Hardcore AGP Satanism


AGP doesn't have to be a curse!

I believe that AGP is a symptom of Gender Identity Disorder (GID). I do not believe that I was born with this disorder, and I do not believe that people are born trans, nor do I believe that being trans is related to biology or genetics. I believe that being trans is related to gender, which is a social construct. As infants, we are socialized by our parents and others as our assigned gender. At approximately age three our brains have developed enough to understand that "I am a boy". This is called "establishing a core gender identity" and not all trans women or AGPs were able to establish a male core gender identity; however, I am certain that I have a male core gender identity because I feel ok with being a man. I do not dislike being a man.

My GID stems from times during my childhood where I did not feel like I was living up to my assigned gender - times where I felt like I had failed at being a man. The feelings associated with these experiences include embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, shame and anxiety, which also happen to be the emotions associated with my AGP arousal.

I believe that AGP is a coping mechanism, which processes the negative emotions associated with childhood emasculation trauma, by converting them into pleasant, sexual emotions associated with female sex roles. This means that I want to feminize myself in order to feel the emotions associated with my childhood emasculation because they are now the emotions that arouse me. My sexual pleasure has been hijacked by my brain as a way to process childhood trauma, which means AGP is not a sexual orientation; AGP is a sexual disorientation, and for many years I felt very confused about my sexuality.

When I understand AGP as a coping mechanism for times during my childhood that I felt like I had failed at being a man, I am able to understand that I am still a man - and I have no need to transition into a woman. I also know that what happened was out of my control, and I don't have to feel like any less of a man now that I am an adult. I am still a man, and I can still be a great man. A great man deserves to be with a great woman.

Once I understood all of this, I realized that my sexual attraction towards men was an erotic fantasy I developed as another way to cope with being a failure of a man. This is a sexually disorienting erotic fantasy, and I am truly a heterosexual man that is both sexually and romantically attracted to women. I no longer wanted to find a man to bang me; I wanted to find a woman to bang me!

My AGP arousal has always been about becoming feminized; in other words, I am sexually aroused by being a feminized man. Once I understood my AGP arousal, I realized that I was more into femdom than anything else. I wanted a girlfriend that would feminize me and dominate me. I know now as an adult that I can be a man and fulfill my male gender roles just fine... with the exception of my male sex roles, of course.

The moral of this story is that you shouldn't view your AGP as a curse upon you, and you shouldn't let your AGP get you down, because you are a great man and you deserve everything that you desire. This means that you should go get yourself a great girlfriend that will participate in your AGP fantasies with you in the bedroom. If you think that will never happen, you are mistaken. You need to start believing that it can happen, and you are going to make it happen.

Personally, I have never thought I was a woman, or that I could become a woman, because of the obvious biological differences between men and women. I think society is being a little bit ridiculous right now by encouraging the idea that being a man or a woman is a choice we are able to make. This belief takes away the characteristics that make us men and women, which are also the characteristics that make men and women great. I just watched my woman go through pregnancy and childbirth. Seeing her now as the mother to my child... I personally will never be able to think of myself as a woman after witnessing all of that, nor do I want to. I would rather be with a woman than become a woman, anyhow.

I know this isn't going to be relatable to everyone that reads it. I am writing this for those who want a normal life, with a wife and kids, but are worried that AGP will not allow them too. They might be afraid that they will transition and ruin their relationship and family at some point - and this does happen all the time these days, which makes it a valid concern. In most cases, I believe that transitioning is nothing more than another coping mechanism for GID. In order to avoid the urge to transition you need to act out on your AGP fantasies. You need to decide if you would rather transition and live as woman full-time, or instead have a loving female partner that allows you to feminize yourself and also helps you fulfill your related erotic fantasies. I personally prefer the second option, because I can retain a relationship with a woman. I also understand that I have a male core gender identity, which makes the idea of living as a woman seem kinda silly.

These coping mechanisms work by allowing you to perform female gender roles, which provide you with feelings of comfort and euphoria. If you use AGP as a coping mechanism, you will feel euphoric every single time you feminize yourself, whereas transitioning is a full-time commitment, and the euphoria will fade away eventually. There is also a lot more pressure to pass and be seen as a woman, when one decides to transition.

A lot of you think that finding a woman who will be into your AGP is nearly impossible, but it isn't as hard as you think. You just need to be confident in yourself as a man - a man who gets what he wants. You will not be compatible with a woman who is submissive; remember that many women take on the submissive role because they think that is what they are supposed to do. Then when men take on the role they are supposed to, the result is often terrible sex for her.

You may not realize that submissive men tend to be far better in bed, because they care about their partner's pleasure, and enjoy giving pleasure to their partner. Many AGPs are hypersexual, so learn how to be a good lover to her first thing - worship her sexually. Treat her like the Goddess she is. Many women have not experienced a partner who can make them cum three or four times, and if you are the first man to do this, she won't want you to go anywhere, and she will put up with a lot of shit, in all areas of the relationship. Most women are not receiving proper sex, which is why they can be so bitchy; do not underestimate how powerful good sex can be.

From there, you can slowly introduce your AGP fantasies, as well as a dom/sub aspect. If she enjoys being dominant, she will probably soon love the many benefits of having a sissy boyfriend, such as:

  • keeping you locked in chastity, which lets her know that she owns your dick. You aren't cheating - you aren't even jerking off. Your dick is for her only.

  • She also knows that you are not cheating on her when you are locked in chastity; do not underestimate how happy this makes her. Submissives rarely cheat anyway, with or without a chastity cage.

  • Sex means you making her cum as many times as she wants, until she is satisfied.

  • A lot of women are into pegging their men. They get to feel that power over you in a very intimate way, and it feels soooo good and very validating to get pegged. Girls are better at it than guys, honestly.

  • Having fun getting feminized together. Girl time!

This is really a great relationship for both you and her. She deserves to feel like a Goddess in bed, and also have her man. This is great for those who wish to take on the dual identity of being a man in all areas but the bedroom. What society considers to be normal sex is far from normal. If it is considered normal to have no understanding of the vagina or female pleasure, then why would you want to be normal?

Personally, I do not need to get fully feminized every day. Usually I get by wearing panties and sometimes keeping my body shaved. As long as you are open with each other and express your true feelings, and share your needs with your partner, you can have a great relationship and never feel the urge to transition. I do enjoy dressing up and taking lots of selfies, and I do receive validation from men online as well, which she isn't stoked about, but it is allowed, and of course she is free to be a whore on social media as well. Find what works for you, and avoid becoming too focused on yourself while neglecting her.

I know that this post doesn't apply to everybody. Some of you probably hated it. That's ok. You are welcome to hate this post. Please hate it long and hard... and rough.
