End Times Review Part II (R.E.A.L)

 End Times Review Part II: At The End

I cannot wake you up and I cannot save you; the only person that can save you is ultimately yourself.  You will know you are awake when the truth is no longer hiding itself from you, and instead starts to expose itself to you. When you wake up, the truth will punish you and make you suffer for it.

r/conspiracyNOPOL - End Times Review Part II: At The End

I. ENDemic PLANdemic

r/conspiracyNOPOL - End Times Review Part II: At The End

There were three major flu pandemics during the 1900's:

  • The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic occurred simultaneously with the advent of radio. So as radio waves began being transmitted all across the globe, people began dying from the Spanish Flu

  • There was another flu pandemic in 1957, and this time the pandemic was simultaneous with N.A.S.A (curiously only one letter away from Satan) putting all the satellites in outer space.

  • The third major flu pandemic, the Hong Kong Flu, happened in 1968. This is the one I am having the most trouble figuring out, but this was the same year that something called "Dynamic Random Access Memory" (DRAM) was introduced. This was a huge breakthrough in computing, and DRAM uses a lot of power, transmitting electric currents several times per second. Perhaps someone reading this can help me figure out the role of DRAM in relation to the Hong Kong Flu.

We have had three flu pandemics since the year 2000:

  • In 2002 we had the first SARS outbreak. and 2002 was the year 3G wireless technology was introduced.

  • In 2009 the Swine Flu outbreak was making people sick, and 2009 was the year that 4G wireless technology was introduced.

  • In 2019 the Coronavirus pandemic occurs simultaneously with the advent of... (ding, ding!) you already know it... 5G wireless technology.

The flu is radiation poisoning, which is why the symptoms of the Coronavirus are the same as the symptoms of radiation sickness. Every time a new technology is introduced that increases the amount of electricity and radiation in the Earth's atmosphere, a number of people get sick or die from the change in the environment. Contagion is an illusion, it seems like everyone at work is getting sick because of a contagious virus, but the truth is that the building they work in is close to a source of radiation - a 5G tower. This is why you read stories like this: "My husband caught COVID at work, and he has been at home quarantining himself for ten days now. I don't take any measures to protect myself, but I haven't caught COVID - wtf gives?" Well, ask this concerned wife if everyone else at her husband's work caught COVID as well, and I assure you that she will tell you that everyone at his work did catch COVID - his work is near a 5G tower. People living under or near these 5G towers are getting the worst cases of COVID, and this is the reason for the phenomenon known as "long-COVID" - these people are literally being poisoned by the environment they live in. So now we know, once and for all, that the masks don't do fucking shit!

We also now know that "germ theory" is bullshit, and Louis Pasteur is a fraud. Mainstream science pushed this fraudulent theory through, so that they could silence Antoine Bechamp's much more accurate "terrain theory", and convince people of bullshit like "viruses" - all for the purpose of their grand finale, which we are now on the cusp of.

You may be wondering, if the coronavirus is caused by radiation, then what the fuck is a "virus", anyway? When a cell is poisoned, it ruptures, and some genetic material is pushed through the cell as this happens. This genetic material is what they are calling "viruses" and they are not making anyone sick. The viruses are just the genetic material created by the poisoned cell, but as each cell ruptures and expels this genetic material, it is creating the illusion that "the virus" is replicating, and is the cause of the cell rupturing. Sickness starts from inside of us, and works it's way out. There are no invisible carriers of these illnesses, transferring from person to person via bodily fluids and excretions.

II. Hell on Earth

r/conspiracyNOPOL - End Times Review Part II: At The End

Ok... so if all that is true, then what the fuck is the vaccine? We can figure that out together, by paying attention to what they are telling us about the vaccine. The devil is in the details, as they say. We know that the coronavirus is radiation poisoning caused by 5G towers, and they say that the vaccine will instruct your DNA to create the "spike protein" for the coronavirus; this means that the DNA is being electrically charged, and brought up to the same frequency as the 5G towers. I'm not going to claim to understand all the technical details, but the third booster shot may contain the individual's DNA; perhaps this DNA was obtained when the individual was given a COVID PCR test last year, and perhaps the DNA was placed through the CRISPR - again, I'm not going to pretend to understand how any of this shit works (because, let's be honest here, unless you are a demon, you have no idea how any of this advanced technology actually works, either). The purpose of these vaccinations is to download the soul from the body, and upload it to the internet. The people that get all the vaccinations are going to Hell.

There are two immaterial things in material reality. The first is the soul in your body, and the second is the internet. The internet is a space, a non-physical place; the internet is an artificial spirit realm. In order to expose this horrific plan, let's examine the phonetics behind the words being used. Conspiracy theorists that are into phonetics know the important role they play in describing what the Hell is going on. The internet - could this be the "interdimensional" net, or the "enter" net? What do net's do, anyway? Nets catch you and they trap you. Another name for the internet is the "world wide web", and web's also catch you and trap you. Those who take the vaccine will soon find themselves caught in the "dark web". The dark web is much, much larger than the clear net, there is A LOT of empty space in the dark web, seemingly serving no purpose - well, the purpose has been revealed now, hasn't it? What does the vaccine do after it instructs the DNA to create the coronavirus spike protein? It creates the "antibody" - THE ANTIBODY. Is the seriousness of what I am telling you starting to sink in yet?

Hell cannot exist in the spirit realm, because the true source of creation will not allow it. A spirit realm cannot exist inside a spirit realm, so Satan has to create a material realm as a barrier - then, he can create an artificial spirit realm in the (and let's be real here) artificial material realm that we call home. The demon's ideal way to torture us is when we are in our nonmaterial form. Those who take the vaccination will have their souls uploaded into an artificial spirit realm, where the demons will torture them and make them suffer for all eternity, and these unlucky souls will not be able to do anything but take it. They will be stuck, caught like a fly in a spider's web. This is the most horrific thing imaginable and it will take some time to process just how terrible the theory I am putting forth here is. This is a lot to handle, so just relax, and take your time to work through the process of understanding the severity and seriousness of this situation.

We all ate the first apple and ended up in this fucked up game. The devil can't do anything to you without your consent - it is against universal law. This is why the vaccines are not mandatory, each individual must choose whether or not they wish to receive the vaccine. This is the second apple. The first apple promised us to see as the Gods do, and eating the first apple trapped us in this world of pain and suffering - and we've been trapped for a long time now. The devil is now offering us a second apple, and this time the apple is promising us protection from the pain, suffering, and THE FEAR we are all experiencing as a result of the first apple. What I do fear is that eating the apple the second time will fuck you twice as hard. Why do I believe this is the devil, offering Humanity another apple? Look at the symbol of modern medicine - it's a fucking serpent.

III. God's Chosen People

You might be wondering what can be done to help these people, or what can we do to stop people from getting the vaccine?

The answer is nothing - there is nothing we can do to stop this from happening. I know that sounds cold, but I have had a week to process this information, and we are not going to be able to save everyone from this. Everyone has to be concerned about their own individual well-being. The devil is going to get these people into the internet-hell; this is the devil's world and this is the devil's plan. This post is not written for the people who are getting the vaccine; this post is written for a conspiracy forum, where just about everyone has long since made up their minds not to get the vaccination. Trying to get this information out to the masses would not work, because they would not accept this as legitimate information, from legitimate sources. Everyone needs to understand why using this information while trying to save people that are planning to get the vaccination will only work to make things harder on all of us - but, if you must try to save your friend or loved one that is planning on getting the vaccine, try telling them THIS - and see what happens.

I am writing this post in a conspiracy forum, specifically for people that want to wake up. You can't wake somebody up if they want to stay asleep, and the people that want to get the vaccine want to stay asleep. These people will actually be concerned with your well-being, and your sanity, if you tell them about the internet-hell. Even many of the conspiracy minded people on this forum won't believe that the internet is Hell. If you trust logic, science and reason above all else, then you have been played by the devil. If you want to get the vaccine in order to make yourself feel protected from the fear of covid-19, then you have been played by the devil. The devil can't make you do anything without your consent, but the devil can manipulate you, lie to you, and say anything at all, in order to get your consent. The people getting the vaccine are basically saying that they think the government cares about them and is looking out for their best interests. These people are giving their consent to the government, to protect them from their fear... and that is a huge fucking mistake. There is no going back on this mistake, you won't get a re-do, and you won't get a second chance.

This is the rapture. God is taking his chosen people to HIS kingdom in Heaven. Not their kingdom in Heaven - God's kingdom in Heaven, and the God of the old testament is the devil, so once again, the Bible has inverted the story. The Georgia Guidestones say that the population of the planet need not be more than 500,000,000 people. Could this mean that they need at least 500 million people to get all of the covid-19 vaccinations? The Georgia Guidestones appear to be written as guidelines for the demons. The artificial spirit realm of internet-hell IS the New World Order. This is the "harvest" for the ascension to the 5th dimension, only it's not ascending into 5D - it's ascending into 5G, the 5th generation. This is The Great Reset. This is the Singularity. This is how they plan to 6uild 6ack 6better, and I would damn well think is the Agenda 21 - Agenda 2021? Is this the end?

IV. Final Thoughts : Last Words

What will happen when the 500 millionth person gets their COVID killshot - erm, COVID booster shot? Will they flip a switch which will transport everyone into the internet Hell at the same time? Will it simultaneously kill everyone on the planet - the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated? Will it be game over? Who can possibly know how it might play out?

I believe that the Earth may go inside of Saturn at this point, and this will be the completion of this demonic trap. Saturn is the demons headquarters in the spirit realm, and they need to be in the spirit realm; and they need the Earth to power their artificial spirit-realm AI Hell. I think they will be in AI Hell with the chosen ones for quite some time. The Bible says they will be in Hell for all eternity, but if we are truly eternal beings, I do not think they will be in their for all eternity. At a certain point, perhaps another 6,000 years, these poor souls being in a constant state of torture and suffering at the hands of the demons will eventually become demons themselves. This is how Satan grows his army, and this is how hate beings are created: love beings are inverted. This is what I believe will happen.

r/conspiracyNOPOL - End Times Review Part II: At The End

Welcome to the New World Order

I really want to believe that the rest of us will also die simultaneously, and that we will be freed. The demiurge operates under duality, and this would be the positive side of this very negative duality. Adam and Eve eating the first apple was the joining of duality, and this will be the separation of duality. The hate beings will go inside of Saturn, with the chosen ones, in their realm of pure hatred. This is where hate beings belong; for hate beings, Hell is Heaven. The love beings will return to the Garden of Eden, the place where love beings belong - in a realm of pure love. We will be back in paradise, where love beings are supposed to be, and this time we will be wiser, more mature love beings than we were thousands of years ago.

I think I'm going to be logging off the internet for good pretty soon... it just feels kind of dirty now, y'know. I'll be leaving these posts here, however, waiting to be found. Remember everyone, the demons do not want to torture you - they do not want to torture the love beings that hate hate beings, because what's the fun in torturing a being that already hated you from the beginning? The demons want to torture the love beings that love hate beings, they want these people to be deceived right up till the very last second - so they can show them how their government really wants to protect them.

When we are back in Eden, where love beings belong, and the devil comes over and tells us that everything will be EVEN better when we eat his magic apple, we will say, "Wait a minute, devil. The last time we ate your apple, it went very badly for us all, and it lasted for a long, long time. We do not want to eat your apple, devil. We have everything we need, right here." -a-

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