Choose Your Own Adventure (TheAGPrick)

 Choose Your Own Adventure


You can embrace your AGP, or you can feel disgusted by it and ashamed of yourself. If you despise the fact that you pop a boner every time you try on a pair of panties, well, you can choose to believe that AGP is just normal female sexuality and that you are a woman that was born in the wrong body. After you adopt this belief you will begin to develop gender dysphoria, because now your male body feels all wrong. Then you go get affirmation from the trans community that isn't this forum. There, you will be hug-boxed and told you are "valid". You will inadvertently find yourself in a competition with other pretentious fairies over who has the most debilitating "transness". The result of this giant pity party will slowly work it's way through your psyche and cause your gender dysphoria to become severe in a way that feels debilitating. So you cut off your dick with a full kitchen knife, serrated, and... oh, dammit - I skipped ahead a page (licks fingers and pulls page by the corner).

You decide to go to a gender therapist. You ask them about AGP. They have never heard of it, but affirm your transgender identity and suggest you begin your medical transition immediately, before you become any more male. Now, ask yourself this question: do you believe you can undergo a medical treatment that will change you into a woman? Do you frequently screech at Reddit that "trans women are women"? Do you believe that you are a woman? Why do you believe that taking estrogen means you are now a woman?



You can choose to repress your AGP because you are ashamed of it and it doesn't fit in with who you see yourself as: a married man with children, a decent career and the ideal life to present to society... because you are concerned with the way that complete strangers judge you based on your material wealth and family unit. You decide to repress your AGP feelings completely so you can find a pretty girl to help benefit your public image. At this time a nagging feeling about how badly you want to dress up like a slut-whore and get spit-roasted by two black men emerges... but goes away after you jack off to it.

You take on the dominant role in the bedroom with your girlfriend because you want her to think you are normal, and masculine. You zone out during sexual intercourse with her, and frequently refer back to the African American guys Eiffel Towering you so you can make yourself cum. Then you propose to your girlfriend, because you must be fucked up and want bad sex from now on. You have an expensive wedding which feeds your ego nicely, and get so drunk that you can't even bang your wife. That was your plan.

Once you are married you start to panic about living out your life as a man. The desire to be spit-roasted is now something you have to deal with on a daily basis, and you put on a pair of panties and rub one out in the office twice a day on average. You decide that having children will fix this issue once and for all, because you will definitely be a father to your child. You don't want to let your kid down. You don't want to be a dick. So you talk to your wife about your desire to start a family with her and from that night on you zone out and pretend you are getting dicked down by a lumberjack so you can successfully fill your boring, dumb wife's cunt with sissy-sperm. You fag.

Not even one year later and your son is born. You feel so happy... is what you tell people, but now you are dying on the inside. You have realized you don't want to be a dad after all... and fuck the kid -.they should have made you want it more, but they didn't. You hastily glop lipstick messily around your mouth in the bathroom and begin to cry... like a bitch. You never could be bothered to research past the first page of Google search, so you never even learn what AGP is (but you will later on, sweetheart) and instead you read up on gender dysphoria, visit the Reddit trans community and are hug-boxed and told you are "valid". You also find out that you are screwed and nothing will stop the dysphoria... and you better transition, like now girl. Fucks sake.

So... you go home to your stupid wife, who proceeds to blab to you about your new life you have started together as a family, and how she is both excited and nervous to be a mother, but happy to be your wife and blah blah blah. Fuck you married some boring, fat slut. You interrupt her with your serious face and you tell her you think you are trans. Holy shit, you came out. You came out to your wife. You get on Reddit to be hug-boxed and feel good about your decision you absolute piece of shit. How could you do that to your wife and child? Oh well, of course I understand - you are finally living as your true self and that is very important, of course. I'm happy that your wife wants to be supportive, despite not being attracted to you whatsoever now. Why are you dressing like her? Don't wear leggings too... oh, dude come on don't make it a competition with your wife. I guess it's fine for your son to have two mommy's and no daddy's. Kids are resilient... but dude, I mean c'mon... your wife was so excited about being a new mom, and... well...

You're being an asshole, dude. You don't respect women if you think you can just be one only weeks after your wife has a damn child. You are being disrespectful towards women and... what? I'm not being transphobic. Please, don't say that. Of course you can use the women's restroom - you are valid! Please don't tell everyone that I was transphobic... anything but that... anything but that. I'm stoked to hear that sex is much more fulfilling for you now that you've transitioned - does your wife enjoy it more?

Yes, those panties look lovely.


Alright, so you have accepted that you are a male with AGP. You do not have gender dysphoria - congratulations on that. If you think you are a man, and you don't believe you can "transition" into an XX woman yadda yadda, then you shouldn't be at risk for gender dysphoria, but you are a transphobic piece of shit. All good tho. Jack off to those JC Penney ads from today's newspaper. The good life. Ah yes, I see you cum in that corner by your bed frequently. That's lovely.

You can't just be AGP and be ok with it, of course. You feel disgusted with yourself. You want to be a man and this AGP shit is making you feel like you need to be a woman... You start panicking. How could you ever be a man for a woman? You wouldn't want your girlfriend to see this side of you. You want to be a man. You want to dominate. You want the natural way. Oh why oh why were you cursed with AGP. You will never pass, either. With those broad shoulders... and your height. Wait a minute... what is happening?!? Why do you want to suck dick so bad all of a sudden. Oh shit - the AGP is evolving.

You decide to overnight a dildo and a chastity cage from Amazon so you can fuck yourself, then cry, then fuck yourself again, then purge. So done with this shit.... Oh no. Oh fuck! The refractory period is ending!!! Noo! Quick, go grab a zucchini out of the fridge and fuck yourself with it. You threw out all of your panties so you should cut a pair of your jeans to make a skirt. Fuck.

One of these days, you will finally be taken by a real man. In the meantime, you're going to feel really bad for yourself because you have AGP and can't function around women... for some reason. Why is that again?



Yeah... 69.

I'm a fucking asshole.

Sorry if I offended you, ya pussy.

AGP is a gift

For poor kids, from their deadbeat father... two weeks after their birthday. Wrapped in newspaper.

Being kinky is fun

Better than vanilla

Cum tastes like vanilla

But you already knew that

Women will be more into a fetish than going full time lesbian

You can be with whoever you want to be with

And fuck whoever you want, besides babies

Unless they're already dead

And you eat them afterwards

I'm so sick of fucking pussies getting their panties in a bunch over stupid fucking shit.

So wear some panties, put on some lipstick, suck a dick or three and just fucking get over it and make it work

Sincerely, Some dumb faggot.


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