WARNING: Triggered



AGP trans women are the most transphobic group of people on the planet. They are disgusted and offended by themselves.

News Flash! Being autogynephilic is what makes most trans women trans. If you are trans, it's either because you are AGP or you are HSTS. (If you're not sure which one you are, you're AGP.)

Trans women who express disgust towards being autogynephilic are being transphobic AF... because that's what makes nonhomosexual trans women trans: autogynephilia.

It seems like so many trans women are living in fear these days; fearing a day when the rest of society will hate them as much as they hate themselves. (Y'all projecting hard.)

A post on the front page proclaims that: "AGPTS need to start LARPing as HSTS." Umm... That's what AGPTS have been doing for - what - the last one hundred or so years now? Since the dawn of sex change operations? Stop pretending to be HSTS; it's not fair to them and it's sooo obvious which one is which (and it has little to do with "passing" aesthetically).

Here's a fun fact: AGP awareness isn't going to change much because everyone already knows y'all are turned on by it. Yeah, no shit, Shirleylock! (The cissoids already know that for most trans women, being trans is a fetish. No one needs to tell them because it's to fucking obvious, FFS!) [ That Means For Fucks Sake, You Fuck ]

It was actually an HSTS in this forum who recently said that "your gender expression is a part of your sexuality". I thought that was so brilliant in its simplicity: your sexuality is inescapably bound to your gender expression, and for AGPs, their gender expression is inverted only in terms of their sexuality, while the rest of the time they identify as men. Integration is all about being able to control your gender expression, by switching it on and off for the times you are being sexual.

For me, integration is this: I am a man but sometimes in the bedroom I like to switch from a masculine gender expression to a feminine and submissive gender expression (a feminine gender expression alone is not necessarily a submissive gender expression). I can easily do this because I have no internalized shame attached to being AGP.

If I was trying to live my life as a woman, I think it might cause me to internalize shame for being AGP. If I was trying to live my life as a woman, being AGP might make me dysphoric, because I would know in the back of my mind that I am a man with a fetish, pretending to be a woman because I am ashamed of being a man with a fetish.

CHECK THIS OUT: There is no reason that a straight man would want to transition into a woman, unless it turned him on, and AGPTS are not deluding anybody into their fantasy world where they are women, trapped in men's bodies, other than themselves.

(You aren't HSTS! Get over it, already!)

The SHAME in this subreddit is suffocating. I just don't get it. Why do y'all hate being AGP so much? Why are you so ashamed of it that you are driven to transition; something that is used as a coping mechanism to make the shame stop?

Did You Know? Non-dysphoric AGPs don't experience any gender dysphoria because they don't feel any shame about being AGP. I am a non-dysphoric AGP and I consider myself to be a man with a crossdressing fetish. Why on Earth would I have gender dysphoria when I identify as a man with a fetish? That's what I am! There is nothing to be dysphoric about!

It's when you can't handle being a man with a fetish - and when you start believing in gender ideology - that you start to become dysphoric! There's nothing to be dysphoric about because being a man with a fetish is all you will ever be... and the sooner you accept that the more honest and introspective of an individual you will be.

Recently, I saw someone on /askAGP lamenting about how sissies don't have to feel dysphoria while they're getting humiliated and being misogynistic in a "roundabout" way. This type of thinking exemplifies the difference between dysphoric AGPs and non-dysphoric AGPS, because sissies don't see themselves as women; they see themselves as men with a fetish for feminizing themselves.

Femininity ≠ Woman. I am a sissy, and I have a question. How the fuck is it misogynistic if I am not a woman? I am a man with a fetish. Being a sissy has nothing to do with being a woman! That's what you guys don't get. Ask the radical feminists; they will tell you that a man can feminize himself all he wants as long as he is doing so as a man.

Trans Women ≠ Women

Not "cis" women: women.

Gender Dysphoria is caused by SHAME.
