The Flaw of One (R.E.A.L)

I think they should remake the movie The Matrix, where Keanu decides to take the blue pill instead of the red pill. He then returns to life as normal, where he works as a clerk in a grocery store, lives alone in a studio apartment, and is generally a pretty bland dude. The underdeveloped plot will trudge along at an agonizingly slow pace and will ultimately be anti-climactic. It will be just terrible, as it remains #1 at the box office for an entire month, from being far beyond overly-hyped up by the media months ahead of its premiere. There will be no special effects.

The original movie (the one that actually exists) shows us a world that is a simulation, where people are cut off from their true selves and their potential. This simulation, or matrix (if you will) is monitored by agents, who work to keep the illusion going so that everyone inside the matrix will remain trapped. The Matrix is upheld as one of the best films ever made. How many among us are convinced that reality really is as it is described in the movie?

Those with eyes to see the symbolism that is all around us can discern that this is indeed some type of prison planet under the control of a negative power. The entities in control use symbolism that contains clues to the esoteric roots of their empire. Almost all recognizable corporate logos are hiding symbolism such as pyramids, triangles, the sun, the pentagram, the golden gate, all seeing eye and likely the most common symbolism: the rings of Saturn or the cube. They erect their phallic representation known as the obelisk all over the globe, and they are behind the powerful people who run the world.

Many people, even spiritual people, don't believe the negative entities are actually real. They believe they are thought forms created by humanity, or that the imbalance of power on this planet is simply our human nature. I know the entities are real. I have seen them and communicated with them before. They operate in the astral plane, and they wish to remain hidden from the masses, as the elite carry out their plans for continuing their reign of control over humanity. It does seem that they are feeding off of our spiritual energy, perhaps of our emotions (or energy-in-motion). Like many spiritual people, I also believe that we are reincarnating here repeatedly. Where I differ from many of you, is my belief that our purpose for reincarnation is to sustain this parasitic entity as its food source... we're the "food of the gods" you might say. My goal is to make the fine folks of this subreddit question some of their core beliefs, by helping you to see why I consider them to be deceptive.

Not long ago, I was all about Ra and The Law of One, and I preached the teachings of Ra. I was absolutely enamored by The Interview with the Hidden Hand, which is very similar to LOO. I'm gonna tell you why I no longer feel this way today, and why I now call it The Lie of One.

In 1945, several Gnostic gospels were discovered in the town of Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They had been buried underground for centuries, since the third century, when the Catholic church declared Gnosticism to be heresy. The church claimed it was devil worship and anti-Christian, and ordered all Gnostic gospels to be destroyed. What a blessing that someone decided to bury these texts, so that they would be discovered only decades ago. The Nag Hammadi (the name given to these Gnostic gospels) is where the information about these entities that have enslaved our souls in material reality comes from. We are blessed to have this information available to us, as it had long been forgotten by our collective consciousness... speaking of our collective consciousness...

The New Age movement only began after the discovery of the Nag Hammadi. That's when old Ra knew he needed to do something to distort our understanding of Gnosticism. I'm sure many of you are aware that LOO and the Hidden Hand are related to Gnosticism. Also after the discovery of the Nag Hammadi did the practice of channeling entities became increasingly common. Good ol' Edgar Cayce was channeling prior to this, of course, but he was a rarity of his time. Today, channeled messages are a dime a dozen, and they are all telling a similar story - a Gnostic story. The Galactic Federation are popular around here, and they are apparently fighting these dark entities as I type this.

Yeah... right.

Here's the big secret of the archons (a name that also comes from Gnosticism) - and some people here are very astute and already aware of this - they are playing both sides of duality. The war between good and evil is a farce they invented, which serves the purpose of keeping you trapped in the reincarnation cycle. I know that you starseeds out there will hate what I am gonna tell you now, but the entities, claiming to be beings from other planets and star systems, such as Pleyades or Andromeda, are imposters that are feeding you lies. This is nothing new for these dark entities, they have been playing both the good and the bad guys for thousands of years. They use this same strategy in the Bible and the Abrahamic religions. Also, Dolores Cannon is a huge bitch.

Before you take out your pitchforks and curse me for pissing in your cheerios, calm yourself and keep reading, because I'm about to share the important stuff! This process will involve swallowing your pride and admitting you have been deceived, a process I had to go through as well - and I was very passionate about the same beliefs. Schizophrenic people often have a messianic break, because the voices convince them they are the second coming of Christ. What if these people were experiencing an expanded consciousness, and the voices are parasitic archons, feeding their egos? These archons are also the true identity of these beings of light that people are channeling, and it is our natural tendency to believe these beings over everything else, because we are so inexperienced with the spirit realm that we tend to be gullible. This is by design, and these beings are experts of manipulation. You are special, but it has nothing to do with channeling these entities.


The entities that feed off of us are the creators of just about every single religion and belief system known to man. I'm going to show you how they all are working against you. The two biggest traps found in all of them are

  1. deeds/works

  2. taking your power from you

Duality is the lie that they are trying to sell us, but it is the archons who are beings of duality, not us. We are beings of pure love, which is shown in every baby born here. As babies we are pure love, but as we grow older it is this environment we are in which creates all the negativity in us. Christianity says we are all sinners, and LOO says we must practice 51% service to others in order to "ascend". The issue with this is that if we are to believe that our deeds during this life will effect our afterlife somehow, we give up control of what happens to us. We are not able to know if we were good enough to go to heaven, or selfless enough to ascend to the 5th dimension. That is for God or the universe to know, and we are simply along for the ride. We are all indoctrinated into thinking that we have no control over our destiny.

Christianity tells us that this life is a test from God, to see if we are worthy of entering his kingdom. LOO says that we are here to learn lessons, in order to ascend to higher densities. The HH says that life is like a game we are playing in this way, and in order to play the game authentically we need to have our memories wiped each time. The problem with this is that every life becomes random and we are all products of our environment. There is no actual progress being made, and the lies these belief systems preach such as good and evil, learning lessons, and finding purpose are just that: lies. The new age equates love and light as one in the same. The people who follow new age doctrine call themselves lightworkers, and they always speak of shining their light, or light overcoming dark. I'm not surprised these entities speak of light this way. In Christianity, the light is symbolic of Lucifer. Luciferianism is the religion of the cabal in charge of this planet. There is a reason that you may have heard it called "the false light/dark duality".

Let's talk about the defining belief that is propagated around here: we are all one. The idea of spiritual evolution into higher densities - ascension back into the source. The illusion of separation is another way that your power is taken away from you, because if we are all connected, and if we are all one, then it is ultimately up to all of us to ascend. Ascension is now a group effort. Then, we are told we will one day be like Ra, or Lucifer, and our souls will merge together into a "group soul". As if becoming a hive mind is somehow more evolved. Look - and again, sorry for raining on the parade, but spiritual evolution and the idea that we are all one is a lie of the archons.

To illustrate this, let's look at another religion of lies: Scientism, the religion of atheists and the rational, analytical mind. Atheists also believe in evolution. According to biological evolution, we all come from one source, which mutated into all the biological diversity we have on Earth today. This is nonsense, and is easily proven to be through the understanding of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a complex process requiring every part of the plant, but the plant could not have evolved every part without the use of photosynthesis. This is but one paradox of biological evolution, but try convincing its religious following of that. The archons have been beating spirituality out of us for many years, and they would prefer us all to be atheists, who are the most spiritually inexperienced people of all, and therefore the easiest to manipulate.

So we all started out from one source and then we separated in an infinite number of individual aspects only to evolve into one source. What's the meaning in that? We are not the universe experiencing itself, we are beings of love that have been trapped on a prison planet.

You really need to understand what I mean when I say that all these different belief systems keep us trapped here by taking our power away from us. First, drop the "all is one" nonsense, because this is a limiting belief. If all is one, your individual agency is no longer enough, and your power is absorbed into the group. This is an important aspect of Gnosticism; the Nag Hammadi emphasizes that this is an individual journey, and that gnosis can only be reached when an individual is ready. We all need to come to the ultimate understanding on our own terms. In Christianity, we give our power away to Jesus Christ when we accept him - as a separate entity from ourselves - as our savior. In Judaism, you give God your power. What this means is that you are putting your destiny in the hands of someone else. Do we truly know who Jesus Christ is? Do we really know what God has in store for us? The only one you can truly trust in this universe is yourself. You need to put your destiny in your own hands. Even by practicing Buddhism, you are giving your power away, by surrendering to the whim of the universe. Buddhism is accepting duality - the yin-yang. Duality is the will of the universe, I suppose. Who am I to stop or change this? Just accept things the way they are... and accept that you are powerless.

Are you beginning to understand yet? This is not about being good or evil, or taking the light or dark path. These are all distractions from what they don't want you thinking about.

Let's talk about something else that both LOO and Christianity have in common: hierarchies. Hierarchies are wrong - always. Christianity and the U.S. government are both patriarchal hierarchies. This is what the occult saying as above, so below is a reference to. The Abrahamic religions run the world above, in "heaven", and governments run the world below - this world.  And what does Ra tell us about the spirit realm? That there is a spiritual hierarchy of ascended masters and archangels. Have you noticed how the words patriarchal, hierarchy of archangels all share the same root word? Archon. If the universe truly is the free universe, then there is no spiritual hierarchy, because all beings are equals. No being should have authority over another being. This is a violation of free will and against universal law. We ate the apple in the garden of Eden because we were tricked into it by the serpent. This represents the fall of man into duality. If free will really is the universal law, does that mean that we agreed to being here in material reality? Are the archons able to abide by universal law because they lie and manipulate us into getting our consent for all this to happen to us? There is a good possibility that this is true, and that we are giving our consent to allow the archons to violate our free will. There is no shame in admitting we were wrong - it is very likely that every single one of us has been tricked by the archons. The important thing is that we know how to play their games, and we won't fall into their traps.


Hopefully you now understand how we fall into these belief systems that are actually well disguised spiritual traps, and the ways they work against our best interest and not for it. Christianity and the belief system propagated on this subreddit are actually quite similar. They both placate their followers by telling them that in the end, good always wins. Whether it is the second coming of Jesus Christ, or the ascension in higher dimensions, these religions always promise that our salvation is right around the corner. When will this happen, though, and how long until the followers of these beliefs become disenfranchised with spirituality entirely? This is what the archons want to happen to us, and you can rest assured that neither Jesus, the Galactic Federation, or God are ever going to save you. And what does the God of the Bible want us to feel about him? FEAR. Fear is their greatest weapon in getting us to submit to their Abrahamic religions.

There is something in the U.S. called the Noahide Laws. These are laws of a Biblical origin which state that the worship of idols is punishable by death - from guillotine. Did you know this? George Bush Senior signed this into law, and every president since has reinstated it. Yes, you read right - in the United States it is legal to behead you with a guillotine for believing Jesus Christ is your lord and savior. Why on Earth is this a law? Do they intend on enforcing it in the near future? If they were killing Christians in the street for not taking the mark of the beast, would that make you consider being a Christian? That would certainly make it seem like Christianity were the true way, if they were doing that. Just remember, that becoming Christian ensures your spot in the reincarnation cycle. This is getting compliance out of fear, and if your spiritual beliefs are based in fear, they should be re-examined.

Have you ever seen a demon? If you take the message of this post into consideration, you may start seeing them. They are not metaphors or imaginary - they're very real. Of course, if you are following belief systems like LOO, you likely won't see any demons. After all, you are playing into their deception and being compliant, so they will present to you as love and light. However, when you stop being compliant, they will do whatever they can to win you back into their trap... and evoking fear is quite possibly their most powerful weapon. Remember that you have nothing to fear, and here's why:

The Gnostic gospels say the gnosis is an understanding that every individual must come to on their own. From what I've seen, this is true. I'm going to tell you what I believe this understanding is, and the reason I believe that is because none of the religions preach this, and we are seemingly indoctrinated to be averse to this understanding.

Let's talk about Source, and what Source really is. Is Source everything, the light and the dark? I don't believe that it is. I believe Source is pure love, and creates beings of pure love. I believe Source will not save us, because Source will never violate another beings free will. The archons were once beings of pure love as well, but they turned away from the Source, and became inverted and beings of duality. Source is non-duality, and only oriented towards positivity and love. Source created you as a being of pure love with free will, above all else. Source has no interest in power dynamics, and will never take your power away from you, even if you try to give it to Source. Source wants you to understand that you are already a powerful being of love. You don't need to learn lessons or find your purpose, because everything was given to you upon your creation by the Source. What you need to understand is that it is up to you to save yourself, and that you are a sovereign being. You have all the power of salvation within you, and the keys to that salvation are believing in yourself.

Savior Self.

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