This is a Rant (TheAGPrick)

 This is a Rant  (Originally posted on Reddit at r/askAGP)

r/askAGP - This is a rant

I Hate Everything

askAGP is not a "hate-subreddit", askAGP is "a support group for people dealing with autogynephilia". Autogynephilia is a medical condition - a paraphilic disorder. Having a medical condition that is as controversial as AGP is no walk in the park, especially when trans rights activists are constantly claiming that AGP is "pseudoscience". How can AGP be pseudoscience if it is a legitimate medical condition that I have? That is like me claiming that gender dysphoria is pseudoscience. I wish people would quit attempting to erase a legitimate medical disorder that I have. Just because I have AGP doesn't mean the next guy has AGP too. If you don't have AGP, that's fine, but don't proclaim that it isn't real.

I Have A Medical Condition, Dammit

AGP is not pseudoscience; AGP is defined as "the sexual attraction to the thought of oneself as a woman". How can that be pseudoscience? I am literally sexually aroused by the thought of myself as a woman; therefore, AGP is a legitimate disorder - AGP is not pseudoscience. In fact, AGP actually is scientific, unlike the "sexed brain" theory peddled by AGP deniers. There is nothing scientific about the sexed brain theory; the sexed brain theory is actually pseudoscience! There is no evidence that anyone has ever been born with the brain of the opposite sex and there is no evidence that there are women born in men's bodies.

Why are so many trans women so vehemently opposed to AGP? Maybe the reason AGP is weaponized by radical feminists and other transphobic people is because of how uncomfortable some trans women are made, simply from the notion of "being AGP". AGP is even weaponized by some trans women to use against other trans women. I see this done often by MtF members of the truscum community, who self-identify as HSTS. I find it so ridiculous that these trans women like to elevate themselves to a level of superiority over others simply because they are androphilic, as if this somehow makes them more valid. Back when Blanchard made his typology, HSTS were known as "primary transgender" by doctors, and AGPs were "secondary transgender". Before Blanchard's typology, it was considered medical malpractice to allow AGPs to medically transition, and the main reason that HSTS underwent medical transition was the rampant homophobia in society at the time. In other words, the idea was that it would be easier for HSTS to live as straight women, as opposed to living as a very effeminate homosexual man.

In our present society, an HSTS is defined as an androphilic trans woman. The problem with this idea is that it relies heavily on the pseudoscientific sexed brain theory. One of the biggest problems with the sexed brain theory is the lack of consistency amongst individuals, meaning that many effeminate men and many masculine "butch" women do not identify as trans. There is much more consistency in regards to sexual orientation, however, and effeminate men and butch women are almost always homosexual. This indicates that sexual orientation is genetic, and determined in utero. Having a transgender identity, on the other hand, seems to be based mostly, if not entirely, on environmental factors. This means that no one is actually born transgender... which makes sense if gender is a social construct. This means that the explanation behind the idea of an HSTS is severely lacking of any substance. Any trans woman claiming to be "actually trans" because they are HSTS and not AGP is probably just delusional, since it seems as though no one is "actually trans".

If AGP and gender dysphoria are caused entirely by the environment, then no one is born with an "erotic target location error". Both AGP and gender dysphoria are caused by childhood trauma. In recent years, a growing amount of propaganda is being used to enforce the trans narrative, making a growing number of people become transgender with each passing day almost as if being trans were a contagious disease. Blanchard believes that only heterosexual men can become AGP, but he is incorrect. There are many homosexual men that claim they have AGP, and it is very likely that there are many androphilic trans women that are AGP. Given the nature of sexual paraphilias, this is not hard to believe. Paraphilias are often the sexual arousal to the thought of being something that can be unrelated to your sexual orientation otherwise. For example, many people are sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as babies or children, despite having no pedophilic urges. Many people are sexually aroused by the thought of being a dog, despite having no sexual interest in dogs. Another paraphilia involves sexual arousal at the thought of being a statue, without feeling any sexual attraction towards actual statues. The nature of sexual paraphilias does not support Blanchard's claim that AGP can only affect straight men. This would indicate that AGP is not caused by an ETLE; in fact, there is no evidence for the existence an ETLE or ETII (erotic target identity inversion). These are concepts that I no longer take into consideration when examining possible causes for AGP.

The possibility of AGP existing in both heterosexual and homosexual men should be taken seriously. There is a negative stigma attached to the idea that AGP can only affect heterosexual men due to an ETLE, and this stigma negatively impacts AGP's credibility. The most promising theory about the cause of AGP is that AGP is caused by childhood emasculation trauma and sexual imprinting. The rigid gender roles in our modern society are suffocating, and especially damaging to children. Emasculation trauma can involve anytime that a child felt that he wasn't "man enough". Another source of emasculation trauma involves the thought that being a girl is somehow better. For example, if a boy receives punishment in a physical form and his sister is not punished this way, the boy might desire the emasculation of being a girl, simply to avoid the harsher punishment. It is easy to see that childhood emasculation trauma can also effect an effeminate gay child; is it that hard to believe that this can result in AGP the same way that it would for a straight kid? Perhaps the "early onset gender dysphoria" is often the gay child surrendering to the emasculation, as opposed to protecting his manhood, as a straight child would likely choose to do.

I believe that the majority of trans women are AGP, but not all. In recent years, gender dysphoria has taken on a new form as a standalone mental disorder. In the past, AGP always proceeded gender dysphoria, which is why most trans people were MtF. Modern medicine has enabled a new form of gender dysphoria that resembles other mental disorders like body dysmorphic disorder and certain eating disorders. These are all mental disorders involving the obsession of one's appearance, and the obsession with the way one is perceived by others. These mental disorders also resemble addiction, in the way that the person with the disorder is "rewarded" with hits of dopamine when they do something to feed their obsession. Someone with anorexia loses a few pounds, while a person with body dysmorphia gets a plastic surgery or body modification. Anything that is gender affirming will provide the person with gender dysphoria with some dope. These disorders are created in part by modern medicine. Plastic surgery created more cases of body dysmorphia, and HRT and FFS or top surgery have created more cases of gender dysphoria. The media also helps create these disorders using propaganda. Most women have been affected in some way by propaganda involving being skinny. Often times the affects of this propaganda are experienced subconsciously. The trans community pushes their narrative that works as propaganda in favor of medical gender transition. There is a reason the stuff I'm laying out in this post gets no traction, and that is because it does not make gender transition sound very appealing.

Mental disorders like gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, anorexia and bulimia, as well as addiction and OCD are all caused by childhood trauma. Modern society is engineered in such a way as to make people more traumatized than ever before. No one is born trans. Propaganda and childhood trauma create transgender people. I believe a common source of gender dysphoria is internalized misandry or internalized misogyny. When it comes to the cause of being trans, men and women are the opposite. For men, most have gender dysphoria caused by AGP, and the minority have gender dysphoria that is non sexual. For women, the majority have gender dysphoria that is non sexual, and the minority have AAP. I'm not sure what causes AAP, but I am sure that they do not represent the majority of the women with gender dysphoria. The sexual nature of gender dysphoria being more prominent in men than in women is also shown in detransition rates. Women desist and detransition at a much higher rate than men, and this is due to the sexual nature of AGP creating less "transition regret" in the MtF population. Of course, most trans women act as though having AGP is the worst thing ever. AGP is nothing to be ashamed of. I can't imagine any greater motivator than sexuality when it comes to a medical transition. If being trans were not mainly considered to be a sexual orientation, then there is no logical reason that transgender people should be grouped with the LGB community, as LGB all represent sexual orientations.

AGP is looked at like it is the plague by the MtF community because it invalidates their core belief and mantra that "trans women are women". This is not true, however, and it is certainly not scientific, as many claim it to be. Trans women are not women. They just aren't. I have to add a disclaimer at this time. I do not have to believe that trans women are women, and it is unfair to claim that I am a bigot or transphobic because of this. My logic and reason will simply not allow me to believe that trans women are women. This does not make this a hate subreddit. This is a support group for a medical condition called autogynephilia. I am not transphobic, and I am not a repressed trans woman, that is ashamed of who I really am. I am actually a total whore, as many here already know. I have no shame in my game, I am an exhibitionist slut that loves pretending to be a girl. Because when it comes down to it, that's what it is: pretending. Trans women are men. This is largely in part due to our male skeletal structure. The male skeleton is different from the female skeleton. It just feels different... and that's coming from a guy who is often complimented on how feminine his skeletal structure is. I was just lucky to be blessed with the small, puny frame of a sissy weakling:

r/askAGP - This is a rant

Why would such a sweet girl like me write such ugly, hateful things?

I always support men getting in touch with their feminine side. I also think Natalie Mars is ridiculously hot - hotter than most women, easily. She is a beautiful trans woman. I have no issues treating trans women as I would treat cis women, and of course I would use feminine pronouns. The issue is being pressured into thinking there is no difference between a trans woman and a biological female, or risk being called "transphobic". I believe that it is disrespectful to women, and misogynistic, to promote the belief that "trans women are women". Women face many challenges that men and trans women simply have no way of understanding. Women give birth to new life, and bleed for days if they do not become pregnant. I'm sorry if that is triggering your dysphoria, but women are just built differently than men. For the sake of equality, trans men are not men, either. Many of them realize this the moment they experience their double mastectomy, and miss their breasts almost immediately and experience regret. The trans community will say that they weren't really trans to begin with, but who is really trans, anyway?

The only requirement for being trans is experiencing gender dysphoria. In fact, some people believe that if you experience gender dysphoria, this means that you should seek treatment and a transition. This idea is ludicrous, especially taking into account that almost all detransitioners experienced gender dysphoria, which continues after they choose to desist. Transition isn't always the remedy for gender dysphoria. Of course, I am just a fetishist; a crossdresser who has no right to speak on trans related topics. Of course, gender dysphoria is typically a package deal with AGP. The dysphoria comes from repressing AGP urges, and builds overtime for those that attempt to live a heteronormative life of a family man. This is why so many transition in their forties and fifties, simply because the dysphoria never stops building, and becomes unbearable. The issue is that most men with AGP don't really want to transition; they want to live the life of a man, despite their AGP desires causing them to suffer while they do so.

The problem is that the AGP desires continue to grow, and an AGP that builds a life as a man with a family and career will regret not feminizing himself when he was younger and more attractive. This regret, combined with the desire to be a woman consuming him nearly constantly will almost guarantee a late gender transition, although, some continue to fight the AGP into retirement... and end up quite bitter. I think that best thing to do is take the middle path. That means feminizing myself on occasion, with a partner I can be open about my AGP with. Finding an understanding woman to marry that will femdom me and make me her sissy husband is way more appealing to me than a medical transition provided by a corrupted industry that seeks to weaken and invert the human race, while profiting off of human suffering.
