Update (R.E.A.L.)


Hello r/EscapingPrisonPlanet. I have prepared a beast of a post for you this evening, and I do hope you will find your way through its entirety. In this post I will:

  • Prove once and for all that Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" is utter bollocks.

  • Finally establish a solid understanding behind the "NPC Theory".

  • Fail to provide any sources to back up any of my outlandish claims.

  • Highlight a few of the larger traps that are set for each of us as we navigate our way through this life.

I am so very excited I can hardly contain myself and... I just uncontrollably relieved myself in my pants. I don't know why I told you that.

I. Atheism : Christianity's Duct Tape

When I started to research and engage with the idea that we are living on a prison planet, I noticed that the issues I saw in the Old Testament, in regards to Yahweh, had also been observed by the atheist community. I found it interesting that we had both arrived at the same conclusions, regarding many of Yahweh's actions in the OT. For years, atheists had been pointing out the ways in which many of the statements, attributed to Yahweh, did not at all reflect the image of a loving creator - an image that had been suggested to us, throughout many years of being exposed to the Christian dogma that is deeply attached to the Western World. I couldn't figure out why so many people were seeing this as evidence that God didn't exist at all, while very few people were seeing this as evidence that God does exist, but is evil. The latter conclusion leads directly into the prison planet theory, while the former conclusion leads to a dead end, which begs the question: were we manipulated into atheism?

I have known for sometime now that Charles Darwin was a 33rd degree freemason, so I suspected there was a good reason as to why the Luciferians would decide to introduce the theory of evolution, in tandem with the discovery of many different dinosaur fossils, strewn about the planet. The Christians claim the reason behind this is to make people turn away from God - a claim which has very little merit, especially when one is aware that the Luciferians hatred of Christians was nothing more than a theatrical performance, for the purpose of strengthening the faith of the followers of Christ. I also found it strange that the Luciferians seemed to actually hold contempt for atheists. In "Morals and Dogma", Albert Pike even wrote about a grim future where people would suffer the wrath of living in godless society - a society which surely his ilk has played a very important role in creating. If they didn't like people being atheists, then why would they have encouraged the creation of an atheist movement?

My belief is this: after nearly two thousand years of organized religion successfully keeping the population trapped in the reincarnation cycle, people were finally starting to wake up and see the flaws within the Holy Bible, especially the ways in which Yahweh was flawed. Waking up to these realizations opened up the possibility of waking up to the realization of being trapped on a prison planet. To prevent this from happening, they introduced the theory of evolution, which was then intentionally used as a reason to call the validity of the Bible and the existence of God into question. This has turned into a massive argument which still rages on today. Just as there was little reason to conclude that Yahweh's behavior was evidence that he didn't exist in the first place, there was little reason to conclude that the process of evolution was evidence that God was a total sham.

I used to believe that atheism was introduced to help usher in some sort of dystopian New World Order, in which the secular masses were indoctrinated into a belief system centered around materialistic determinism; although it appears more like it was applied as a quick-fix solution to keeping people asleep. This "quick-fix" hypothesis actually makes more sense, and explains why Albert Pike was deeply butthurt about the rising tide of atheism - these feelings of his surely were driven by his love of Lucifer... which only causes more confusion for the uninitiated masses, who can't help but think the movement towards atheism would be something Luciferians would take delight in. However, Luciferians have always declared that Lucifer is, in fact, God. The "Veil of Duality" is the wool over humanity's collective eyes, and once it has been lifted, we are able to see that God and the Devil are one in the same. As is the ongoing spiritual war between good and evil a theatrical performance from two side of the same coin, God and the Devil form as one into a business partnership: a corporate loosh production facility.

Although the push towards atheism was initially done out of necessity to diverge attention away from God of the Old Testament's shortcomings, it seems likely that they are now utilizing the lack of faith, that they successfully indoctrinated society into adapting. A secular society seems to be ideal in preparation for the "metaverse" - the convergence of the digital and material worlds. A population with no faith in the existence of anything beyond hardened materialism seems ideal for taking the plunge into digital immortality - a transformative step for mankind, which no doubt will be sold as the best way forward towards the snake oil that is "enlightenment", while the true purpose of reinforcing the walls of the prison will remain just past the outer edges of the peripheral vision of the many... as is always the case, every, single, damn time.

II. It's Yahweh, or the Highway.

When it was decided by the initiated that they would drop the bomb that is "The Theory of Evolution" on society, I would imagine that Yahweh was pretty bummed out that his nearly two thousand year reign of terror upon humanity, in the form of the Abrahamic religions, was to begin its downward decline, increasingly picking up speed with the progression of time, as it continuously hemorrhages followers. How was I so silly, up until this very realization, to think that the energy that comes from our suffering was the preferred flavor of loosh? How could I forget the absolute most delicious flavor of loosh: the energy that comes from worship.

"Oh Yahweh, you're so great, for creating this magnificent world for all of us. You really are the most amazing of Gods - not to mention, the only God worth his salt. Oh, praise be!" You know, it's funny to think that - although God never seems to answer anyone's prayers, those prayers certainly were being received all the same. I wonder if the faithful would even recognize the difference, when they "pray to God" - that they in turn become "prey to God"? Truly, it is horrific, the way in which God's most devout followers become God's most delicious meals... and it was in this unnerving realization that I was also able to make a determination regarding the hot button topic of "NPCS".

You see, Yahweh is symbolic of the "king of NPCS" or the more endearing label of "the most organic of portals" and we can clearly see how Yahweh behaves just as a narcissistic sociopath would behave. This is why I am stating here and now that I believe the only true NPCS to be those who are born as narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, because it is they who exhibit the very behavior of this parasitic realm we find ourselves in. The psychopath is akin to this very world in a human form. This is, indeed, the way one behaves when there is no source, or "soul" present. This is a distinct difference from the many among us that have also been labelled as "NPCS" - these individuals are not NPCS, however. These many amongst us would be more properly referred to as "the sleeping masses", who have been so thoroughly indoctrinated by this cruel simulation, that the source within them is buried under years and years of repression and trauma.

Certainly, there is justification in the idea that these sleeping swaths of people are simply "programmed better" and in such a way to be socially balanced, experts at concealing the fact that they "have no souls" - but this simply isn't the way things work around here. This entire world that we find ourselves in is entirely parasitic, in that it feeds upon itself in order to survive, and this lends to nature itself being entirely narcissistic and psychotic. Individuals without source within them will act in a completely parasitic - i.e. narcissistic - fashion, without exception. Just as Yahweh - and his many other forms of deity, throughout the history of religion, one who is lacking a soul will manipulate and gaslight those who do have souls. Using a process of "mirroring" the emotions of those who have souls, the parasite is able to feed on the loosh, which it works to extract.

If you are still not convinced that Yahweh is a narcissist, allow me to quickly review his most-important commandments with you. You can find his narcissistic nature in the two following commandments: "Thou shall have no other Gods before me" and "Thou shall not use thy name in vain". Now, I'm going off the top of my head here, so my memory of the wording may not be entirely accurate, and though I might be wrong in my recollection that these are the first two commandments, the point I am making here should remain valid. Basically, Yahweh is demanding that you not even consider any other Gods but him - in other words, do not ever consider the true source of creation being anything other than Yahweh - and then going further in demanding that you never use his name in vain (nevermind that the media drills the derogatory use of both God and Jesus Christ into our collective psyche at a rate that is nigh non-stop). Yahweh drops these first commandments that are exemplary in their use of narcissistic manipulation, then follows these with some obvious choices for commandments such as "thou shalt not kill". These no-brainers cause hordes of groupies to flock to his side and providing that oh-so-delicious praise that "you are so amazing, Yahweh! OMG!" Blech.

III. Source, Please.

I find it silly and endearing to read posts on r/LawofOne where a devout follower of the New Cage goes on and on about their choice of "service to self", and why it isn't something that strictly applies to narcissists and psychopaths, but is instead a very nuanced way that one can choose to live their life... The reality, however, is that this parasitic world exemplifies "service to self" and narcissists and psychopaths are the human form of this. The narcissist is lacking the true source of creation within, and is therefore fully reliant on its parasitic nature. With this knowledge as our basis, we can then begin to, not only understand, but separate, the two factors which we are driven and motivated by.

We are all a part of this parasitic world and we all participate in its parasitic nature simply by being alive in our body. Our body is of the parasite, and our soul is of the true source of creation, which is infinite and not parasitic. We can view our body as "service to self" because it relies on its parasitic nature in order to survive, and therefore exist. Whether you eat meat or are vegan, there is no way around the fact that life feeds on other life in this parasitic world, and we must feed on other life in order to keep our parasite bodies alive and well (I will briefly interject here with the possibility of "sun-gazing" as a potential way out of this parasitic loop). Our connection to the true source of creation - aka our soul - can be viewed as "service to others" due to the way it expresses itself through emotional states such as empathy. This part of our dualistic makeup is a foreigner in this self-serving parasitic environment.

Throughout our lives we truly are making the choice to either serve ourselves, or to serve others, over and over again. This parasitic environment we are in encourages us to engage in parasitic behaviors as well, and over the course of their lives many people seemingly become more parasite than not. Some people are born as narcissists, but for the majority of us it is a behavior we engage in occasionally. We are in an environment that encourages narcissistic behavior, and we must each stand up to this parasitic environment and choose to act in service of the true source of creation, lest we be reduced to just another link in the chain of the parasite that is the microcosm of the macrocosm of this dense fucking dream-world, supported by the beliefs of many, many sparks of the true source of creation.

Whoa. What the fuck am I even saying? Why are you even listening to me? Most people will have long ago disengaged with this text, because in their minds, I am not able to provide any evidence for these outlandish claims I have made here. Redditors have this bad habit of repeating the phrase "source, please", often in lieu of pondering upon what was actually stated. I implore each and every one of you to take a step back and outside of yourselves for just a moment, so that you may examine the ways in which we have been so heavily indoctrinated, throughout our entire lives, into relying on external sources as our source of truth. From being brought up in the public school system, and then to being further indoctrinated by colleges, we are being conditioned into trusting external sources in regards to what is real, and what is true. In conjunction with religious practices, family traditions, the workforce, the mainstream media, and social networks such as Reddit, we have been conditioned into holding those of a higher education as the arbiters of the truth. We can easily watch this social conditioning play itself out in college graduates, who have been heavily conditioned into relying on external sources and other highly educated experts, as their source for the truth. Now I understand why they encourage us to either go into college or go into the military - they are both programs which support this prison planet we find ourselves in.

Think about this once again - we are living in a parasitic world which has done nothing but lie to us again and again from the time we were children, while encouraging us to engage in self-serving, parasitic behaviors. This world has worked relentlessly to condition us into believing that the highly educated are to be looked upon as the purest source for determining the truth - but once you unravel the meaning behind this, you are left with the understanding that the highly educated are taught a curriculum consisting almost entirely of lies. This will always lead to the conclusion that almost everybody has been led to believe that lies comprise the truth. If you have arrived at this conclusion over and over again, then you should be ok with the fact that I have failed to provide any sources.

I have noticed a phrase being repeated again and again in this forum: "source is within". This is a golden nugget of actual truth that we are all individually recognizing in this group overtime, as we look within ourselves, in order to gain and further our understanding. I have no sources for these claims I have made throughout this post, I simply came to understand these things by going within. I do believe that my conclusions are accurate and true, and I also realize that there are no external sources available to verify this for me. This isn't what is truly important - just understand the error in looking externally to find the truth. The source is within - never without. The truth begins and ends with Gnosis. What is Gnosis? To put it simply, Gnosis is the understanding of one's own sovereignty. This understanding comes from within, and can go deeper and deeper. As an example, check this shit out:

IV. 'To Be' is Falling into Traps.

If you have stuck with my post up until now, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are nearing the end now; but first, there is still one last topic I wish to discuss.

Hamlet famously asked the question: "To be, or not to be?" That is the question, indeed. We choose "to be" everytime we choose to reincarnate into this parasite body, of this parasite world. We choose "to be" again and again and again. If we wish to break the cycle, we must choose "not to be", which is the choice to let go of the parasite body and all the attachments that are included with it. To choose "not to be" is to fully embrace the unknown, and go forward as a spark of pure, uninhibited consciousness, which uses beliefs and intent to guide itself as it infinitely manifests freeform flowing creative beauty within the true source of creation.

The last topic I must discuss tonight involves the traps that have been set for us, upon entering this realm as we are born into our parasite body - the dualistic amalgamation of service to self and service to others bursting onto this makeshift playground for our consciousness... that is hardly of more interest than a child sinking deep within the ball pit at a McDonald's playhouse. We can identify these traps easier if we begin on the outer edges of the larger traps that many fall into. Once we are able to identify and single out traps that have been set for us, we can truly set foot on the path towards salvation.

Most people consider religion to be something that is harmless; something that can only provide a benefit to those who seek it out. The truth is that religion is actually quite harmful and dangerous. I see people in this forum who identify as Christian or Buddhist and I implore these individuals to reconsider their alliance with these religions. I understand that you wouldn't be here , reading this post, if not for your religious beliefs that helped guide you here. When we start out, all we are given is this selection of religions, complete with their own unique dogma, all seemingly waiting to be picked up by the people - almost as if they are supposed to be there. Much of the intrigue of religions is due to the truth and wisdom that they impart to their followers. Alongside this truth lies a vicious lie, which serves as the trap being set and patiently waiting to be stepped into. We can do well to discern the nuggets of truth within religions, and take that truth with us on our journey, as we discard the lies. I know that some of you might find it hurtful when I so coldly proclaim that following religious doctrine is wrong; after all, I didn't always think this way, and I somewhat doubt that anyone starts out with this outlook.

I'll use a religion that is widely recognized as being corrupted and evil: Catholicism. Catholicism - the most evil form of Christianity - which declared Gnosticism to be devil worship and heresy. As most of us are aware, the centerpiece of every Catholic church is a bloody, dying image of Jesus Christ, nailed to the crucifix. Jesus Christ represents one of the large traps, which is set throughout all the different branches of the church; in fact, it is the staple of Christianity: accepting Jesus Christ as one's savior, in order to obtain salvation and entry into heaven. This belief should be analyzed with the old saying in mind: "if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is". This one simple declaration is all that is needed to be Christian, and all that is needed to be saved and allowed into heaven. After all, J.C. already did all the hard work for us when he died on that cross - he died for your sins. Christians who wholeheartedly hold this belief to be absolute truth are guilty of desiring the easy way out - and on the prison planet, it's a safe bet that the easy way out is not the way out at all.

Many people reading this have already seen through the deception of Christianity, realizing that Jesus Christ is not an external being - Jesus Christ is a representation of the source within each and every one of us, and in this way we are all, as individuals, the son of God. With that understanding we can go back to the Catholic church, and the ritual they perform during every single mass - no exceptions. In front of the bloody, suffering image of the Christ, they perform a cannibalistic ritual, in which they eat the body and drink the blood of the Christ. Think about this for a moment - what is the Catholic church trying to show us? They are showing us the way in which they feed on our loosh - right in front of our faces, and for centuries, showing us the very basis of the prison planet theory. "Hiding in plain sight", indeed.

People follow the Abrahamic religions because they provide guidelines on how to live one's life as a good person, impossibly free from sin, and exerting a feast of low-vibrational loosh worship. Fortunately for those of us who hang out in this forum, we are able to identify the traps within these religions. For example, the trap of karma, or belief that our good deeds make a difference in whether or not we will be saved. Another example of a trap is believing that God can judge us. All of these examples of traps within the Abrahamic religions are actually smaller parts of the big trap. The big trap is in fact, an actual sin. I believe that it must be understood why this trap is a far worse sin than anything we have been led to believe. This sin is the same as declaring Jesus Christ as your savior; this sin is a common Christian belief that God has authority over your soul. This is wrong in the way that it is wrong to continue to be in a relationship with a narcissist, as they continue to abuse you and feed off of your emotions, while you continue to respond "it's okay for you to do this to me". If you believe that God has authority over your soul, then you have given away your free will. You are no longer sovereign, and there is no need to trick you into reincarnating - you've already bypassed this part by giving God the authority to memory wipe your ass and throw you into a fetus as it is being pushed through the vesica piscis. I can't truthfully be more serious than I am when I tell you that... if you don't fully understand why it is wrong to allow God to have authority over your soul - then you don't deserve to be free.

Thanks for reading -a-


I. In the beginning of the 19th century, people began to really examine what appeared to be, for all intents and purposes, evil behavior on the part of the God of the Old Testament. This realization occurs just before the realization that we are on a prison planet. As a response to the this imminent threat, 33rd degree freemason Charles Darwin proposed the "Theory of Evolution", which was used in conjunction with the sudden discovery of all sorts of dinosaur fossils, as a clever diversion towards the belief in no God at all - as opposed to an evil God running a prison planet. The Christians took this bait as evidence of Satan himself trying to turn people away from God. This was also the initial spark for the debate between science and religion, which rages on still today, despite being revealed as an unnecessary and contrived feud, when examined under scrutiny.

II. Yahweh should he heralded as "King of the NPCS", as he exemplifies the parasitic and narcissistic behavior of human NPCS. NPCS are manipulative and sociopathic by nature, because they are all parasite and no soul. What many people believe to be evidence of a large swath of the population being NPCS is really only evidence that many people are asleep sheeple. NPCS are manipulative and parasitic by nature, the sleeping masses display evidence (via empathy etc.) of having source within them.

III. Our bodies are of the parasitic creation, and we must engage in parasitic behavior in order to keep our parasite body alive. Our "souls" are of the true creation, are infinite, and do not require the suffering of others to maintain their existence. After all, the parasite body is made up of "cells" - and as an avid amateur hobbyist / conspiracy theorist, I find myself naturally drawn towards and enticed by phonetics, because phonetically speaking, the scientific use of the word "cell" is also a subtle representation of the our parasite body being the "prison cells" of our souls. Those kooky Phonecians just don't know how to quit! It's like a gentle form of torture... truly. We have been indoctrinated to rely on external sources, in order to determine the truth, when we should be mainly reliant on the source within, from which we gain understanding of the actual truth.

IV. Religion is actually very dangerous... and one thing I forgot to mention - I don't understand what people mean when they say "we are all one". Could someone kindly inform me why the hell I should consider such a claim? Honestly, I don't much feel like we are all one, and I am considering the possibility that the depth of the meaning behind this may be lost on me.

Bonus:. I eat lots of meat because I'm addicted to it like the hard drugs I am also addicted to, and I am a spoiled brat in the first world that can't just be happy with what I have. I suck at meditating and I hardly give effort towards any type of advancement via fasting, sacrifices, or acts of kindness - random variety - in order to achieve a fleeting sense that I have reached a state of enlightenment, when in fact enlightenment is a feeling everyone experiences on occasion for a fleeting moment... but I'm ok with all of that because it all relates to my parasite body. Improvements to my parasite body do me zero favors in my quest to detach from the parasite and return home to source. ...and shit.

---__--------- Savior Self

Source is Within, Never without

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