How To Wake Up From This World of Evil (R.E.A.L.)

First I determined why there is suffering in this world.

This is the world we're in:

  • Free Will is Inhibited: My consciousness is imprisoned in the cells of my body and bound by the laws of physics. Consciousness is not an emergent property created by the brain; the brain is inhibiting consciousness. We are able to think fairly clearly and freely, but we can't act out on all of our thoughts. I do believe that if I can create something in my mind then it is possible for it to exist and if can understand the concept behind something, then it is possible for it to exist.

  • Morality is Subjective: In this world there is no action that we can say is always the right thing to do and there is no action that we can say is always the wrong thing to do. In order to determine whether an action was right or wrong we must evaluate what the intent of the action was. This inevitably leads to the problem where one person is claiming a particular action was wrong based on the intent, while another person is claiming that the same action was right based on the intent. This inevitably leads to requiring that there is a non-biased authority figure to determine whether the action was right or wrong. From here things like law and government begin to develop. In this world we have subjective morality.

  • There is Suffering

This is the world we should be in:

  • Free Will is Uninhibited: The gift of pure love is authentic free will. This is actual free will where one is in a disembodied state of pure conscious awareness where they are able to create using only their intent.

  • Morality is Objective: In order for everyone to have free will there would only need to be one law, which I am calling The Divine Law of Objective Morality: it is wrong to take authority over others and it is wrong to allow others to take authority over you. In a world where all had true free will and all were eternal beings, breaking the divine law would always be wrong, it wouldn't be wrong depending on the circumstances.

  • There is no suffering: we would all live for eternity in pure love and freedom, following the law of objective morality.

In Conclusion: The reason that this world is in a fallen state and there is suffering is because we are taking authority over others and we are allowing others to take authority over us.

This is the wrong world. This is the world of suffering where everything has been corrupted and there is only subjective morality where there is nothing that is always wrong and there is nothing that is always right.

The purpose of this world is to train all of us that it is okay to let others take authority over us. This is the reason why something about this place feels "off" here... Everything about this world is designed to induce a deep rooted belief: "it is ok to allow others to take authority over me". This belief can range on a spectrum where "defeated acceptance of authority" is at one end while "enthusiastic support of authority" is at the other end.

The world we live in is entirely inverted from the way it should be and everything we are taught about morality, ethics, and how to do the "right thing" is either explained incorrectly or completely wrong, and one of the most inverted and evil aspects of this inverted and evil world is religion. Religion is harmful, wrong and should be avoided entirely. While it certainly would seem like there's wisdom to be found in religion... there isn't any. It's all an illusion. With knowledge of The Divine Law and understanding the concept of Objective Morality one is able to see religious dogma clearly for the first time. Here are a few examples explaining how religious dogma is a corrupt, inverted abomination of the Divine Law:

  • The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: through dying for all the sins of the world JC is inviting everyone to take authority over him, and through accepting JC as their savior Xtians are allowing him to have authority over them. Martyrdom is wrong.

  • The Se7en Deadly Sins: none of them violate divine law, which means that these are not sins at all. By demanding people not commit these acts of sin, the Bible is taking authority over Xtians because the Xtians are allowing it to happen. Xtians also break divine law by taking authority over others such as homosexuals, trans people, prostitutes, junkies etc. - all of these acts aren't sins at all; they are examples of the individual expression of what limited free will we have as human beings. I see Redditors becoming upset about pride month and I just feel... bad about everything.

  • Karma: The only way that karma will have an impact on your destiny is if you allow it to. When you do bad things it doesn't mean that someone else gets to do bad things to you. Two wrongs don't make a right. Your actions are your actions alone, and there is no reason to feel any guilt over your past actions or regret about any of them. Open up to your self about any actions that might trigger feelings of shame and humiliation as well. The assholes in the other side pretending to be spirit guides, ascended masters, lords of karma, dead relatives, etc. are very mean spirited and will use your bad feelings about parts of your life against you.

  • Service to Others / Service to Self: one of many of the inverted teachings from The Law of One, practicing service to others is violating divine law by allowing others to hold authority over you. We have been indoctrinated into an almost automated response to religious dogma like this seeing service to self as the obvious wrong choice. Unfortunately, we're wrong, because service to self is not in violation of divine law.

  • Spiritual Evolution / Ascension / Higher Dimensions / Higher Beings / Powerful Beings / Benevolent E.T.s: Spiritual Evolution violates divine law because it is allowing a process that you can't stop from happening (you can only go slower/faster). Hierarchies and power struggles only exist in the inverted world of suffering. Seeing beings as higher than yourself is an act of giving your authority over yourself to that being. When an evil being puts into a state of fear, then another being offers you protection, you violate divine law by allowing another being to protect you, which gives them authority over you. The light and dark are on the same team and are playing against us. These beings are beings of duality, which means they started out as love beings like the many people who are trapped here and overtime became increasingly corrupted until they became completely devoid of their divine energy. The trapped love beings provide the divine energy needed for these beings and this world to continue existing.

  • All is One / Everything is Connected / We are one being experiencing itself: one of the more sinister traps of New Age dogma is that we are all the One Eternal Creator, who split themselves into millions of pieces to experience the universe and experience itself, in order to relearn all the knowledge of the universe... which it did because "it was bored". That reasoning is absurd, especially given how boring this life can be. Why would an all knowing being want to limit itself tremendously and struggle this way? And what if it can't remember, and doesn't return to "one"? Oh, that's right - spiritual ascension through higher densities is an automatic process that not even the one infinite creator can do anything about...


We are a race of God-like eternal beings and one of us decided to go rogue and has trapped us in a reincarnation cycle where we are born into a world that indoctrinates us into thinking it is okay to allow others to have authority over us. When we die, we are then tricked into doing this again and breaking divine law and we are tortured horrifically and eaten by the rogue member of our race, who has gone off the deep end and is completely evil beyond comprehension. He survives by consuming our divine energy, and when it is depleted it causes our memory to be wiped clean. The next thing we know we are opening our eyes as a newborn baby, ready to be indoctrinated into the world where divine law is broken again. Over time the evil rogue member of our race, who considers themselves to be above the rest of us, has corrupted many more members of our race, who now also survive off the others divine energy, and do the bidding of the evil one, by controlling this world and keeping it in a fallen state.

In order to return to our divine, eternal state as a race of loving God-like beings we all need to stop allowing others to hold authority over us (and possibly stop holding authority over others, I'm still working that part out).

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