WARNING: Triggered
* AGP trans women are the most transphobic group of people on the planet. They are disgusted and offended by themselves . News Flash! Being autogynephilic is what makes most trans women trans. If you are trans, it's either because you are AGP or you are HSTS. (If you're not sure which one you are, you're AGP.) Trans women who express disgust towards being autogynephilic are being transphobic AF ... because that's what makes nonhomosexual trans women trans: autogynephilia. It seems like so many trans women are living in fear these days; fearing a day when the rest of society will hate them as much as they hate themselves. (Y'all projecting hard .) A post on the front page proclaims that: "AGPTS need to start LARPing as HSTS." Umm... That's what AGPTS have been doing for - what - the last one hundred or so years now? Since the dawn of sex change operations? Stop pretending to be HSTS; it's not fair to them and it's sooo ob...