The Abrahamic Religions are a Veiled Form of Saturn Worship (R.E.A.L.)

 The Abrahamic religions are a veiled form of Saturn worship.

Of course, many things in society are actually veiled forms of Saturn worship, so the reality is that we are all worshipping Saturn at some point or another, even though most will go through their entire lives completely unaware of this. The elite group that is guiding the saga of planet Earth has been doing so for thousands of years, since the time of Mesopotamia and the Sumerian god by the name of El. El is Saturn. The occult practices Saturn worship, and Saturn symbolism is everywhere throughout society; it is inescapable. "The Lord of the Rings" is a reference to Saturn, as well as the symbolism behind wedding rings. The halo that is often depicted over the heads of religious figures in art is also a reference to Saturn's rings. There are several corporate logos paying tribute to Saturn, from Nike to Nissan. Then of course there is the cube, which is the link to the Saturn worship hidden within the Abrahamic religions.

As I previously stated, the Saturn occult has been behind every great empire throughout history. This cult, made up of many famous individuals in Hollywood, politics, sports, music and religion, is hoarding esoteric knowledge for themselves and also practicing black magic. During Super Bowl halftime shows and other musical performances broadcast by the MSM, we can see the Saturn cult performing rituals or acting out historical and religious events, under the guise of "theatrical dance". They might recall back when they had control over the Egyptian empire. The Egyptian god Set is Saturn, and Isis is his daughter. The Statue of Liberty is actually a statue of Isis, and the country of Israel is named after Isis, Ra, and El.

The Saturn cult has deceived us all, not only the followers of the Abrahamic religions but also the atheists. Charles Darwin was a member of the Saturn cult, who of course propagated the Theory of Evolution, which was combined with the lie of paleontology to ignite the modern atheist movement. The occult has less respect for atheists than Christians even, for atheists are blind to the intelligent design in the sacred geometry making up material reality as a result of listening to the lies propagated by insincere cult members pretending to be atheists themselves.

Again, this all goes back to the black cube of Saturn. Recent photos of Saturn from N.A.S.A show the cube on the north pole of Saturn, known as the hexagon storm. How did ancient civilizations know of the black cube of Saturn? Muslims take a pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca, a building shaped like a black cube, which they run around the outside of in circles, representing the rings of Saturn. Practitioners of Semitic religion where phylacteries on their forehead and arm while they pray. Phylacteries are actually small black cubes. The cube also fits inside the center of the Star of David. So both the Muslim and Jewish people are partaking in Saturn worship. What about the Christians? What is their representation of Saturn? It is the cross; the cross is a cube that has been unfolded.

I feel that the god of the Bible is none other than El, Set, Chronos - that is, father time himself. Both Satan and Santa are also derived from Saturn... in fact, Christmas is actually the Pagan holiday Saturnalia. Laugh and call me a conspiracy theorist if you wish, but everything here is the truth.

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