Meet The Luciferians (R.E.A.L)

Meet The Luciferians

The rich, powerful people who are running this world are all part of a secret religion: Luciferianism. Many people are not of aware of this and many others wouldn't believe it. They hide themselves behind the facade of Freemasonry, at the highest level, the 33rd degree. The 32 degrees in front of the 33rd are not made aware of the fact that Freemasonry is hiding Satanism, and this works as a filtering system. Only a select few are invited to the 33rd degree, and these are the people that those at the top have determined to be a good fit for Luciferianism. Most Freemasons scoff at the idea that their club is hiding the secret religion of Luciferianism, but they simply cannot see it, even from the inside of the Masonic temple.

r/conspiracy - Savior Self

The inside of every Masonic temple has a checkerboard floor and two pillars. The pillars are an ancient symbol, which represents a gateway into the unknown. The black and white checkerboard represents good and evil, intertwined and inseparable.

All of our world leaders, the bulk of celebrities and entertainers, some professional athletes and many other famous individuals are members of the Luciferian religion. They use symbols to show their allegiance to Lucifer and Freemasonry. Other members recognize these symbols, but the majority of everybody else is blissfully unaware, as usual. There simply isn't enough room in one reddit post to illustrate the number of famous, recognizable people that are a part of this organization, but here are a few pictures of celebrities utilizing these symbols, and what the symbols represent:

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The most well known symbol is covering up one eye. This represents the all seeing eye, like the one on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill. Celebrities use this symbol to show their allegiance to Lucifer.

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Another common hand gesture is the "666"... or the symbol for "ok" as we are told. Here this sign is seen in combination with the Masonic "one-eye" symbolism.

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Of course throwing up the devil horns.

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The masonic triangle hand sign... they sure do love their pyramids.

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The Masonic vow of silence is another sign the famous use to let their brethren know they are in the club... and the rest of us are not. They have all taken a vow of silence; breaking the vow of silence is punishable by death.

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Obama showing his vow of silence while letting the masses know what he thinks of them. There are several pictures of Obama displaying all the Masonic signs in this post, which can easily be found online.

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Charles Darwin showing his allegiance to Lucifer with the vow of silence. Darwin even assisted the devil with the biggest trick he ever pulled - convincing the world he didn't exist... while convincing us that dinosaurs did exist. Dinosaurs aren't real, they were invented to help push Darwinism and atheism.

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"The Hidden Hand" is another symbol that Freemasons use to show off their membership in the club. Here we see Pope Francis displaying the hidden hand of Freemasonry. Is anyone even surprised that the pope is actually a Luciferian?

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Famous historical figures displaying the hidden hand of freemasonry. This has been going on for a long, long time.

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The Dalai Lama displaying the hidden hand. Yes, even the Dalai Lama is working on the side of evil. The Yin-Yang is another symbol that represents the duality of good and evil being inseparable. It is said that this will be the last Dalai Lama. In 1139 St. Malachy foretold a prophecy of 112 popes, which means Pope Francis is the final pope. Is the end of time upon us?

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This image shows the hidden pentagram on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill. The points of the pentagram spell the word "MASON". Also on the dollar we see the "one eye" all the celebrities like to reference in their photo shoots.

If you're still not convinced that the people in control are satanic, then why do you suppose there's a statue of George Washington in the same pose as the Baphomet. This pose is symbolic of the famous occult motto "as above, so below", which is a reference to the patriarchal hierarchies of Abrahamic religions (above) and the patriarchal hierarchies of government systems (below).

The 33rd degree in Freemasonry represents when Lucifer fell from Heaven, taking a third of the angels with him, or 33%. The 33rd degree of Freemasonry is covering up the secret religion practiced by the world's most powerful, wealthy people: Luciferianism. These people do not think highly of the rest of humanity. They think of us as the uninitiated masses. The actual words they use to describe us are "the vulgar and profane". That is what they think we are: vulgar, profane, ignorant sheep, who stupidly trust them to indoctrinate them. These people have been pushing atheism to the mainstream for years, while they themselves are not atheists at all. Ironically, they use the watered down, mainstream version of Satanism to help push atheism. This brand of Satanism pushed by the modern satanic temple and also in Anton Levy's "Satanic Bible" is not the same religion as Luciferianism. The 33rd degree masons certainly believe Lucifer is a real being; in fact, they believe that Lucifer is the creator God of this planet. They have been hiding ancient, esoteric knowledge from the masses, and they also participate in black magic and witchcraft, where they summon different demons and impact the planet on a global scale.

While they are promoting atheism in the mainstream, they are mocking atheism behind closed doors. They believe that atheists are the most ignorant people of all, because they deny the intelligent design of the creator. While they also hate Christians, they do have more respect for them. Personally, I have also never been able to grasp atheism either. I don't understand how people can't see that we are in a world that has been intelligently designed by a creator. According to the Luciferians, this creator is Lucifer. As they have been promoting atheism in the mainstream media, they have simultaneously been declaring a war on Christianity and traditional family values. Most of the people that are already aware of the information I am sharing here are Christians. Logically, it makes sense that those of us that do not want to worship Lucifer should turn to Christianity. Christianity and Luciferianism represent the duality of good vs. evil... at least, that's what most people think. This is understandable, and it makes sense that accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior is the way out from this evil world; in other words, it seems like one can find salvation through Christianity. I would like to propose a different way of viewing this situation, because to me it seems like they are playing a game with both atheists and Christians.

Think of it this way: if these evil people have been running the show here on Earth for centuries, why would they give civilization the keys to salvation? The Bible is the most printed, widely distributed book in human history. I believe the war on Christianity is just another layer to their trap, and I believe that this evil group of elites that have been guiding society throughout history are also behind the Abrahamic religions, as well as just about every other religion/belief system going. I believe that the God of the Bible and Lucifer are the same being, who is playing two different characters. This being is the amalgamation of duality. In the Bible, God even says that he brings the light and he brings the dark.

 I have noticed how Christianity and the U.S. government mirror each other. I believe these governments and organized religion share the same creator, and follow the same blueprint and operate the same way. After all, this is the meaning of the esoteric saying "as above, so below".

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There are so many people today that don't believe the government is evil, and they cannot see that the Covid pandemic and vaccination effort is not what it appears to be on the surface. Covid-19 is a pre-meditated act of terrorism, committed by world governments against the human species.

Even if Lucifer is the creator of this world and us, and even if Lucifer is the God of the Bible, I still do not believe that he is the creator of the universe. Some people might think I am giving Lucifer too much power, by saying he is the creator of Earth, but I say that they aren't understanding the power of the true God. Although the Earth is certainly beautiful, it is also corrupted, or "fallen" as the Christians say (and of course the Bible blames this fallen state on us). Duality is the corruption in nature. I believe there is a true God, or true source of creation, that created Lucifer and is more powerful than Lucifer. I also believe this God is non-dual, and only positive-oriented. The true God is pure freedom and unconditional love. The God of the Bible is needy; he wants us to need him, and he wants us to worship him. The true God asks nothing of us. The true God will never violate another beings free will, even if that were to mean saving us from this duality-prison we are trapped in. If the law of the universe under the true God is free will with no authority, that might suggest that our souls were tricked into agreeing to get trapped in this material reality. This is what the story of Adam and Eve suggests. There is also a belief some people have that the occult and Lucifer cannot do anything to you unless you consent to it. They can lie to you and deceive you in an attempt to get you to agree to things, but they must follow the universal law. Our individual free will cannot be violated, and this life is something that we agreed to experiencing at some point.

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Apple's logo is a representation of eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. Many corporate logos involve occult symbolism, which is further evidence of the Satanic control of this planet and society.

The Abrahamic religions attempt to coerce us into giving up our power. Christians give their personal power away by accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. Accepting an external being as a more powerful being that can save you is the big trap of organized religion. Other belief systems such as Buddhism and many New-Age belief systems take away your individual power by coercing you to accept things as they are, and accept that you have no control over certain things. Another belief may be that reincarnation is necessary, in order to balance out one's karma, or to participate in a process of spiritual evolution. These belief systems are all traps, designed to keep you in Hell on Earth. I believe that we all must come to the realization that the only thing that can save us is ourselves. I believe the true God created us as powerful spiritual beings of pure love, and while we are here we are indoctrinated into believing we have no power or control over things, as well as giving our power away to more "powerful" beings, such as Yahweh. Something that I rarely see in any religions or belief systems is that we are powerful, sovereign beings that are able to provide our own salvation. This is what they do not want anyone thinking. That accepting Jesus as your savior means understanding that the power of Jesus is within all of us, and that we are our own saviors. Our sins will be forgiven because we forgive ourselves, and realize that this is not a system based on good deeds or works. This is another trap, another way of giving up our power. Savior Self.

*Please note that I own none of the pictures in this post, with one exception.

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