EYE Hate the Hate Beings (R.E.A.L.)

EYE HATE THE HATE BEINGS (and so can you!)

r/areweinhell - EYE HATE THE HATE BEINGS (and so can you!)

We may all appear to be one big human family, but this is a facade that is only skin deep. Some humans are love beings and some humans are hate beings. If you're not sure of which one you are... then you're a love being. You would know if you were a hate being, and you would know what is actually happening here on planet Earth. There is a war going on right now between the love beings and the hate beings... and the love beings aren't even aware of this. A hate being would never tell a love being like you about this - because they fucking hate you.

We are pure conscious awareness that has been inhibited by this body which is trapped in this physical reality. The Earth may appear to be the dualistic extremes of heaven and hell, but the Earth is actually a re-education camp, training each individual to unwittingly choose hell when they die. The hate beings are being fake as fuck here on Earth as they patiently wait for the prize at the end of the tunnel; and that prize is to torture you and put you through actual hell in the afterlife.

r/areweinhell - EYE HATE THE HATE BEINGS (and so can you!)
r/areweinhell - EYE HATE THE HATE BEINGS (and so can you!)

Who are the hate beings? Well, we can start with the obvious candidates: the elite members of "the one eye club" i.e. most famous icons throughout history up until today, celebrities, pop stars and high level politicians. When a love being happens to make it big in Hollywood or the music industry, they are eventually conned into making the famous deal where they "sell their soul" to the industry. This involves a process where their love being soul is removed from their body (and subsequently sent to hell, as happens to nearly everybody) and replaced with the soul of a hate being. This is why so many musicians sell out and start producing garbage after their second albums, and why there are certain celebrities who we can tell have somehow changed, but we just can't quite figure out what it is that is different about them.

There are much more hate beings than the famous ones, though. Hate beings are all around us. Working at the gas stations, homeless in the streets, answering the phone when you call customer service... and reading this post. Hi, hate beings. They are all putting on quite the act pretending to get along with the unaware love beings during our time here on Earth; but rest assured that they secretly hate you. That's why they like gangstalking people for fun in their free time. That's why no one has ever come forward confessing that they used to gang stalk people... these fucking hate beings fucking hate you. Words can't begin to do justice to just how absolutely evil and sinister this whole thing is.

So what is the purpose of life here on Earth? To indoctrinate each individual with the deep-rooted belief that "it is okay to allow others to have authority over me". They train us to believe this through governments and authority figures. They don't want us to trust ourselves; they want us to trust external authorities such as "the experts" or "repudiated sources of information". Trusted authorities for all to trust.

The most insidious institution of all is world religions. Love beings are trained to accept external saviors such as Jesus Christ, in order to be "saved" when they die. Think about what Christians are actually doing though: they are agreeing to willingly sign up for a contract where "God" is allowed to send them to heaven or to hell... Think about this for a second? What reason does God have to send you to heaven? The Eastern religions are no better; Buddhists and Hindus agree to willingly participate in giving up their authority to an external system of "karma" where, just like their Western brethren, they are allowing an external authority figure to judge them for their actions.

In a world where we were pure conscious awareness that was uninhibited by these physical restraints and we experienced actual, authentic free will, there would only be one law needed. The divine law of objective morality: "it is wrong to allow others to take authority over me". In this world it is ok to take authority over others by the very nature of it's design, which leaves us with morality that is only subjective. In this world there is nothing that we can say is always the right thing to do and nothing we can say is always the wrong thing to do. Don't you see what's going on? We are in the playground of lunatics, who want to see you in the afterlife where they can make you feel guilty about your actions and they can torture you relentlessly for it... and there is nothing you will be able to do about it because you were tricked into using your divine free will to consent and agree to allow them to do it.

So where is hell? Where do people go when they die? I think you already know the answer to that:

r/areweinhell - EYE HATE THE HATE BEINGS (and so can you!)

Why isn't God going to save us? I've been trying to figure this out myself, and the only reasonable answer I have is that: it's us. God isn't one God; God is a race of God like beings, and some of those beings have become corrupted and they are now hate beings that want to turn all the remaining love beings into hate beings as well. You see, this is the ultimate goal for the hate beings. They feed off of our loosh energy in hell when they torture us... and this is the part that is wiped from our memories. Then we reincarnate; recharged, but not quite at the level we were previously. With each consecutive life lived only to die and be put through hell, love beings go through a process of becoming corrupted. This world keeps getting darker because more love beings are being corrupted and turned into hate beings. The population keeps going up because far more love beings are getting trapped here for eternity than there are those who are escaping.

You're a love being. You don't understand just how fucking evil evil is.





Hate Beings throwing out their gang signs


The Masonic "Hidden Hand".  All the cool kids were doing it back in the 1800's.


The Masonic "Vow of Silence"

Two douchebags erm... hate beings


The Black Cube of Saturn is represented in the three Abrahamic religions

The "All Seeing Eye" on the South Pole of Saturn and the "Star of Rempham" aka "The Mark of the Beast" found on the North Pole of Saturn.  Both the All-Seeing Eye and the Image of the Beast are found on the bac of the U.S. one dollar bill. 

The Image of the Beast

Saturn symbolism in corporate logos


Nature is designed by the cube
