
"uncategorized ranting"

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Welcome to Four Voices : One Fragmented Identity  This place sucks

Jokes  A collection of original jokes by me that aren't... very good.  New jokes are added as they manifest in my disgusting and corrupted mind.

A Pigeon in my Mind  A post inspired by my all-time favorite musical group "Boards of Canada"

Movie Review : Fight Club  You're not your fucking khakis.

It's Called "The Game" For A Reason, And You Are The Player  Introducing "Seducto: The Paraphilic Clown"
A Family Guy Cutaway Gag  A post inspired by my all-time favorite musical group "Nirvana"

Ho Ho Ho - Convincing your Children that Santa Claus Exists is a Terrible Idea  Why must parents lie to their poor, innocent children?

People who are Suicidally Depressed might as well become Addicted to Hard Drugs  C'mon... might as well try it.  What have you got to lose, mopey?

The 04 Voices Art Gallery  The original artwork of the voices. 

Under and Above Ground Rap  I have compiled a super-woke YouTube playlist of Rap Music.  Did you know that "rap" is an acronym for "rhythm and poetry"?  No.  You didn't know that.  I knew that because I am smarter than you are.
