The Negative System (R.E.A.L)

The Negative System

How much of what we all consider reality is actually real? There is a negative system overlaid on this world that we all participate in. Most people don't even question it, and any time the word why makes an appearance in our internal thoughts or external interactions with others it is countered with "that's just the way it is" so fast and automatically, that the explanation is akin to an involuntary function of our body - like blinking.

It's no great revelation to understand that no, that's not just the way it is, but it's also not something we talk about. We're all too busy trying to make ends meet and live as comfortably as we all can inside of the negative system. When we participate in the negative system, we are agreeing to it. We are creating our reality, and we reason "that's just the way it is" into reality - we are allowing it to be the truth. We are all held accountable by our silent acknowledgements, we all have blood on our hands, and we are all responsible for the suffering that we create by participating in the negative system.

We are born on a beautiful planet, that has everything we need to create any number of possible realities out of. The way our reality is currently structured isn't "just the way it is" but "the way we all make it". We are all accepting the social contracts we are born into, and we are all agreeing that the intangible ideas which are overlaid over the physical terrain are acceptable, and these intangible agreements are responsible for quite possibly all of the suffering and negative energy that is created. The way the world is now is just one of countless different possibilities of ways we could live together.

Indigenous and tribal cultures are not "less evolved" than our current globalized society, in fact, they could very well be just as evolved as we are, only living under a positive system instead of a negative one. Look at the ways tribal societies live: in harmony with the planet, giving back as much as they are taking; living, natural, family oriented lives where ideas such as depression and suicide don't exist. Look at what happens throughout history when a positive-oriented society is overtaken by a negative one. Of course it is easy for the negative-polarity people to overtake the positive-polarity people - the positive people do not manipulate or understand such concepts such as property ownership. Property ownership is a negative-polarity concept.

Look at the present day, and how much negativity is being generated currently. The only way to not succumb to the current madness is by not feeding into the negative energy. Everyone is feeding into it by arguing over politics, the coronavirus, and the economic effects of global lockdowns. Perhaps the only real conspiracy is that, by contributing to the negativity, we are feeding the beast. The beast does not care if we expose the crimes against humanity it is committing everyday; the beast only cares that we are creating more negativity via this exposure.

The only way to escape the negative system is by not giving in to it, not giving it the attention it so desperately needs, and by being individual beacons of positivity and light, as we are all completely enveloped in this present darkness.

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