Blanched-Freudian : The Person & Ovesey Odyssey [Part 1 of 3] (TheAGPrick

Ethel Jane Spector Person

 Blanched Freudian the TransGenda (Part 1 of 3).

Blanchard's typology puts all MtF transgender into two groups: AGP or HSTS. Prior to Blanchard's work, MtF transsexuals were put into two groups: Primary and Secondary; however, the Secondary group contained two distinct types: transvestic transsexuals and homosexual transsexuals. Blanchard's typology describes only the secondary group while completely ignoring the primary group. This post is based on the work of the psychiatrist Ethel Spector Person, which described these three distinct groups of trans women.

Ethel Person must have been a fan of Sigmund Freud, because her belief for what causes gender dysphoria in males has "Oedipus Complex" written all over it. I find it to be a very interesting idea. Person believed that the initial cause of male gender dysphoria occurs as a result of infant separation anxiety. This is the anxiety experienced by an infant during the process of becoming a individual person, separate from the mother. To relieve this anxiety, the infant experiences what Person calls a fusion fantasy. The fusion fantasy involves the infant and mother becoming one - the fusion of mother and child into one person. Whereas Freud says we want to fuck our mother, those of us with gender dysphoria want to be our mother.

If you find the concept of the fusion fantasy resolving infant separation anxiety, I suggest you read some of Ethel Person's essays on MtF transsexuals. She goes into detail about the types of mothers whose behavior and mothering predict a baby boy who suffer from future gender dysphoria. Person believed that the age of the infant at the time of experiencing separation anxiety and the resulting fusion fantasy predicted whether one would be a primary or secondary transsexual. According to Person, the younger infants who experience this become primary trans; the older infant handles this experience differently due to having more developed coping mechanisms. I don't want to say that the secondary group experiences milder gender dysphoria than the primary group, so I suppose I will just say that the two groups respond to gender dysphoria differently. (See how I said it without having to say it. I am one manipulative son of a bitch. Please don't tell mother that I called her a bitch.)

Primary Transgender

I think it is important to discuss this group of trans women, that don't even exist in Blanchard's typology, because I believe that trans women belonging to this designation do indeed exist because I have encountered a few people that I believe to be primary transgender on this very subreddit. According to Person, no MtF has a feminine gender identity, but because the fusion fantasy experienced by the younger, less developed infants is, I suppose I might say "experienced more fully", the Primary Transgender has what Person called an "ambiguous core gender identity" (neither male or female). Person believed that both the homosexual and transvestic types of the Secondary group have a male core gender identity, due to being further along in their development at the time of, well... you know - the bloody separation anxiety resulting in the fusion fantasy (I swear I am not typing that out again).

Along with having an ambiguous core gender identity, the Primary Transgender is often asexual - at least during adolescence. The Primary Transgender is far more adamant than the Secondary Transgender in their belief that they should have been born a woman. They are often asexual in part because they will not accept the idea of being a homosexual male. (In the past, I have incorrectly claimed this was due to internalized misandry and homophobia, due to my hard headedness and lack of a proper education. Whoops.) The Primary Transgender is always determined to go "all the way" in terms of their transition. They truly despise their male danglers and once they become aware of the existence of SRS, they become determined to have this procedure done. Once their transition is complete, the Primary Transgender will often end up in a relationship with a man (because it is no longer a homosexual relationship). The Primary Transgender desires to be a girl from a young age - their whole lives, really. Thanks to Blanchard, many of us confuse Primary Transgenders with Secondary HSTS. Thanks, Ray! (jk / still luv you my dude).

Secondary Transgender

Our understanding of Blanchard's typology allows us to already understand this group. Person described two designations of Secondary Transgender, which she called transvestic and HSTS. Blanchard simply renamed transvestic to AGP and got rid of the Primary Transgender altogether. I'm also starting to question the actual usefulness of Blanchard's different categories of AGP (anatomic, transvestic etc.). After all the time I've spent mingling with y'all, we sometimes seem more similar than Blanchard's subtypes would suggest. I believe that we have some that might identify as "anatomic AGP" that truly fit in better as a Primary Transgender. Person also broke down both transvestic and homosexual Secondary Transgenders into two subtypes, which I think I do prefer quite a bit more than Blanchard's subtypes of autogynephilia. Check this out:

Masochistic Transvestic Transsexual and Non-masochistic Transvestic Transsexual

I quite prefer this to Blanchard's typology, and I like to combine Person's and Blanchard's work this way: Masochistic AGP and Non-masochistic AGP. I believe that these two types of AGP's are a simpler, better way to describe our condition, and I'm sure many of you have also noticed the two different types of us a-gaps around here... The masochistic AGP's like to wear chastity cages; the non-masochistic AGP's seem fine with their giant dicks flopping around (I belong to the former category - I like to be abused. winks creepily).

Effeminate HSTS and Non-effeminate HSTS

One thing I quite like about Person's work is the two different types of HSTS she describes. The effeminate type is a girly, often frail, bottom. You know, the ones with the droopy hands? Oh, don't get offended, pussy. The effeminate HSTS is more likely to have the overbearing mother that has a fear of her son growing up, so she works to stunt his development in ways that require him to continue to live at home and suck at holding jobs. The mother of the effeminate HSTS loves that her son is gay. No type of Secondary Transgender is prone to getting bottom surgery (although it might be more common these days, who knows); however, the Effeminate HSTS is prone to talking about "chopping their dicks off" during their frequent bouts of insecurity.

Both HSTS and effeminate HSTS are prone to crossdressing at a young age, typically for theatric purposes, or social purposes. (I just remembered something - the Primary Transgender does not care for crossdressing - it doesn't do anything for them. This is an important distinction.) The non-effeminate HSTS is what we might call GAYGP (gay guy with AGP). These are the drag queens, and while they may portray themselves as bottoms, they are often tops and dominating in the bedroom. Like many of their heterosexual-AGP counterparts, non-effeminate HSTS often never transition, using crossdressing and drag to compensate for their desire to be female, and ease their gender dysphoria.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! If you didn't make it this far, you will never read this, you cum-guzzling, sissy whore!

The Transsexual Syndrome in Males : by Ethel Person & Lionel Ovesey  (note: this link should work on desktop, but it may not open correctly on mobile)

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