Reality Programming (TheAGPrick)

 Reality Programming

One thing that TERFS love to point out is that they are always able to clock a trans woman, 100% of the time. They usually will say this in order to transition into their next statement about how no trans women actually pass.

Ha! What a joke.

Do you want to know how to really clock trans people? Learn the differences between male and female skeletal features. No shit. The skeleton is the only guaranteed way to tell whether someone is biologically male or female, and one of the biggest giveaways is in the way men walk vs. the way women walk. This is something that cannot be changed - no matter how hard a trans person may try - and this is simply due to the fact that our male and female skeletons dictate the way that we walk.

Men have a straight up-and-down figure, with a slender pelvis that doesn't jut out. Male skeletons resemble toy soldiers, and men walk just like toy soldiers, with their legs extending straight and outwards. Female skeletons are curvier, with a pelvis that juts out further than a male skeleton. The female pelvis causes a larger gap between the thighs, which begin further apart and then curve inwards. If you can picture the female skeleton in your head, the femur is curved, and this causes females to walk in a way where they cross one leg in front of the other as they move. Watching men and women walk up and down stairs is a good way to see the differences in their gait. Male skeletons have long, lanky arms and big hands and feet. Female skeletons have shorter arms with smaller hands and feet. Men have long necks; women have short necks. Male clavicles (shoulder bones) are straight, while female clavicles are curved. Finally, males have wide-set facial features, while females facial features are closer together. Imagine a woman's face as a clenched fist, and a males face as that fist opening up - almost like a small explosion outwards.

Royal bloodline families have been ruling over humanity for millennia, and the members of royal families are all gender inverted, from the time of their births. This is even more confirmation that gender is, indeed, a social construct, and a male baby raised as a baby girl will be socialized as a female, meaning that feminine mannerisms and behaviors will be natural for this individual.

Think about paintings from the Renaissance era. Many of these paintings are portraits of royalty, and what do we always see? The women in these paintings have long necks and wide-set facial features. They are tall and lanky with long arms. The men in these paintings have shorter necks, shorter arms and short bodies, with facial features that are closer together than those of the women in these paintings.

Why do you think it is such a tradition amongst the bourgeoisie men to wear nice three-piece suits? Well, suits are great at hiding their female skeletal features such as their wide pelvis and curved legs. Think about Donald Trump for a moment. The man has a short neck, child bearing hips and short arms with small hands. But he's a rebel, right? Not like all them other hoity-toity politicians! Ha! I'm afraid all them white-trash MAGA-tards got played... but I'm not trying to single them out or anything. We all got played at some point.

If you don't believe me, think about the men and women you know in real life. The women you know have shorter necks and shorter arms with smaller hands... and look at their clavicles. Women have curved clavicles; men have straight clavicles.

Now think about Hollywood celebrities. Many of them are descendents of royal bloodline families; they have simply changed their names and been given relatable back-stories of growing up poor and fatherless... or whatever. All B.S. anyway. Think of Hollywood actresses... so many of them are tall and lanky with long arms and giant hands. And their necks are giraffe-esque. This makes the women that idolize these actresses aspire to have longer necks of their own. This makes guys... well, I can't help but smile when I think about all the meathead dudebros fawning over these women who are actually biologically male. It doesn't matter anyway - I'll be surprised if even one person that reads this takes what I'm saying into serious consideration.

I'll point out one example of a Hollywood actress who is so obviously male... and the funny thing is that I thought she was the hottest actress when I was in middle school. Cameron Diaz - total dude 100% Go take this knowledge of human skeletal features that I have so graciously shared with you and check it out for yourself. Keep in mind that I am not claiming that all celebrities and famous people are gender inverted... but some of them are and this is an indication that they are from a royal bloodline family.

I don't mind at all when people scoff at me and call me crazy because everybody is so damn indoctrinated and asleep. Most people don't want to wake up... but if you do want to, keep reading.

What the hell is going on here anyway? Well, most people are nothing more than batteries. Your body is housing a divine spark, which provides the energy that keeps this shit show going. Much of what people consider to be scientific fact is a ruse to keep you sleeping, and religion is there to keep you coming back for another ride on this merry-go-round with b.s. like hierarchies and karma. I'm actually a bit surprised that so many people still haven't come to realize that consciousness is the backdrop to material reality, not the other way around. Your brain isn't creating consciousness, it is inhibiting consciousness!

So why is material reality so hard and dense and... real? Because so many people believe that it is real. Our beliefs are what dictate our reality, but good luck believing that you aren't going to die. Or that time isn't linear and moving forward, causing you to age. You see, this is nothing more than a dream world; a complex dream world being powered by millions upon millions of divine sparks of the true source of creation.

What does this all mean? Well, it means that you are manifesting your own reality, just as we all are. Most people are simply unaware of this fact. Right now you're beliefs are manifesting your future, and in about 4 - 6 months you will be living out what you are manifesting right now. To put it another way: today's beliefs will dictate tomorrows reality.

The media is there to manipulate us into manifesting in a predetermined direction with outcomes that are not particularly desirable for any of us "little people". And look what they've done: kids are wearing their mental disorders like a badge of honor. Look, if you believe that you are depressed and have anxiety, then you are going to be depressed and anxious. You are literally manifesting that destiny for yourself. So while you are most probably unable to make your subconscious believe that AGP fantasies are not arousing, what you can be doing is not worrying about bullshit like dysphoria and transitioning and a long life as a lonely social pariah. Stop that shit!

You have all the power to manifest a life of joy and abundance, and all it takes is for you to believe you have that power. You do. I believe you do. I believe you deserve to be happy - do you believe that?

Pictures taken from Horrifying Houseguest.  If you want proof that famous people are all trans then go here. You might even learn something!

Go Away Now.

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