It's Called "The Game" For A Reason, And You Are The Player (vaccinated_abortions)

Written By: Seducto, The Paraphilic Clown

The problem is that you don't know how to play the game. That's ok. Like any other game, there are rules you must follow. You need to know how to play the game if you want to win. Like any other game, you need to practice if you want to become a good player. The more you practice, the better you will be at playing the game.

One of the main reasons for men not knowing how to play the game is that men think things through logically and rationally, using reason. This is what causes some men to say shit like "women only care about how tall and good looking you are and how much money you make." This is the stupidest mindset to have - because it is the mindset of a man. Women are not like men; women are completely different from men. Women are emotionally driven. The most important thing when interacting with a woman is how you are making her feel. So stop being outcome dependent, and make the goal be to make women feel good and positive during your interactions. What will make you memorable to a woman is how good you made her feel, not how much money you had in your bank account.

This is why simps who upvote advice from women on this subreddit get laughed at. When women are giving men dating advice, they are thinking rationally and logically... like men. Everything they say gets thrown out the window if you know how to play their game. This is also where the idea that "women like assholes" comes from. Assholes don't feel empathy, so they are able to manipulate women emotionally without feeling bad about it. There is a fine line between being manipulative and being seductive. There is a fine line between being creepy and being attractive.

To put it into perspective, this is the reason why you can piss a girl off - I mean, like she will legitimately be pissed off and upset at you... and then a few moments later she will feel turned on and attracted to you - and she doesn't even understand why she feels that way - but she does. It's because making her angry gave her that powerful emotional experience which women are driven by. The emotional power behind that anger is the key to being seductive.

Playing the game is like this:

It's you and her alone on the basketball court, and you have the ball. You go to hand her the ball and she reaches out for it. Then, at the last second, you pull the ball away and laugh at her. She gets flustered and upset, so you apologize and reach out to her with the ball. This time you even let her fingers touch the ball before you again, pull it away and up out of her reach... just enough where she still tries to jump up and get it... even though you know she can't jump high enough.

It's the game of keep-away. Make that ball seem as desirable as you possibly can, but whatever you do, don't let her get the ball. When you get better at playing this game, you will know the right move to make. When you get even better at playing this game, you will know that she is expecting you to make the right move, but instead you make an even better move that she didn't see coming at all.

Now get out there and practice, playa!
