Alpha Fucks; Beta Bucks


We live in a world that is governed by duality.  Every concept is paired with a dualistically opposing concept.  This forms the basis of how we understand and interact with the polarized environment we live and we die in.  Another governing factor of the world we live in is the hierarchy structure.  The winners get to be on top of the hierarchy and the losers get to be on the bottom of the hierarchy.  If you are born a male then you will be subjected to the male hierarchy, whether you wish to be or not. The dominant males are known as the "alpha-males" and they get to be at the top of the male hierarchy.  The submissive males are known as the "beta-males" and they are resigned to the bottom of the male hierarchy.

Your opinion matters not.  The world was designed this way. That is why the male g-spot is located in the asshole.  Dominant men (alpha-males) fuck everything.  Submissive men (beta-males) get fucked by everything.  This is the natural order of things.

Now, just because nature runs this dualistic programming does not necessarily mean that half the men are alphas and half the men are betas.  For the animal kingdom, it does, because the animal kingdom is guided by their instinct and slave to their wills.  Humans are the opposite.  We are guided by our wills and slaves to our instincts.  We have to adhere to this natural blueprint to some extent because we are, in part, driven by our biological programming.  However, due to the capacity of the human will to alter the environment, the natural order can be ordered a magnitude of various ways.

What I mean by that is that a human society can present itself in a multitude of different orders and arrangements.  There could be a society that is balanced, where there is an even split between alpha-males and beta-males.  There could be a very aggressive society where there is a scarcity of resources, where the males would be skewed to the dominant and alpha side of the spectrum because of the fight for survival that is experience.  Or there could be a society like our modern society, where we have experienced an abundance of resources and, as a result, every new generation is less aggressive than the previous one.  This society would be skewed to the submissive and beta side of the spectrum.

We Live in a Society

The Joker is clearly AGP, and a very dangerous individual.  Coincidence?  I think not!

We live in a society of comfort and resource-abundance.  We have been raised by our parents in overly-cautious and overly-protective ways.  In addition to that, many of us were raised to feel like we were only deserving of love based on our accomplishments.  Many of our parents tried to keep us in a perpetual state of happiness while also keeping a busy schedule of activities lined up for us.

When boys start socializing with other children at school, they will be exposed to the natural male hierarchy and many of the little boys in this forum right now were not provided with the proper tools or given the necessary opportunities to climb to the top of the male hierarchy.  A lot of us didn't want to participate in the testosterone driven competition towards male dominance.

There was an interesting conversation happening here the other day, where someone said that there is a high prevalence of AGP amongst autistic males, despite the fact that autism is correlated with a very masculine disposition.  Male autists have many masculine qualities, but they are the undesirable masculine qualities of a beta-male, such as being nerdy and logic-minded.

Many of the people here will argue that AGP is biological and innate.  I believe that you can be biologically predisposed to AGP, but that the environment will ultimately determine whether or not you become AGP.

You were a Beta-Male Before You were an AGP

There is another important factor in all of this that must be taken into account: the natural female hierarchy.  One of my arguments that often gets scoffed at around here is that the less that it sucks to be a woman, the more common it will be for men to be AGP.  In our current society, women gradually become more empowered, while men gradually become more disempowered.  This has been happening very gradually for decades now.

It can definitely be argued that beta-males are at the bottom of the male/female social hierarchy.  This is only true of our current society.  If we were in a society where resources were scarce and males were more aggressive overall, then it. wouldn't be this way.  AGP would be much less common.  This is why I take the stance that "AGP is a product of our environment".

If you are a young boy, who doesn't feel any desire at all to participate for dominance in the male hierarchy, and then you start paying attention to the way the girls interact with each other, and the way that the girls are treated by adults, you might feel like it would have been so much better for you to have been born a girl, because you feel like you would enjoy participating in the female social hierarchy much more than you enjoy participating in the male social hierarchy.  This desire is the catalyst for many years of mental anguish in your future. You fag.

I don't know what's going on in this forum lately.  The other day someone was adamant about AGP being an inborn sexual orientation that is caused by imbalances of prenatal hormones. WTF is that?  HSTS is caused by prenatal hormones.  AGP is not innate.  AGP is not a sexual orientation, let alone a natural, inborn orientation.  What other sexual orientation has a tendency to make you castrate yourself because it is so distressing?  AGP is a sexual paraphilia.  Why is this place being so regressive lately?

Most cases of AGP include a common feature of sexual paraphilias and fetishes: anxiety.  AGP is distressing, which is a synonym for anxiety.  Anxiety is the dualistic opposite of arousal on the emotion-wheel.  Anxiety is a type of arousal that is dysphoric.  Two common components of a sexual fetish are 1) the potential to become eroticized and 2) the potential to be distressing.  Unprocessed childhood emotions that have these components often become fetishes.  Unprocessed childhood emotions are often left behind from traumatic experiences that cause cognitive dissonance because children's brains are not developed enough to comprehend two conflicting realities existing at the same time.

With AGP, you have a young boy who does not want to compete for dominance in the male social hierarchy.  He is in a co-ed elementary school, where he can observe the behavior of his female classmates, who get to wear clothes that are more colorful, fun, and appealing.  They are treated differently by the teachers, and they do not face as many consequences for their bad behavior.  They have friendships that seem closer and they aren't constantly picking on each other and beating each other up, like boys tend to do.  Also, because of his innate heterosexual orientation, a young boy might envy his female peers because of their feminine beauty.

The desire the boy feels towards being a girl is distressing and also too complex to fully comprehend at the time it occurs.  The distress is caused by the possibility of his male peers finding out he wants to be a girl -- instead of a boy -- so he can escape the male social hierarchy.  The cognitive dissonance is caused by being confused as to why he wants to be a girl, instead of a boy.  This causes him to unconsciously repress the distressing emotional state, associated with the desire to be a girl.  At some point in the near future, the unprocessed anxiety response towards wanting to be a girl is processed by the brain as sexual arousal. This is a common outlet for unprocessed childhood emotional trauma and this is how fetishes relating to childhood trauma are caused.  I'm not trying to say that AGP is caused by trauma; it is just a similar process.

The anxiety associated with the desire to be a woman is the cause of AGP arousal.  In certain cases, AGP arousal might include the anxiety of not wanting to be a man.  Anxiety is distressing, and once climax is reached, the refractory period of post nut clarity is the distressing anxiety, shame, and humiliation, without any of the arousal.  This is why AGP is so dysphoric and why so many AGPs are relieved by voluntarily castrating themselves.  AGP is a vicious cycle because it is arousal from anxiety.  Forced feminization fantasies are one way the shame of AGP becomes eroticized.

AGPs like to talk shit, by saying having MEF means that you think it is humiliating to be a woman.  This is not what MEF is at all.  MEF is about being a man -- who is emasculated -- and it has nothing to do with being a woman.  AGPs, on the other hand, get turned on by the humiliation associated with their desire to be female.  Therefore, AGPs think it is humiliating to be a woman, and they think that MEF is all about getting off on this humiliation.  This is unrelated to MEF, I'm sorry to say.

AGPs lusting after dominant men is a representation of them taking their proper place in the male social hierarchy.  The feeling of inferiority that AGPs feel when they compare themselves to other men is what drives them towards this lust. Someone left a really good comment here the other day about boys not being provided with the tools to properly develop their masculinity.  Once they get older and reach adulthood, they often are able to develop this masculinity, but they have a permanent childhood scar.  It never goes away, and once they reach a certain point -- past the hump of mid-life -- the desire to be a man is no longer powerful enough to hold them back from the desire to be a woman.  Whoever left that comment (if you're reading this): I really liked what you said there and I agree with you!  Thanks for the insight.

And that's what I think about that.  Someone told me earlier that all of this is extremely, extremely implausible and that basically this is an idiotic take.  I don't know why; it all makes perfect sense to me.  Am I warped or something?  Thanks for your time, everyone.  I can't handle any type of criticism of my ideas and I will only accept positive comments.  Especially comments that are waaay too positive, to the point of sucking me off.  Those are my favorite.  If you have anything negative to say, in response to this post, it will be reported to the Reddit admins: with the promptness!  And they are all LGBBQ, so I'm sure they will be on my side with this.  Ok, bitch?  Oh, and when I said "to the pointing of sucking me off" I wasn't being metaphorical.  No -- wait -- I mean, I was being metaphorical.  I ain't no fag!  Stop reading this.  Go away.  If you read even one more sentence I will kiII myself.  You're a dick, dude.
