Autogynephilia Isn't Real

I prefer living on the bottom rung of society, 
so I can't look down on anybody.
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AGP in 2020 : 2021 Edition [Shameless Repost - Now With 100% More Memes!] My 10-step guide for living with AGP in the year 2021 2022.  Whatever.

What I Learned On r/askAGP  Reddit's AGP community is the only place on Reddit where I was allowed to make posts.  Fuck Reddit.
The Dual Identity  AGP can make you feel like there are two different people living inside of your head. Many people feel like they have to be either a man or a woman.  I prefer to maintain a balance between the male and female identity.
How To Be Your Wife's/GF's Bitch [Explicit Version]  You know, at one time, I was actually a pretty funny guy... back before everyone turned into a pussy bitch
Annoying Girly Problems  A long post detailing male transsexualism: typology, causal factors & contributing factors, gender dysphoria, and three possible outcomes.  You might just learn a thing or two (or possibly kill many brain cells) reading this!
Integrating my AGP Sexuality with my Heterosexuality  Advice for those trying to manage their AGP while in a heterosexual relationship.
Choose Your Own Adventure  Have a good time seeing how your AGP will play out in this fun, interactive, post! (Warning - Harsh, Mean-Spirited Humor)
This is a Rant  A rant about AGP! To be honest, anyone who writes about AGP as much as me is worrisome (nervous cackle).  I used to have friends, I swear I did...
The Pros and Cons of Transitioning  I'm a "glass half empty" kinda guy, if you hadn't already picked up on that...
Remember That It Could Always Be Worse - You Could Have Been An HSTS  I can't be the only person who thinks being AGP is way cooler than being HSTS... can I?
Some Words  Trying to talk some sense into these fucking zoomer fucks - ok, boomer?

Which Came First: The Chicken or the Egg_Irl?  On the origin of the sexual fetish.

Processing Childhood Trauma can be Kinky  All about the different ways childhood trauma can become sexually imprinted and fetishized.
Reality Programming  No, this post is not a joke.
Hardcore AGP Satanism  When I originally posted this on Reddit, I was told that this post is "hardcore AGP Satanism".  That was pretty fucking rad... and shit.  Honestly, it's just another rant (sorry).

My Hugbox is Filled with Razorblades Daddy  The fragile snowflakes with weak constitutions should probably just avoid this post altogether, actually.
Desire is the Root of all Suffering  A Buddhist approach to all your first world fucking problems.

So, I'm... uhm - Not AGP - Actually.  We still cool tho. Right, Homies? I thought y'all knew I was joking.  Hehehe. 
Incorporating AGP into a Heterosexual Relationship  It's hard being a normal guy with AGP, but it can be done.
Blanched Freudian (Part 1 of 3)  Exploring the work of Ethel Spector Person and Lionel Ovesey in regards to Primary Transsexuals.
Blanched Freudian (Part 2 of 3)  Taking a deeper dive into the typology of Primary and Secondary Transsexuals, the cause of Gender Identity Disorder and we also explore the word of Satanic Ritual Abuse.  Fun!
Blanched Freudian (Part 3 of 3)  In the final post of this three part series we tackle the nature/nurture debate in relation to gender and gender identity.  Wait - why the fuck do I keep saying "we"?  The fuck is wrong with me?
