Movie Review : Fight Club (vaccinated_abortions)

Movie Review: Fight Club

The media is one of the controllers greatest tools for pushing the false light/dark duality that has the people of planet Earth brainwashed and indoctrinated with an incredible assortment of lies, all in order to assure we keep recycling our souls through the Black Cube on Saturn's north pole and being born again as a freshly charged "battery". Hollywood's biggest theme has always been conflict. The good guy vs. the bad guy. In Hollywood, the good guy almost always wins. In the conflict taking place within each and every one of us, the bad guys always win... until they don't, of course.

Does anyone ever stop to think about why the good vs. evil conflict is the only thing Hollywood churns out anymore? Aren't there any other tropes, or frameworks for a story? Instead of changing this overused formula, Hollywood has sent it into overdrive, churning out nothing but mind-numbing Marvel superhero movies that further reinforce the prison of duality we are incarcerated by. Wouldn't it be amazing if just one time - just once - there was a Marvel superhero that never beats the bad guys? Issue after issue of our heros comic books ends in another crushing defeat, another gut-wrenching conclusion where the bad guys win. Until one day, years into the franchise and hundreds of comic books later, the superhero - the good guy - beats the bad guys and finally wins. If art truly imitated life, that would be the last issue of the comic book ever produced. What the media portrays is the inverted version of life, spoon-feeding us lies while we slowly become the inverted versions of ourselves.

Perhaps the greatest conflict in the entire Marvel-Universe is the ongoing battle between Batman and the Joker. Batman has a rule against killing the Joker, because by doing so it would make Batman no better than his arch-nemesis - at least, that's what Batman would like us all to think. Over time it has become clear that the purpose of Batman's "no killing" rule is to ensure that he will never be without an enemy to fight. Batman needs the Joker, because Batman needs to be relevant. Batman needs to be adored and idolized by the people of Gotham City. Though many of Gotham's residents have figured out that Batman continues to let the Joker live in order to stay relevant, they still haven't figured out truth: Batman and the Joker are one in the same. Batman created the Joker so he could be seen as the hero - the light in light/dark duality. The false light/dark duality: Batman is the dark side impersonating the light - he is the Dark Knight, after all.

This fabricated conflict between Batman and the Joker is based off the fabricated conflict between God and the Devil, as portrayed in The Holy Bible. The God of the Bible (Yahweh) is an imposter pretending to be the true creator for the same reasons that Batman is an imposter: to be adored and idolized. This is why Yahweh created Lucifer aka the Light Bringer. The false light bringer. The dynamic duo that has the inhabitants of the Earth imprisoned in the false/light dark duality which teaches us that we all have the duality of good and evil within us, and that this is natural. Yahweh would have you believe that destroying the environment that we live in is something we do naturally, and that we evolve into a destructive, conflicted virus that kills our own habitat. Sadly, a large part of our population remains under the illusion of duality, and under the delusion that we are a naturally evil species. I'm no expert, but I'm not aware of any other species on planet Earth that destroy the habitat they live in, besides Humans and viruses.

I suspect that our consciousness has been infected with the virus of duality - after all, the controllers seem to have some sort of obsession with viruses, and controlling us with them. The virus is the voice in our head, feeding us destructive lies. Schizophrenic people hear a voice telling them negative things - does this seem like something that should occur naturally? What if everybody is schizophrenic, but the majority of society that is " mentally well-balanced" and "sane" cannot even detect the voice - even though it is constantly feeding their subconscious negative thoughts? The virus has embedded itself so deep into our psyche, that we have become convinced that it is a part of who we are. It is starting to become clear why Bill Gates is the world's authority on viruses: it doesn't matter if they are computer viruses or Human viruses, they operate in the same way. And like Bill Gates, viruses are foreign invaders infecting the planet and its inhabitants.

Many people are convinced that we wouldn't understand good if we didn't understand evil. Read that statement again - really read it and think about it. Does this make any sense? We need to be evil, in order to be good? This is the lie of duality; we do not require the knowledge of evil to understand what being good is. Good can exist without evil. The truth is that we would not understand evil without evil, and I think it is quite possible that this planet was once without evil, long ago...

Fight Club

(warning: spoilers!)

Fight Club has always been my favorite movie; it is one of those typical favorite movies of many dudes, and with good reason - there is no movie quite as badass and unique as Fight Club. When I recently examined this movie through the awareness presented in this article, I was pleasantly surprised (relieved, really) that this movie was not like all the others. Fight Club is like an onion, with many layers to peel back as you gain a more complete understanding of the movie. Upon initial analysis, this movie seems to be the typical light/dark, good/evil conflict of duality, only in Fight Club, the battle is within the one character. Tyler Durden is the evil/dark side of his personality, and Edward Norton (he has no name in the movie) is the light/good side, and we are watching his internal conflict between these two sides (understandably, the good side is quite fed-up with this shitty material world). There is another hidden element in Fight Club - the third side of the personality, which completes the trinity of reality: Marla.

There is a fan theory that Marla is another part of Edward Norton's personality; this theory is based on a scene in the movie where Norton and Marla walk past a mirror and only Norton's reflection is visible. This is just another layer of Fight Club that makes it such an excellent movie. Now we have the actual way of our reality: Tyler represents the dark path, Ed Norton represents the neutral path, and Marla represents the light path. Throughout the movie we witness Tylers dark influence on both the neutral and the light path of the consciousness he inhabits. As the movie progresses, we see Tylers influence spread - like a virus - to any disgruntled modern-era man he comes in contact with. This creates more Fight Clubs and the destructive "Project Mayhem", which represents the way we kill organic life and our environment. Towards the end of the movie, Tyler even talks to Norton's character about how they need to get rid of Marla (the light path).

Fight Club again proves it is not the typical movie at the end, when Norton's character, which represents the neutral path - the path that is almost never spoken about in the media - shoots himself in the face in order to kill Tyler - the dark path; the viral infection. This symbolizes what each and every one of us needs to do: identify the dark path within ourselves, draw it out of our subconsciousness, and make it leave. This dark part of us is not indigenous. We must find this darkness in ourselves and detach from it's grasp, and I would imagine it is deeply embedded into us with no intention of leaving. After all, a virus needs a host to live.

If Tyler was truly trying to do the right thing he would have sought to destroy the Washington Monument, and all the other obelisk phalluses constructed throughout the planet. They are just one of many representations of the dark force controlling our species, and destroying our environment. On the surface level, Tyler's plan of destroying the banks and bringing everyone's credit score back to zero seems sincere enough, but I'm not so sure anymore... what do you suppose the controllers have planned for the economy, anyway?

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