Update Pt. III (R.E.A.L.)

 Update Pt. III

Hello and welcome to Update Pt III. I never wrote Update Pt II - but fuck it. Butt fuck it? I'm already on #3. Fuckin deal with it.

First thing is using your intent to manifest your desired outcome. Remember that video "The Secret" where they went on about the law of attraction? Well, that was a disinformation video teaching an incorrect way to manifest. According to "The Secret" you could simply focus on a thought such as "I own a new car", and by continuing to repeat this thought over and over, the law of attraction would be activated and you would manifest a new car in your life. The problem is that this is not how manifesting actually works. As it turns out, it is exceedingly difficult to lie to your subconscious, so everytime you tell yourself "I own a new car" your subconscious responds "No, I don't" and all this is going to accomplish is making you gradually more depressed because subconsciously, you know that you do not have a new car. This same logic can be applied to the trans community (yeah, how's that for a hot button topic); while there are trans women out there that do actually believe they are women, there are more still who will claim that "trans women are women" and their subconscious will respond "No, I am not". Be careful what you wish for. Am I getting the point across, or do we need to do an example using the covid vaccine?

The correct way to manifest is by focusing your beliefs and intent on something more manageable (and something much less dense than a new car). For example, focus your intent on beliefs such as "I deserve to be happy" "I deserve to be loved" and hell, for something more materialistic "I deserve to have money". The key to this is that you actually have to believe it in order to manifest it. I hope you do believe it, because I know that I believe that you deserve to be happy, and I believe that you deserve to be loved and I believe that you deserve money - I hope you believe it too. Focus your intention on these positive beliefs and your life will gradually head in a more positive direction. This is proper manifestation, or "reality programming" and all of us should be doing this. This is knowledge that the initiated class of secret societies keeps... well, secret. I mean, why would they want the vulgar and profane to know this shit that would improve their lives and their overall well being?

I say all this, while taking into consideration what certain other subreddits think of our group: horribly negative people who are creating their own prison. Pssshaw - fuck that. We be creating positivity over here. Start manifesting a better reality today - but please remember that nothing is a guarantee in this realm. We are constantly interacting with the energy of others around us, and some people are manifesting negativity without realizing it. You never know when someone else's energy could interact with yours and create mayhem and tragedy. Sweet dreams, douchebags...

So anyway, for those who think we are a negative bunch... well, fuck you too - I ain't fuckin' negative, bish. We're just regular people who are waiting to die, is all. You know, so we can finally escape this barren hellscape of a realm. These people just don't get the prison planet theory. To understand, one must have a decent grip on this shit right here:

I. Negative Concepts

When I say negative concepts, I am not necessarily talking about "evil" or "bad" things; I am simply talking about concepts that inhabit the negative spectrum of the polarity. You see, I've come to believe that duality does always exist, because it has too in order to fulfill the entire spectrum, and negativity can be useful in creating great art and music etc. The issue here is that the negative polarity should be much more dulled and muted, which would result in the cessation of suffering... didn't even need the fucking Buddha, either.

The problem with Earth would be that the negative polarity is amplified and far more extreme than what many of us might desire. These amplified bits are what I refer to as "negative concepts". The thing is this: the majority of us would like to manifest a more positive reality and make the world a better place - and we could do this, if it weren't for the much smaller group of people at the top of the food chain - "the initiated" members of elite secret societies, who understand how reality can be programmed, and have used this skill to gain complete control over the population, overall wealth, and natural resources. This small group at the top seemingly wants the world to be riddled with suffering, inequality and hardships for the many. My question is: why? Why does this group wish that life be much shittier than it needs to be?

After you get into PP for a while (hah - I said "pp" - like a, like uh penis guffaw) you begin to realize that everything about this realm is cleverly set up to work against us. In fact, this has been accomplished so well that most people will never realize this. That being said, the pandemic seems to have woken up more people to the fact that government itself - in it's current form - is itself, a negative concept. The government is a self serving entity, and does us more harm than good. The system is what perpetuates poverty, and the cycle of abuse and childhood trauma that leads to many unfortunate crimes being committed - and sure, I'll admit that some people are just fucking bad, evil mother fuckers. Still though, why is it that when they commit a crime, the immediate response is to send them to prison? Why not something more therapeutic and focused on mental health? Something actually helpful? Why are the police force not used in an on-call fashion, such as firefighters and EMTs? Why are these pigs patrolling the streets, looking for trouble so they can fill their quotas? And why is it that fucking fentanyl and meth are so fucking great that they must be used in such a way that people will destroy their lives and lose everything, just to get high? Fuck, I know I did, and I imagine that is the way it is because they know that these substances are something that many people will give up all they have for... and this, of course, perpetuates the cycle of suffering. War on drugs, my ass. If you think that old, rich white men are going to let the Mexicans make all that money, then you have been played. The cartel is a their scapegoat, and the U.S. government is in cahoots with the cartel. You like that word, cahoots? Cuz I fuckin' hate it.

So if anyone is wondering at this point, yes I am an anarchist who would love to do away with the entire legal system of "justice" fucking tomorrow... and what does this mean? That if someone commits a crime, and hurts someone you love, than it is up to you and your people to deal with it accordingly. Maybe someone hurts your people, so you retaliate by hurting their people - it's really none of my fuckin' business anyway - how anyone else chooses to handle their shit. Maybe things will continue to escalate... I'm sure it will grow to the size of WWII in no time...

One question I am often asked that one time several months ago is this: if I against all authority, then would I not take authority, as a parent, over my child? Look - you damn well bet I will take authority over my child in order to prevent them from harm. I may be against all authority, but I also understand that many negative concepts are not just the creation of people, but they exist in the nature of this realm itself. These are negative concepts in nature, and authority is one of those natural negative concepts, so it doesn't matter what I feel about it - the fact of the matter is that I need to work with the nature of this place and often times that means that the use of these negative concepts is unavoidable. I am also very against hierarchies of any kind (especially the patriarchal variety), but I also understand the hierarchies are the natural order. Nature is tweaked in a highly negative way, no cap (fuck, why did I just say that shit).

III. Soul Slukkers

"Archon" is a title which the archons gave themselves, and it translates as "rulers". So yeah, these bastards have given themselves the titles of rulers of this negative realm, the natural order of which is patriarchal hierarchies - the root word of both "patriarchal" and "hierarchy" is "arch", or "archon". Who do you think the "archangels" in heaven are? In one of Gnostic texts (don't know which one) we are told that there are seven archons. These seven archons represent the seven deadly sins, the seven colors of the rainbow and lucky number seven. According to this Gnostic text, one archon looks over each of the seven celestial realms (planets in the solar system), and in order to fully escape the reincarnation cycle, one would have to face each archon and answer increasingly difficult questions as they progressed. I always fucking say that this is about knowledge and understanding more than anything. Gnosis is the knowledge that gets you the fuck out of here, and you have attained Gnosis when you understand why that is. I love the people that know way more about what's in the Nag Hammadi then I do, and hold Gnosis up like pussy on a pedestal. They will claim that Gnosis is knowledge that must be experienced - and to describe Gnosis to somebody else would be like trying to explain the color red... there's just no words.

II.2. Ah, Fiddlefuck

Ok, now I'm veering off into a tangent , but it's a very important one so I'm gonna stick widdut. If you want to believe that Gnosis is knowledge that can only be experienced, then go for it. Knock yourself out. I'm not sure if I experienced it or not, but I'm gonna tell those who are interested in knowing what it is... what it is. And if any of you "Gnosis must be experienced" types wish to go to the debate floor with me over this, then please do so. After all, I just want to get the fuck out of here more than anything myself, and this isn't so much an ego trip as it is making sure that the proper knowledge is being shared. Another thing I see on occasion is this "astral projection and lucid dreaming is the most important thing in relation to being able to escape this prison planet". You know, fucking whatever, no it isn't. I don't like it when people say this shit because it discourages others, and I am of the opinion that "let's just all get the fuck out of here if we want to". Mmmkay? And for full disclosure, I have astral projected. Twice now. Went lucid in a dream once... so I am by no means an expert and I know that. I also know that astral projection is fucking amazing and everyone should aspire to do it - and, yes, it is an extremely helpful activity to practice in relation to this shit... but it's not necessary to have done this in order to escape, in my opinion. All one needs to understand is that astral projection will help prepare you for how incredibly powerful of a being you are spiritually - and by that I mean that you should understand that you just fucking manifest and create shit. You manifest entire worlds; it's just what you do. Going back to the beginning of the post, if you are able to grasp the idea of manifesting a better life here and now using your belief and intention, then apply that understanding to the afterlife and how we divine sparks of creation function. You need to understand that you are so powerful that you can create a world with beings in it and get trapped by your own manifestation. If you aren't focusing your intent properly you could potentially manifest a hell world and trap yourself in it - now with that understanding also consider the possibility of entities attempting to manipulate you towards doing this to yourself.

You know, I smoked weed for the first time in about six months recently, and I have never before experienced the sensation I felt of pure fucking evil. I mean, I have never felt shit this evil in my entire life. A lot of folk seem to believe that we manifest the evil ourselves, and it is a part of us - but I'm telling you, this shit wasn't me. It couldn't have been me, I mean I wanted to cry. I felt like I was in hell. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to feel like that - but it felt like there was a dirty fucking demon in my energy field and I got the impression that this fucker did enjoy feeling this way... but anyway, that's when the dark imagery started happening... and I know there has to be someone reading this who knows what I'm talking about - having dark visions seemingly fucking implanted in your thoughts briefly. Anyone?

Anyway, I get the voice in my head telling me that I'm going to hell when I die. They show me a lovely little movie of them chopping me up in putrid ways and they tell me again that I am going to hell and there is nothing I can fucking do about it... They are laughing at me and explaining visually to me how the moment I die and try to be a rebel and escape they are simply going to stick an injection in me - like a fucking shot at the hospital or a vaccination, that is immediately going to make me fall out and go limp and unconscious... and after that I'm going to fucking get it - punished severely for being so problematic. The funny part of all this is in the idea that this is why I am going to hell - for speaking up about this shit. I guess that makes me a bad person, or maybe it means we are all to something over here on this forum...

Anyway, check this out - I can just tell these fuckers to fuck off... because I can see they're bluffing. They know that the only way that they can put me in hell is if I believe that they can, which will allow them to manipulate me using my own powers of manifestation against me. Am I still making fucking sense over here? These fuckers are toast, as far as my fucking loosh is concerned.

Oh, and I've been smoking pot quite a bit since this experience and it hasn't happened again. Why the hell am I smoking pot? Well, because I am no longer able to use my preferred vices, lest I face the legal consequences. Anywho, that whole "hellish" experience has helped me (I believe it has, at least) to understand the condition known as Scrupulosity, which is the form of OCD where one is obsessed about being a bad person and going to hell. They often report these same types of hellish visualizations, plaguing them during their waking life. And hey - I'm not trying to sound like some badass over here, and several users here have been harassed by these negative entities, whether in the astral or otherwise. When we receive this type of "metaphysical bullying" it helps us to believe that we are on the right track with our ideas on this forum. So what I hope for is that you all may be attacked by these demons at some point, so you too, can tell them to fuck off.

Oh... and this wasn't the first time with these fuckers. I stayed up for ten days on amazing, Breaking Bad style blue meth about a year ago and went into a psychosis (go ahead and judge me, I could give a fuck) and I had a sorta "messianic" style psychotic break. Basically, these fucking demons got all in my head and convinced me that this life was a test and I had passed cuz I was a good person, and me and my girl and most of my family were all gonna go to heaven. I was convinced during this time that the purpose of the vaccine was to prepare for uploading the vaccinated's souls into the internet - the "internet hell", that is... and all day these fuckers flooded me with imagery of what would happen to my friends and others I knew in the internet hell. Just awful, horrendous shit that I know they were putting in my head.... I really hope that someone that has had experience with this type of "hell visualization" will leave a comment (I'll admit, partially just so I can know for sure I'm not fucking crazy).

Anyway, I was absolutely convinced that it was the last day on Earth... until many hours later when I realized the parts of the story that were the narrative I had created in my head (no thanks to the nonstop voices - don't ever listen to the voices BTW)! I realized that I did have a psychosis, and I finally got over feeling totally embarrassed and finally got to sleep... and those fuckers attacked the shit out of me, that night and the next night. It felt like being electrocuted, while suffocating and drowning all at the same time. Gasping for air while being electrocuted. Wild shit. Directed energy weapons indeed... and the second (and final) night that it happened, I experienced that horrible shit again the second I went to bed and shut my eyes... and this time I could feel something by my ear - a voice that said "Hiiiii Al"..... "Hiiii Alllllll" sounded like a fucking side clown on an ICP album... It was the fucking thing that was attacking me. Then I woke up and literally saw the imprint of the little fucker as he jumped around on my pillow. I shit you not and I am 100% serious - but hey, believe what you want. If you don't believe this then why believe fucking anything in this post?

II.3.1.... 2?. So Fucking Gnosis Right Now, Bro.

Ok, I have veered off onto a horrendous tangent now, but anyone who is actually still reading this deserves the aforementioned information concerning Gnosis that I teased... so here it is. I know people here have their different beliefs. We have users on the forum who claim that Jesus is the way. We have some New Cage thought in here about spiritual evolution... and hell, there are people here who communicate with their "spirit guides" on the reg, and yes, I definitely think that these people are communicating with demons pretending to be spirit guides, but I also know those people will be up in arms over that accusation. So fine, believe that it is your spirit guide - I don't give a fuck. I would just point out that people tend to feel real fucking special when they are contacted by these "higher beings", but one would be wise to be wary of any voices communicating with them.

Another thing - this idea of "higher beings" is another trap of this realm. There are no "higher beings" than you. There is no spiritual evolution either, but if you want to believe that we are all evolving spiritually, then just be aware that this negates the idea of free will. So do you believe in free will, or spiritual evolution? I can't be evolving if I am free. Processes out of one's control cannot coexist with the uninhibited, limitless free will that you have been given as your gift from the true source of creation.

And if there are still any Christian stragglers out there, I will go over this again: if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, you are fucked. If you believe God has the ultimate authority over your sould, then you are beyond fucked. These beliefs are real, actual sins - in my opinion - because these beliefs involve one placing themselves under another. The true God is not some supreme being - the true God is love, and ideas like "supreme being" and "higher beings" are more of those negative concepts that this realm is infected with. Don't give up your authority over yourself - this is your sovereignty. This is needed, lest one unwittingly choose another incarnation at the Hotel California.

Oh - one more fucking thing. This so called "force field" and Wes Penre yaddah yaddah.... Ok, time to put the force field where I put the soul contracts... which thankfully I haven't heard anyone asking about lately. If a soul contract had any power over you, you would be shitting your diaper with your memory wiped ass already, understand? This is nothing more than a ruse to manipulate you. Now, the frequency fence. Do you believe in it? Do you believe there are holes? Will you look for the holes? Remember, the whole deal here is the power of belief. Don't let your belief in the frequency fence hold you back and manipulate you. Remember, it isn't "escaping prison planet" - this in itself is another trap. Do you see why? Where are you going to escape to? Where are you going to go? Back to source? Where is source? Do you know? Ehh? Am I annoying? I fucking hope so, because then you won't even be reading this still by now.... dick. Do you know where source is? Source is within, yes? Source is within, so where are you gonna escape to? Do you know how to escape yet? Where are you going to go? Questions? More questions?

Figure it out yourself, I'm not telling you everything. Just kidding, of course I will tell you, silly.

Pt X. Part eleven: 33

I completely derailed this post. It was supposed to be about some interesting new ideas I have pertaining to the archons (aka spirit leeches) but now I'm gonna have to make another post that isn't derailed. Gee, way to go, me.

Now go away.

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