The Only Thing Worse Than Abrahamic Religion Is Secular Scientism (R.E.A.L.)


Hello. I don't like religion - any religion. I believe that religion is actually harmful to the individual who follows it. I also don't like atheism, and I don't like atheists who scoff at Christian's for doing things like basing their beliefs on an old book, or believing in a "magical sky-daddy". I find atheists to be even more unaware than Christians, though. At least Christians can have a respectful conversation about it, while atheists often exude this pretentious attitude of being free-thinkers who are able to see through the deception of religion, while they themselves have done the exact same thing as the Christians whom they snub. I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this atheists, but all you have done is reject one bullshit sandwich, only to turn around and take a big bite of a different shit sandwich. I wish you would acknowledge that you have rejected religious dogma in favor of... well, religious dogma with a fresh new spin on it!

How do you know that the universe is real? How do you know? You don't; you simply have faith that it exists. You can't prove to me that the universe exists. You can look through your telescope and see things ot in space, but how do you know you are interpreting them correctly? Just to be clear, I am not stating that there is no such thing as outer space; I'm just not going to commit to any notion that it expands beyond the milky Way galaxy. Again, you can look and see things through your telescope, but how can you know that the things you are seeing are actually what you think they are?

Evolution - it's proven. It's a biological fact which is why it is the basis of biology... which is why I am justified in feeling that the entire field of biology has been corrupted. Don't tell me I don't understand evolution; don't tell me that evolution is a proven fact. You don't know how ridiculous you look. I know that populations adapt to their environment overtime, I know about changes in allele frequency and I know about speciation being observed in nature. What I don't know about is the tree of life. What I don't know about is common ancestry. What I don't know about is how, the proven field of "micro-evolution" is evidence that biological life becomes more complex and diverse with nothing more than the passage of time. This makes no sense. How did evolution just occur through random chance? Why do you believe this when we have evidence that evolution doesn't create additional complexities? The guided, intelligent evolution of the wolf only produced many different dog breeds that could only adjust specific, individual traits found in the wolf. There is nothing new that came from intelligent, guided evolution with purpose. You can tell me evolution is how we go from monkey to human, yet all I am seeing from evolution is how we are going from wolf to pug.

How about them dinosaurs? I don't know how I would feel if I had a career in a field who's entire existence was a farce... but, if I did, I would hope that I would at some point be able to accept that I had been played. That's what whiskey is for.

Why is there no push of gravity? Why is it the one way force? How can you know beyond a reasonable doubt that gravity exists when there are others who have believe that it does not exist? It's because they are wrong and stupid, right? No, it's because it is a belief that you have faith in. Many different fields and many different ideas that you might accept as fact are actually not facts but faith based beliefs... that you have been duped into believing. College doesn't teach you how to think critically; college is an indoctrination factory.

Here's a thought I just had: would you be able to agree with me that at the very least there are issues with the field of virology that should really be addressed, or no - will you just call me a moron, because it makes you feel more secure to do that?

You can tell me that I simply do not understand these different scientific theories because I am not educated in the subject matter... but I don't know why that would matter. Just because you are taught about something and you have had it all explained to you in a way that makes sense, that doesn't mean that it's real. That's make it the exact same opiate of the masses that religion was.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to tell me how stupid I am because you are a Christian but even you are still able to accept these scientific facts then I would think that you are not as smart as you believe yourself to be... don't brag about the way you were played not just once, but twice! Wow, how impressive!

I agree with you atheists when you say that it is silly to base all of your beliefs about the nature of reality on an old book, but I also think that you should have to say why it is superior to base all of your claims about the nature of reality on a bunch of new books.

It's all bullshit, people. "But, why? What would be the purpose of lying about all of these different scientific fields? What would anybody gain from that?" Well, who made religion? Why would anyone do that, and what would they have to gain from it? Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice, and I look like a huge idiot when I make fun of your magical sky-daddy, because I got played twice by the same fucking trick!


Look - you know what - I'll tell you what I believe, and why I believe what I am telling you in this post. I can look at every world religion and I can look at the concept of atheism and I can look at all these mythical fields of modern science, and I can see that there is one thing that they all have in common, which is that you have no control over what is going to happen to you when you die.

Thanks for reading.

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