End Times Review (R.E.A.L)

This is an attempt to solve the Rubik's cube of conspiracy theory. This is your end times review.

r/EscapingPrisonPlanet - End Times Review

I. Eve Ate The Apple, Adam Got Fucked Hard

r/EscapingPrisonPlanet - End Times Review

We are all Human beings, but what most of us don't realize is that there are two different types of Human beings: beings of love and beings of hate. If you are not sure if you are a love being or a hate being... then you're a love being. You would know if you were a hate being, because it is the hate beings that have trapped the love beings in this material world.

Going further, there are two different types of love beings: the love beings that love the hate beings, and the love beings that hate the hate beings. Eve represents the love beings that love the hate beings. These are the people who like all the authoritarian systems in place in this world. They feel protected by the police, they follow all the rules, and they believe that the government is looking out for their best interests. They are the type of people who will never read this post. Eve was deceived by the snake into eating the fruit, and then she convinced Adam that he should eat the fruit as well. Adam represents the love beings that hate the hate beings. After Eve convinced Adam he should eat the apple too, Adam quickly realized that he had made a huge mistake. Conspiracy theorists are almost exclusively love beings that hate the hate beings. They are the people that say fuck all this authority, and they are the people who can see that there is something seriously fucked up going on around this planet. They feel threatened by the police, they don't like to follow the rules, and they know that the stupid fucking government is not looking out for their best interests. They are the type of people that would enjoy reading this post.

Eve was the one that was actually deceived by the serpent, yet Eve has spent the last 6,000 years in relative comfort, because Eve doesn't mind the authority imposed on her, and Eve doesn't mind following all the rules. Adam, on the other hand, wasn't deceived by the serpent and only ate the apple after Eve told him he should try it. Adam has spent the last 6,000 years poor and in jail, suffering time and time again, at the hands of vicious rulers, but it is ultimately Eve that the devil is going to fuck the hardest.

II. love:ɘvol as live:ɘvil >< evolution = evillusion

Remember back in the 1970's, when you would walk into a hospital, and every floor would be painted a different color? The walls were painted red on the first floor, blue on the second floor, green on the the third floor, and yellow on the top floor. Well, I wasn't alive in the 1970's, so this description may not be quite accurate, but you get the idea. These days, every floor on the hospital looks the exact same - white and sterile. The different colored floor system of organization has been reduced to a thin line of color running along the upper part of the wall, where only hospital staff are aware of it's existence. Why is it that as time goes on, things become more... bland? Modern art is a painting of a large orange square juxtaposed with a small red circle, and modern design is a mostly empty room with several 90° angles and sleek, rigid furniture. It seems like cold, grey, and alienating is trending in the world of fashion and interior design lately. Why does it feel like the more we evolve, the less human we become?

Because, it is not our evolution we are witnessing - it is the evolution of the parasite. This is the evolution of the demonic simulation we have been caught and trapped in, and now we are just along for the ride. From the moment we are born, we are being programmed by the environment around us. Our programming will determine how we play their demonic game, and there are numerous ways we can be programmed. We can tune into our favorite radio program, or view our regularly scheduled television programming. We can attend our college program, or we can join an apprenticeship program. When we go to the theatre, we get a program to play, and when we go to church, we get a program to pray, and if we need to get our act together, then we probably need to get with the program.

You are not evolving, and you do not need to evolve, either, because you were complete upon creation. You are a being of pure love, that has been shoved inside of a human avatar, and bound to DNA that has been programmed in such a way as to assure that you are severely limited and cut off from your full potential. The idea of evolution makes zero fucking sense, it is essentially saying that complexity arises from nothing more than the passage of time. Where is the magic ingredient present in all organic life that allows the necessary process to occur, a process known as "getting something out of nothing"? The truth is that this place is a demonic simulation, and like any other computer program, it is updated on a regular basis, in order to ensure that we are up to date with the latest version.

666. The Beast System

r/EscapingPrisonPlanet - End Times Review

This life is not a test from God; this life is a test from Satan. We all were tricked by the Devil roughly 6,000 years ago; I am presuming this because this is approximately when recorded history begins, along with "the dawn of civilization". When the Devil tricked us into eating the apple, we became trapped in material reality - and the demons are playing a very long game - and we are nearing its end. The key to understanding how the demons were able to trick us so well, is in the understanding that the demons are here amongst us, in Human bodies - living as Human beings, just as we are. We are all Human beings on this planet, but some of the Humans know exactly what is going on, and they have been playing dumb this whole time, as they have been working towards their end goal. All of the landmark events in history occurred at the hands of demonic souls in Human bodies; they are responsible for our bloody history, and they are responsible for our present scenario. Most of the famous people, if not all of the famous people, throughout history have all been demons. It seems like Humanity is fucked, because Humanity is fucked - but only the portion of Humanity that is demonic.

I must admit, that this was a very clever trick on the part of the demons... but of course trickery and deceit is their forte. We all feel connected to one another, through our Human bond, and we all feel like we are searching for the answers - we all share this mutual Human understanding of what it means to be a Human... or so we thought.

We are in, and have been in, a 6,000 year long trap where we are continuously cycled through living one pointless life after another pointless life. The demons have their base in the spirit realm inside of Saturn, and this is where we go when we die. We are beings of pure love, and when we die and shed off our restricting, physical bodies, we experience an overwhelming feeling of love, pure joy and bliss. This love is simply us experiencing ourselves, but the demons are there to convince us otherwise. They disguise themselves as highly advanced "spirit-guides" that are there to help us understand our purpose and our "spiritual evolution". They convince us that the love we feel is not coming from us, but that it is coming from them and the "spirit realm" they have us enclosed in - the "spirit realm" located inside the black cube of Saturn. Basically, we have each suffered through a countless number of lives over the last 6,000 years, and at the end of each life "we go to Heaven" for a brief period of time, where we get to rest and feel ourselves, until the demons (who are acting the roles of advanced spirit guides that "love and care" about us) trick us into returning to live another life on Earth, for the greater good of all, and the progression of our "spiritual evolution" (another lie fabricated by the demons).

For the great majority of this Satanic takeover, the great majority of demons have been inside of Saturn, in order to keep up that part of the trap. In other words, most of the demonic army was needed in the spirit realm, while a smaller amount of demons were here on Earth, achieving all of our Human achievements, introducing agriculture and animal husbandry, manifesting all of our revolutions (the industrial revolution, the technologic revolution, and creating problems like slavery and misogyny, and then using their demonic bases on Earth, governments, to offer shitty, problematic solutions to the issues - the issues created by them. All of this has been part of a long, long, game. A trick to deceive us into their next trap, and that trap is finally set, and the bait is in place.

I'm sure everyone recalls the population boom we experienced roughly twenty - thirty years ago. This population boom happened because all of the demons have left the spirit realm to come to Earth for the final act. All the souls - the love beings and the hate beings - are here on Earth right now, and many of us have noticed how dark and evil life is becoming. The demons are most of our politicians, the majority of our entertainers, and also filling the roles of people you see and interact with everyday - they work in gas stations, they deal drugs at the park, and retrieve shopping carts in the Walmart parking lot. We all love the music the demons make, and we laugh at the T.V. shows they act in. We all know demons personally. They have worked hard creating this reality that they have trapped us in, and they have been keeping the truth a secret for 6,000 years. The reason that the pace of technology seems to be getting faster and faster is because all of the demons are all grown up in their Human bodies, and working on their demonic technology.

IV. God is a Dirty Word

The Bible is like a puzzle; the truth is hidden within the words, and like everything occult-related, much of the Bible is inverted. This has made God a dirty word, because the God of the Old Testament is no God at all - the God of the Old Testament is Satan. To avoid confusion, I refer to what most people are thinking about in relation to the word "God" as "The True Source of Creation" or "The One True God". In the Bible, Jesus Christ is the representation of the The True Source of Creation - and look what they did to him. They crucified him, and left him on display for all to see what they think of The True Source of Creation; this is what they do to pure, unconditional love. The Catholic Church is inverted; the Catholic Church is demonic. The centerpiece in every Catholic Church is the image of Jesus Christ, bloody, dead and nailed to the cross. This is what they think of the One True God. Then they do a Satanic ritual where they tell everybody to "eat his body" and "drink his blood"; this is disgusting. I refuse to worship a dead guy on a cross.

Jesus is not going to save us - Jesus can't save us. This is something everyone needs to understand: The One True God will not violate your freewill; The One True God cannot violate your free will. The True Source of Creation does not require anything from you, and The True Source of Creation wants you to know that you have to save yourself - it is up to each and every individual to save themselves from this demonic takeover. The only one that is going to save you is yourself. You just need to know one important thing - that YOU are The True Source of Creation, just as Jesus Christ is!

Think about it like this: what would a truly loving creator create? A truly loving creator would not create anything beneath it; a truly loving creator would not create anything less than itself. A truly loving creator would create a truly loving creator, because this is the ultimate expression of love, and that is what we are: beings of pure love. The True Source of Creation creates The True Soucre of Creation creates The True Source of Creation creates The True Source of Creation creates. The One True God cannot save you, but The One True God wants you to know and understand that you are The One True God. We are not little pieces of God, and we are not all part of one God; we are all, individually and on our own, The One True God. Realizing this will help you understand why these demons are not more powerful than you are, they are just very manipulative and have deceived you. They have deceived us all; everyone here was tricked into their demonic trap.

We are now living in The Beast System, where everyone is subjected to systems of authority, and everyone has to follow strict rules and guidelines, as well as obey the laws put forth by these authoritarian constructs of the demons. The One True God would never judge us, but Satan will. These demons are crazy, but based on my encounters with them, I have interpreted their beliefs in the following ways:

  • The demons have constructed these systems of authority to see who will obey the laws and follow the rules - and these are the individuals that the demons hate the most.

  • This is not necessarily about being a good person; this is about being an authentic person. An authentic person will do as they please, and will not allow themselves to be hindered by rules that they do not believe are just.

  • People that are compliant and obey all the rules will get through life more easily than people who dislike authority and try to walk their own path.

  • An authentic person will reject authority over and over again, even though they live a poor life as an outcast from society over and over again. An authentic person follows their heart, not the crowd. Other people choose to follow the Beast System above all else, even their own reasoning and intuition, and they believe that following the rules of the Beast System makes them a good person; they believe that by following the rules, they are doing the right thing.

  • Science, reason, and logic are constructs of the beast system. Be careful when placing your trust in constructs which amount to nothing more than aspects of a simulation.

r/EscapingPrisonPlanet - End Times Review

I don't wanna worship a dead guy on a cross

My girlfriend went into labor, so I took her to the hospital. We don't normally like going to the hospital, but she was in so much pain, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted her and our baby to be safe, so we decided the best thing to do was go to the hospital so they could help us safely deliver the baby. The hospital did help us to safely deliver the baby, and I am grateful for that; my girlfriend ended up requiring a C-section, according to the hospital, and I am glad that we went there because both my girlfriend and baby are safe. Unfortunately, the hospital's services did not end after the birth of my baby. They were upset that we did not receive any prenatal care, and the OBGYN told us our baby was seven weeks premature, and would need to be placed in the N-ICU for a period of time. My girlfriend and I are both drug addicts; we use crystal meth and opiates, and my girlfriend used these substances throughout her pregnancy. When the hospital discovered our baby was withdrawing, social workers got involved, and now we cannot have our baby until we complete the things they are requiring us to complete. They said that what my girlfriend did was child abuse, but I disagree. The hospital did not allow us, or give us the chance to make things right. We had planned to wean our baby off of opiates with breastfeeding and a small amount of liquid methadone. Our baby would not have suffered through this; in fact, our baby is very calm as the hospital weans him down off opiates with methadone. I think that the hospital is abusing my child. They keep him in a sterile room all day, alone, and he is not getting the love and affection and bonding that his mother and myself wish to give him. We are only allowed to hold him during scheduled feeding times - well, my girlfriend is, at least. I am not allowed on hospital property anymore, or I am trespassing. Simply because they were making security pat us down to check for drugs every time we come in to see our baby, and one day I asked the nurse why she thinks I would bring drugs or paraphernalia into the room with my baby? She claimed that I was mistreating her, and now I can't see my baby. I want nothing more than to hold my baby and give him love and affection. I hate this, and I hate that we will not be getting custody of our child for quite some time. I hate that nobody bothered to spend time with me and my girlfriend, or else they would see that we love our baby, and want to take care of our baby. It also turns out that our baby was not premature whatsoever, our baby was term and perfectly healthy aside from being addicted to drugs. There is nothing wrong with our baby. I hate the fucking hospital.

Last weekend, my girlfriend went into a hotel after midnight. We were tired, it was snowing outside, and we just wanted a room so we could get some rest. My girlfriend had just gotten her stimulus check direct deposited, and we walked into a well-known, middle-class chain hotel. We used the debit card that had my girlfriend's stimulus on it to purchase two nights at the hotel. A few hours before checkout, we went back to the lobby to purchase an additional night. This time, a different person told us that they would not accept our debit card, because it was not from a major bank. This is a rule the hotel has, that seemingly serves no purpose. The card is accepted when used to make a payment, so this rule truly is pointless, as far as I can tell. The first person knew our card was against the rules, but saw that it was late and we were tired, so they decided to forget about the rule and they swiped the card. Since the hotel doesn't accept cash either, we were unable to purchase another night and had to leave.

A few days ago, I thought it was the last day on Earth. I was convinced the world was ending that day. I walked into a gas station downtown, where homeless people typically are hanging out in the parking lot. A young homeless woman asked me if she could have a cigarette. I checked my pockets and told her, "I don't have any right now, but I'm going in to buy some and will give you one when I come out." She said I had one behind my ear, which I did, so I happily gave it to her. Inside the gas station, I pulled the rest of my girlfriends stimulus out of the ATM; it was $300 and all the money we had. I walked out of the store and gave the homeless woman a twenty dollar-bill and an unopened pack of premium cigarettes. Her face lit up when I did this, and I could see that I had just made her day. She thanked me several times, and it felt great making her happy. I thought the world was ending that day, but I wish that wasn't what it took to get me to do stuff like that. Afterwards, I went to the park downtown, where I gave a couple more twenty dollar-bills away to the homeless, and spent the rest of the money on overpriced illicit substances.

My brother told me something nice the other day. He told me that if a guy asked him for a cigarette, but he only had one left, he would give it to the guy anyway, because it would make him happier to give it away than to keep it for himself. I liked this sentiment, because it reminds me that I should try to live in the moment as much as I can. Even though it is my last cigarette, I might not want it right this moment - I might not want it for a couple hours, but this guy wants a cigarette now. IN this moment, this dude needs the cigarette more than I do, so in this moment, I should give the guy my last cigarette, and I'll worry about it later. After all, it's live in THE moment - not live in YOUR moment. Do the right thing for THIS moment, and THIS moment is everyone's moment. It's the only moment there is and the only moment we will ever truly have.

(to be continued...)

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