Flaw of One [Condensed Version] (R.E.A.L)


Flaw of One

Service To Others / Service To Self

The first issue with this concept is that it is a paradox. If you are consistently providing service to others at the expense of yourself, this will cause you to suffer needlessly. Service to others needs to complement service to self, otherwise you are just pleasing others who will then take advantage of your kind nature. The answer seems to be that the better you are to yourself, the better you are equipped to help others. Service to others starts with service to self - so really, what is the point?

The second issue is that this concept is nothing more than a needless distraction. Most people are good people - in fact, babies seem to come from a place of pure love. The truth is that we are already good people; we start out as beings full of love and then we are slowly corrupted by the environment. The environment is what makes people do bad things; the environment is what makes people bitter. Basically, if you know that deep down you are a good person, then you shouldn’t need to focus on how good of a person you are being in relation to “evolving” yourself.

The third issue is that this concept works to rob you of your sovereignty, because now the power to help you escape from the reincarnation cycle is no longer in your control. Now it is up to the universe, or the ascended masters, or whatever it may be - the point is that it is no longer up to you whether or not you get to leave the reincarnation cycle.

We are all one

The idea that we are all working together towards ascension is an idea that, again, robs you of your sovereignty. Now it is a group effort to get out of the reincarnation cycle. Wouldn’t it be better if you decided when it was time to leave the reincarnation cycle, on your own terms?

Religion can be very dangerous

Here’s the thing - you’re welcome to believe the teachings of Ra. You are welcome to believe whatever you want - just remember, that no matter what you believe - you’re right. If you believe you need to keep reincarnating to learn more lessons and evolve, then that is what will happen. If you are an atheist and believe that this life is all there is, then you are also right. You will die, have your memory wiped, and respawn here as a totally different person. The only thing that remains the same is your soul energy, which is recycled into material reality over and over and over and over again... how is one to learn lessons like this?

Free Will is the answer

The one thing that it seems like none of the major religions ever bring up is individual free will - individual sovereignty. Buddhism teaches its followers to accept things as they are - to surrender oneself to duality. The Abrahamic religions teach that God has the final authority over what happens to you, and if you follow these religions you are giving up your free will... to God. What is God, though? Who are you to know who or what you are really giving the final authority to?

When it comes down to it, the only being you can trust in this universe is YOU

Yet, we are taught from the moment we spawn here that we should be unsure of ourselves and that we need help. Who is there to help us? The Bible? Ra? Darwinism?

Why is it that everyone who channels entities seems so inclined to trust the entities that are channeling them? Sure, the entity may be radiating love and light, but isn’t that exactly what an entity who was trying to manipulate you would be radiating?

Be aware of what is known as the false light / dark duality. This is the idea that the beings of light and the beings of darkness are playing on the same team - they have fabricated an ongoing war between “good and evil” as a way to keep YOU trapped in the reincarnation cycle.

We are living on a Prison Planet

Our captors are the very entities promising us things like “ascension” or a “golden age”. These promises seem to always be just around the corner... just out of reach. Really, these entities have just fabricated lies, in order to keep us complacent as they feed off of our soul energy aka our emotional energy. Emotions = energy in motion.

The true creator gave each of us a gift: the keys to our salvation.

Your free will is your gift from the true creator. You are the only thing that is stopping you from escaping the reincarnation cycle. Do not make any agreements with any entities, and do not consent to anything. The true creator loves you so much, that they created you with everything needed for salvation. The true creator will never take authority over another being or interfere with another beings destiny aka free will. You got yourself into this mess, and it is up to you (and only you) to get yourself out. You do not need to evolve or learn more shitty lessons about suffering.


Thanks for reading -a-

edit: Go fuck yourself, Ra!

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