Welcome to the Prison Planet (R.E.A.L)



I can see that, like myself, many others are beginning to realize the truth of what is taking place here on Earth. The question is: how do we know what is true? How do we discern the truth from the lies? Well, let's analyze our lives here on Earth for a moment: we are born on this planet, and by the time we grow up, we have no memory of the first few years of our life. We also have no memory of ourselves prior to life on this planet, we're not sure what we are doing here, or how we got here. There are so many of those "big questions" about life that are seemingly unanswered, and at the same time, we are presented with a plethora of these "belief systems" that offer the answers to these questions. We have all these different religions, seemingly just there, waiting for us to believe in them. We have non-religious belief systems as well; one can choose to be an atheist, or one can choose to believe in "modern scientism" or humanism. With all these different religions and belief systems to believe in, how can they possibly all be right?

What if they were all the right choice, because it doesn't matter what belief system you choose to believe, the only thing that matters is that you choose something. After all, life is all about making choices - right?

The Corrupt Demiurge and The Duality Trap

This planet is overcome with a sickness; there is an oppressive force manifesting this system, that is so cleverly designed that a person could live their entire life never once realizing that everything is designed to work against us. What is causing this to happen? The false light/dark duality simulation which controls the planet - and in doing so controls each and every one of us. The Hermetic Principle of Polarity, which is discussed in the esoteric work The Kybalion explains that all of the opposites that make up our world are in fact two extremes of one spectrum. Light and dark, hot and cold, love and hate - all just the two extreme ends of the same thing, making up the duality of this world we experience. This begs the question: what are the single spectrums that these opposites are representing?

This is a problem, indeed, as many of these spectrums being described by polarity are things that we seemingly do not have any words for, and therefore no thoughts or ideas as to what many of them even are! This is a paradox that can be troublesome to reconcile in our minds; it seems that these "spectrums" of duality are often just outside the limits of our comprehension. We can attempt to try: black and white must be the extreme ends of color, hot and cold could be the extreme ends of temperature... ok, were getting somewhere - but inevitably you run into pairs of opposites that are too difficult to reconcile into one spectrum. For example, the opposite of freedom seems to be slavery - what could that be a spectrum of - movement?  Trying to figure out all the single spectrums behind the two opposing extremes of duality is quite a task. What gives? Well, the purpose of duality is to deceive and trap us into the false light/dark paradigm, or as it is called in ancient Gnostic texts The Corrupt Demiurge.

The Corrupt Demiurge is a horrible construct that has been holding the Earth hostage for thousands of years, and they are responsible for all the devastation done to our planet, including orchestrating some of the most horrendous events in human history. They inflict suffering upon humanity relentlessly, because our suffering and negative energy is what feeds them and sustains them and keeps them alive. Using the duality of light/dark good/evil they convince each and every one of us to choose a side, to believe in something, and then when we "die" (which is just an illusion, we are eternal beings and we never actually die) they exploit our beliefs that our soul picked up during its life on Earth, and they trick us into reincarnating back on Earth again, to live another life of unneeded suffering and hardship, in the painful, unforgiving material world.

How do they do this? The Corrupt Demiurge is made up of beings that Gnostic texts refer to as archons, which we can think of as demons, jinns, Lucifer etc. The greatest trick of the archons is that they are not only the demons, but they are also the angels. By playing both the light and dark teams, they are able to convince us to keep falling into their trap of reincarnation, so they may continue to feed off of our energy, as they have been for many, many, incarnations here on Earth. Our memories remain perpetually wiped with each new incarnation, which explains why we don't remember anything when we get here. The archons have tricked all of us into making lots of agreements with them, which entail things such as not committing the same sins we were guilty of in our prior life, in our next life, if one were Christian for example. As we can see in our current situation on this planet the archons love making us feel bad about ourselves. The archons are violating our free will in a massive way because no being should have authority over another being. Look at all the authority we are subjected to here on Earth - it is suffocating. Every human being needs to realize that they are not a bad person, systems set in place by the archons such as Christianity make it impossible to live the life required to get into the "kingdom of heaven" (barf). Luckily - they are going to give you one more chance to get it right - again, and again, and again, and again... and again, and again, and again, and again... Are you starting to get angry yet? Because it's ok to get angry.

As Above, So Below.

When the Demiurge first took hold on planet Earth thousands of years ago, Human beings were already aware of the true source of all creation, the true God that runs through each one of us, we have become so detached from this truth over thousands of years of abuse from the archons that the great majority of us are not aware of this. Because of the awareness of God by many of the people on the planet, the Demiurge had to initially create almost every single one of the world's religions today. Of course, the Abrahamic religions have the most powerful stronghold over us. Just about every belief system is a trap set up by them, however. The only exceptions to this that I know of are, of course Gnosticism and perhaps Buddhism. Why trust Gnosticism? Well, it was declared heresy by the catholic church in the third century, as Catholicism was asserting its world domination and killing any non-believers. Most of the Gnostic scrolls we have today were discovered in Egypt in 1945, and they are known as The Nag Hammadi, named for the town they were discovered in. They had been buried in a jar for centuries, placed there by someone who was looking out for the future of Humanity, no doubt.

The Corrupt Demiurge have a hierarchy of henchmen, here on Earth, that carry out their reign of destruction throughout Human history. I believe the actual reason for the founding fathers coming to America was to kill all the Native Americans, just as white settlers did to many tribal communities in South America, because these people knew about their connection to the one true God. They have higher ups that take the light path, such as the pope, as well as the dark path, such as many thirty-third degree masons. These people within the Demiurge hierarchy systems are rewarded by feeding off of our suffering as well as the energy of our worship and adoration - look at the energy given to people like the pope, Donald Trump, and other Hollywood celebrities - in the form of idolatry and worship. This, of course, is nothing compared to the false-idol leader of the Demiurge, the god of the bible himself: Yahweh aka Lucifer. The king of the false light/dark duality trap himself. (As a side note, I do believe the moon is a big part of how they create the duality paradigm. I never did like the moon...)

As above, so below refers to the Demiurge's system of patriarchal hierarchies in the Abrahamic religions (above), and the patriarchal hierarchies of our governments (below). Notice arch(on) in the words patri(arch)al hier(arch)ies? As well as the (arch)angels. It's about time for some an(arch)y to take place.

What are we supposed to believe in?

We need to believe in ourselves. We need to believe that we are sovereign beings, and nobody has authority over us. We need to believe that we are more powerful than them, because we have the true source of creation within us, and they do not because they worship a false idol (Yahweh). We need to believe that the religious figures so many believe are real, but they are all the archons, and they will trick us into reincarnating here yet again. We need to not fear the government, as they try to scare us into submission with the COVID pandemic. The last thing they want us to know is that we are more powerful than they are. We need to stop being distracted with the material world, as well as technology that is just more of the Demiurgic illusion.

We need to all start waking up to our true power, and cut off this parasitic group of evil beings feeding supply. Stop choosing good or evil. The church has perverted the trinity of creation. Creation is a trinity: positive, negative and NEUTRAL. Reject the notion that you are a bad or good person. If you do this you will begin to see the archons in your life, waking and sleeping. They will come to you in dreams, and many people on this planet are them in disguise. They will do anything to get you back into their trap, using angels, demons, or any other of their tricks. They will make your life miserable, but they cannot hurt you - the real you - your soul. The elite are getting ready to roll out their Saturn Black Cube religion, which I believe is hardline materialism, as it is the easiest way to trap us. That is why they have been pushing to put an end to spirituality and beliefs in a God. If enough people wake up to this, things will get REAL.

tl;dr: try reading the Nag Hammadi if you think this is long.

If you want to know more about this, please read these articles that go into much greater detail than I could ever hope to. These articles are very helpful in learning more about THE TRUTH:

Why I am no longer a lightworker

Tell the "Lords" of Karma that you are sovereign - no longer a lightworker pt 2

