming that they have taken my advice so seriously - because my opinion is so fucking important and "valid". Either way, I'm going to say it again: please don't add any more moderators. Please keep this place as one of the last bastion of free speech that is left in this god-forsaken place.

Alright, now that I have officially tongued the mods assholes to the point where pleasure turns to dysphoria, allow me to present to you: total bullshit!

...and some other things.

Let's talk about choices. We make them everyday; life is all about them. This is a somewhat true statement, because life is really all about making sure you don't wake up, and choices play a significant role in this operation. Probably not so big a role as language, however, because language is the most deceptive tool in the arsenal of the ones with the power, so it is important that we choose our words wisely.

For example, I keep hearing the phrase "forced vaccinations" or "mandatory vaccinations" being thrown around conspiracy forums, and this phrase in itself is an example of the deceptive power of words. We need to be honest with ourselves, because through honesty the truth is exposed, and the truth is the most well hidden part of this experience, and the ones in power work to keep the truth hidden at all costs, because the truth "will set you free"... but I digress. No one is being forced to get vaccinated - not yet, anyway, so let's be honest about this. You might choose to take the jab, in order to keep your job - you might choose to take the jab, in order to participate in this society. This is a choice you are making. Perhaps the stakes are high, and you have a lot to lose if you choose not to take the jab, but until they are breaking down your door, holding you down, and sticking that needle in your arm - until that time, you are giving your consent to take the jab.

This distinction is an important one to discern, because we should be paying attention to the parts in life that are forced upon us, and the parts in life that we are choosing to consent to. For example, no one forced us to wear masks for an entire year, but we all (for the most part) consented to doing so, in order to participate in society. We all chose to stand on the circles on the floor in every checkout line of every store. We made this choice for many different reasons, but in this community, many of us simply did this for other peoples "perceived well being". In other words, we were catering to the people - the people that make up the majority - that aren't as far along in the process of "waking up" as we are; although, many people seem to be choosing to remain asleep, for many different reasons - far from the most insignificant being "fear based programming".

Allow me to share my perspective: for an entire year, we all wore masks in public - an action which is gradually weakening our immune system. Also in public, we practiced "social-distancing" - an action that also gradually weakens our immune systems. Many people, the drooling masses, took this social-distancing b.s. very seriously, for their own "perceived well being" (while virtue-signaling online that they were doing it for everyone else). So, the government asked us to all make a choice, to wear masks and social-distance for a year - oh, almost forgot! Hand sanitizer - all over suddenly, some so strong it seems to be pure rubbing alcohol, killing all germs - and, well... weakening our immune systems! The government had us all compromising our immune systems and overall health, in preparation to get vaccinated with something that sounds... frankly, batshit insane. Do you think this was an accident? An innocent faux-pas, on the part of our dear leaders? I think this was done intentionally. I've also prepared this meme, to help illustrate the conspiracy in question:

r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

The inspiration for this actually came from a post in r/covidvaccinated, written by someone who is by no means an anti-vaxxer, and overall still happy to be vaccinated... because the debilitating side-effects self-replicating spike proteins is nothing compared to the constant onslaught of fear-based programming.

"Trust the science". That's the last thing I think I'll do, thank you very much. Science is a bullshit factory specializing in limiting beliefs, which uses language to support any point of view that it chooses to support, and of course the point of view we are inundated with in excess is that of the ones in power. So please know, that if you choose to educate me in the comments about why the science behind why social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizer is to our benefit, I'm either going to think you are being intentionally deceitful, or I will feel sorry for you if you have sincerely become this invested in the wrong direction of practices that are to your benefit.

The moral of the story is that the words we use need to be chosen carefully, because when we choose words such as "forced" and "mandated" we are only working to deceive ourselves further away from the truth. The truth is that we are consistently bombarded with propaganda and manipulation from the many available resources available to the power structure, with the goal of getting our consent. The internet had been a great resource for the power structure to use for minimizing the power of consent. We must constantly "agree" to terms and conditions that are made to be intentionally agonizing to read and understand. We are being trained to believe that consent is of little value or importance; consent is nothing more than a single click, in order to get to the prize on the other side. The truth may be that our consent is far more valuable than we realize; our consent is one of our most valuable assets.

We need to pay attention to the effect that our consent has on our shared reality, because if there is one thing I learned after experiencing psychosis, it's that the greatest sin is often committed by very kind people; the kind of people who are timid, helpful, and generous to a point where others take advantage of their kind, benevolent nature. Everyone knows someone who is in a relationship with a manipulative, controlling narcissist that walks all over them. Everyone knows someone who is kind, meek, respectful of others and has no backbone. Someone who has lived a life of avoiding any and all conflict at all costs, and chooses instead to let others take advantage of them. When you habitually allow others to walk all over you, this is your consent that "it's ok for others to do this to me." You are a worse person that the one who is violating you, because you think that it is ok for this to happen to you.

Alright, that was just to set the mood for the actual post, which will begin..... ........ ......... now.


In the spirit of (shudder) "the most free country on Earth" we're going to (I had a bad reaction to typing that just now, I find the idea to be suffocating and repulsive) talk about choices in red, white and blue. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that much about topics like "color programming" or the exact science and reasoning behind it, I just know that this color palette is used with enough frequency and in a way where there is likely some intent behind it. Perhaps it's as simple as feeling patriotic about democracy, constitutional rights, and other deceptive concepts that are total bullshit, or maybe the meaning behind it goes far deeper, into the psychological manipulation that is induced by this particular color palette. When I saw that the magnet shared the same red/blue color palette, I realized that these colors are likely being used in order to put each individual into a state of polarization.


Games are fun. Games are based in conflict. Manufacturing reality by making conflict the biggest source for entertainment.

Being alive involves the near constant activity of making choices. We are indoctrinated with the idea that having more choices is desirable. The power construct that is manufacturing reality has recently gone into overdrive in the manufacturing of choices. As the information age progresses through time, the amount of choices is becoming an ever increasing burden on the collective consciousness. The choices are presented using many different angles, a popular example is beliefs, which are currently being exploited by the manufacturers of choices more than any other time in the collective memory, which is always followed closely by the collective amnesia. Choices are deeply rooted in the DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy, an all time favorite of the power construct. Choices are now being utilized in another favorite strategy to maintain control: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Choices have an important role in the MANUFACTURING OF CONSENT, which is highly valued by the power construct. Consent is the oil that keeps the reality machine running smoothly, which is why so much effort is put into the illusion that consent has very little value. This illusion is concealed very well into fabric of the intangible idea of reality that is overlaying the physical, material reality, and has been so successful that consent is given almost instantaneously and without a second thought. Meanwhile, the illusion of value that has been given to currency is as strong as ever, remaining in its long-held position of one of the "pillars of control" which supports and maintains the power construct. The other pillar of control, the illusion of legitimacy, which several institutions within the power construct rely on, has been under maintenance as a new version is being installed. While the anticipation for this new update slowly builds, the grand master illusion behind the power construct, FEAR BASED PROGRAMMING, ... that's it. I'm giving up on this now. They're fucking plastic robots that hit each other until one of their heads... pops a boner?


r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

A theme that seems to always accompany color-based choices emerges: everyone on the outside, looking in sees an absolutely pointless rivalry. These dudes are victims of mind control.

Well, after choice # 1 resulted in a train wreck of disjointed abstractions, trying way too hard to be deep, meaningful observations, I am troubled by the thought of how many readers have probably given up on this. I want everyone that is still with me to know that, due to irrational fears about what anonymous online profiles might think about me, I will now focus mostly on fitting in and being likeable, by employing a strategy of trying very hard to not express any more ideas that might be considered "out there". Obviously, this is just the result of growing up poor and uneducated in the ghetto. I mean, who is crazy enough to actually believe that this is somehow connected to other rivalry's that use... very similar hues of red and blue. I mean, they are two of the most popular colors out there, both primary, and... really, there aren't that many colors. Especially that complement each other like red and blue... ahh, red and blue - the colors of rivalry. There's no deep conspiracy here, obviously these guys wear these colors so they know who their enemies are, because otherwise there is no reason to kill each other. This is all about the colors; it would be completely pointless otherwise, and these guys would probably get on well and hang out in each other's back yards. And then the cops would have nothing to do, which would be a waste of tax payer dollars... can't have cops just standing around eatin' donuts and getting fat.


r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

Coke & Pepsi. A classic rivalry that makes me proud to live in a free country, where great ideas like capitalism can flourish. I know that they are made by the same company, but I don't really think that matters, ya know?

We are presented with choices. Our choices shape our opinions. So if I choose red, err... Coke, then I will get along with others who choose Coke, and we will agree that we chose correctly, and the people that prefer blue, err... Pepsi, chose incorrectly. Well the people that chose blue think they chose correctly, and that it is in fact the red people that chose incorrectly. This is a conflict of interests, and conflicts create division. People who are divided need a non-biased mediator, so that order can be maintained, and because this mediator cares about the safety of both the red and the blue groups, it only makes sense that they should be given the authority to decide what is ok and not ok for the divided red and blue groups to do. This is the most rational and logical option, because the authority isn't biased towards red or blue, which means they will know what's best for everyone's interests. The police are there to make sure that red and blue people are following the all-inclusive rules mandated by the mediator, and all this is done for the greater good of society. I-I'm gonna get all choked up over here, just thinking about how nice the government is to do all it does for us. They protect us from those fucking freaks that drink Pepsi, God I fucking hate those sub-human blue-tards! Red people generally have more money and are more successful, which means they are smarter. What started as a small neighborhood feud between Coke and Pepsi is actually how the gang warfare between the Bloods & Crips originated. That's right, they got the colors from Coke and Pepsi, which obviously is a lot more likely than a vast conspiracy involving powerful people manipulating reality in order to maintain control and power over the uninitiated masses. Fuck poor people. Oh, and how about those people that make their preference for Coke or Pepsi an aspect of their personality. They don't seem to understand that the color of the can is the only fucking difference. That's why I stick with Tab Cola, for those unmistakable metallic flavors and the uncomfortable, sticky feeling all over my body the next day.


r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

They're the exact same store except for the fact that one is red and one is blue... and yet, you have a preference for one over the other. You made up some reasons for why they are different in your head, because you are under an immense amount of mind control.

Ahh... consumerism. The arena of pointless choices. Why does one company manufacture all the different brands of eyeglasses?  Perhaps, to have control over the market?  No - to have control over you, stupid - and no... this isn't a joke. It's a desperate plea, urging you to wake up and see this shit for what it really is - when you have this opportunity - this window, into the illusion. You see, they are getting desperate, and lately, the world seems like it has gone mad - which is part of their strategy, which is preventing you from seeing it. Why do you think there are suddenly twenty new M&M flavor combinations? All these new Reese's Peanut Butter Cup's with minor alterations of essentially the same fucking thing? Let me guess - they're just having fun, right? Trying to stir up interest in candy bars? For profit, right? This is just a business strategy to get your money, right? No, no... I'm afraid you're thinking way too small. With your logic and reason, and all the other LIMITING BELIEFS that you have been - and are being indoctrinated with - every fucking day! These are all pointless choices, brought to you by consumerism, that are trying to keep you distracted! Keep your mind occupied! Why is Netflix trying to induce option paralysis? Why are the high-tech gadgets we use for entertainment purposes bombarding us with a constant onslaught of ads, new articles, stories, and a maddening amount of pointless bullshit?!?!?! They want you to be overwhelmed, they want you to freeze. They want you to have no sense of identity. They want life to overwhelm you with an endless list of pointless shit that has to get done in order to maintain.... maintain, what? THE ILLUSION, IDIOT. Ok, that was uncalled for - I don't think you're an idiot. I think that you know - in the bottom of your cold, gray heart - that the crazy shit I am saying sounds right... for some reason. They are manipulating reality in order to keep you under their power and control... I don't exactly know why, but I know that they care a lot more about you being distracted than they care about worthless green paper. You know what?  I bet the 1% doesn't give a shit about money - they simply have it all to piss you off. Why is all this corruption in the news all the time? The next fucking scandal, that everyone can talk about? WHY is the news saying wear masks, get vaccinated and the next week admitting COVID-19 is a bio-weapon? TO KEEP YOU DISTRACTED. THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO THEM. Oh, and Walmart and Target's LOGOS both contain some occult symbolism. Yep, Target's logo is the astrological symbol for the sun, and Walmart's logo is the Star of David with the hexagon in the middle. The hexagon is symbolic of the cube. Once you understand that, you can't not see the cube... it's fucking weird, but also a conversation for another time, when we can discuss why all of these well-known corporate LOGOs are symbolic of Saturn's rings:

r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

Oh, and if anyone hadn't noticed this:

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Most people just don't get it, man...


r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

You know what? I think I should devote a large portion of my life to watching a bunch of overpaid, mentally compromised, grown-ass men chase a ball around. I also think I should be passionate about the team that is closest to me in geographical proximity. This is not mind control, but as a conspiracy realist, I do like to point out that MK Ultra really did happen, and the CIA really did experiment with mind control back in the 1950's, but the program ended decades ago. I like to go on online conspiracy forums, and help people understand the reality of conspiracy theories, so they don't get sucked into lies like Q-anon or lizard people or THIS POST, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY THE WORK OF A MENTALLY UNSTABLE INDIVIDUAL.

Watching sports makes me feel safe, and comfortable, and it distracts me from all the bullshit of everyday life. It's good to have a nice distraction, and to fill my mind with useless sports stats, or to talk endlessly with the bro's about individual players strength's and weaknesses, in a boring monotonous tone of voice, while I sip domestic piss-water beer. I don't want to think too deeply about things, because it starts to make me really uncomfortable to have to confront reality. I'd rather just not worry about it and see what happens. Who am I but a lowly speck of insignificant worthless dog shit in this giant, scary universe where I am completely powerless to do anything but take whatever beating the world feels like dishing out to me that day? I dunno, maybe Jesus will come back, and good will win out in the end. Good always wins in the end, that's just the way it works, so I don't really have to worry about anything. God is good. My little brother doesn't like sports at all, and likes to put on girls makeup, and is always depressed and confused and obsessing about some dumb shit. We're lucky to live in the modern age, with advancements in science, that will allow my brother to medically transition into the woman that he always should have been, and always truly was on the inside. Some assholes don't think that trans women are women. They just don't understand how science works, and don't care to learn. They are just misogynistic, transphobic assholes. That's right, if you don't think that you can be born a guy, but change into a woman, that means you are transphobic. You hate trans people because you don't want to believe that a man can change into a woman. Anyway, that's my brother, not me. I like guy shit... because I'm normal.

CHOICE # 666

r/conspiracyNOPOL - Choices

The choice of the beast

Oh NO! This isn't allowed on this forum, which is why I hid it at the end, because I know nobody is still reading this. I've alienated myself from the audience, with all the confusing switching between dialogues of seemingly different people... and JUST BECAUSE I BET there will be some DIP-CLIP that says "this post talks about politics, that breaks the rules." HA! Nice try, but this isn't about politics; this is a meta-analysis of WHY it's NO POLITICS. The short answer is that participating in this is as pointless as those people above participating in gang warfare against their fellow man. "THOSE PEOPLE?" What do you mean, those people? Black people? THIS GUYS RACIST. No, even worse, he's INTOLERANT. The human race has become far too soft, weak and emasculated by pesticides and environmental toxins dumped all over us - every day! GET VACCINATED for other people, you SELFISH conspiracy theorist. This is why we aren't going to reach herd immunity and have to deal with COVID-19 for years to come - because of people like you. WHY WOULD I trust a RANDOM, intolerant asshole on reddit, who watched a YouTube video about lizard people, over EXPERTS who WENT TO SCHOOL for years, to become indoctrinated, believe everything the MSM tells them, and completely LACK the ability to critically think?!?? All my life I heard that I need to go to college, and today I couldn't be happier that I am not of a "higher education", because - from what I've gathered - they are some of the most CLOSE-MINDED people on the planet. LIMITING BELIEFS. That's what trendy these days.

I'm not done yet! Yes, I'm gonna talk about the donkey and the elephant... not only is it bullshit, but those that participate in it are participating in a terrible, evil practice. Why would you affiliate with a political party, and tell people what you think they can an cannot do? Can't you see that's the crux of the problem? I know things are fucked, when the majority of people are of the opinion that we need to FIX the government - change it - drain the swamp - bureaucracy, etc. They don't get it. We don't need to change the government - we need to END the government. Government is the single biggest threat to humanity. "But they protect us from the BAD people." Guess what - "the bad people" are there because of the government. The government needs the bad people to be there, to maintain their "illusion of legitimacy" (credit - Jim@EOI) to make themselves seem needed. THE BAD people are the people who protect us. The sooner you know that, the better off you are. Also, people on r/conspiracy still talking about election fraud because they think Trump is GOOD. Can't you see the mind control? How are these people this BLIND to reality?

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Manipulation of reality.

Look, the superpowers. The greatest countries in the world.... why do they have the exact same color scheme as all the pointless choices? How can they be united? This is the divided states and the divided kingdom, and they have conquered. DIVIDE and CONQUER. Oh wait, some patriots went off to find a new home, and fight for freedom from the oppression of the taxation of the royal bloody palace? Only to go and make their new country even more oppressive with higher taxes some 200 odd years later? Are you SURE that it wasn't actually to commit GENOCIDE against all the indigenous BROWN PEOPLE, whose genetic makeup allowed them to have a far deeper understanding of spirituality? CoUlDn't bE Th@T....


I am so sick of the average Redditor - who thinks they're smart, because they're an atheist who understands science - arguing with me, using all their SUPER-BELIEVABLE LIMITING BELIEFS. I know on Reddit it's hard to tell who is real and who ... isn't real, but these people are seemingly the majority now - and they're fucked.  They don't even actually understand what science is.  Science isn't chopping off your dick to be a woman.  Let's talk about the actual scientist who performed many series of actual scientific experiments to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people are able to control material reality with only the use of their minds.  Why doesn't anyone ever want to talk about THAT science?

What it seems is that every thing in this world, every institution, religion, and academic study has been corrupted to keep us under control.  The people that are in control of this world have access to esoteric knowledge that they have hidden from the masses to keep for themselves.  This knowledge involves the ability to manipulate reality, which they use for power and keeping the rest of us down and powerless.  From what I can tell, the thing they don't want us to know is that we are powerful beings, with capabilities that have been hidden and unused.  Every person needs to understand that they are a powerful being that doesn't need any help or anyone to save them.  WE have the power to control our own destiny.  If the majority would start believing in their power and themselves, we would have a chance at ending this shitty reality manipulation and living as non-dual beings of love, as the true source of creation made us - powerful, independent beings with everything we need... no need to evolve or learn shitty lessons about suffering.  Unfortunately, it seems like most people would prefer to keep their creature comforts, believe that this isn't as bad as I am making it sound, and remain here, in the safety of familiarity... away from the fear of the unknown.  And that makes me so fucking sad that it brings tears to my eyes.

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