
WARNING: Triggered

  * AGP trans women are the  most  transphobic group of people on the planet. They are disgusted and offended by  themselves . News Flash!  Being autogynephilic is what makes  most  trans women trans. If you are trans, it's either because you are AGP or you are HSTS. (If you're not sure which one you are, you're AGP.) Trans women who express disgust towards being autogynephilic are being  transphobic AF ... because that's what makes nonhomosexual trans women trans: autogynephilia. It seems like so many trans women are living in fear these days; fearing a day when the rest of society will hate them as much as they hate themselves. (Y'all projecting  hard .) A post on the front page proclaims that:  "AGPTS need to start LARPing as HSTS."  Umm... That's what AGPTS have been doing for - what - the last one hundred or so years now? Since the dawn of sex change operations? Stop pretending to be HSTS; it's not fair to them and it's sooo ob...

Alpha Fucks; Beta Bucks

Preface We live in a world that is governed by duality.  Every concept is paired with a dualistically opposing concept.  This forms the basis of how we understand and interact with the polarized environment we live and we die in.  Another governing factor of the world we live in is the hierarchy structure.  The winners get to be on top of the hierarchy and the losers get to be on the bottom of the hierarchy.  If you are born a male then you will be subjected to the male hierarchy, whether you wish to be or not. The dominant males are known as the "alpha-males" and they get to be at the top of the male hierarchy.  The submissive males are known as the "beta-males" and they are resigned to the bottom of the male hierarchy. Your opinion matters not.  The world was designed this way. That is why the male g-spot is located in the asshole.  Dominant men (alpha-males) fuck everything.  Submissive men (beta-males) get fucked by everything.  This...

Sexual Paraphilias

A sexual paraphilia is an atypical sexual interest that is persistent and intensely arousing. An atypical sexual interest is any sexual interest outside of sexual intercourse between consenting adults. A paraphilia becomes a paraphilic disorder if the paraphilia is distressing and causes the individual to harm themselves or make drastic life-changes. Sexual paraphilias typically develop during childhood.  These paraphilias are formed by complex, negative emotions becoming sexually imprinted. Complex, negative emotions are difficult for the underdeveloped brains of children to process properly. When these emotions are tied to an experience that has the potential to become eroticized, they are often sexually imprinted because doing so makes it much easier for the brain to process them. Unpleasant emotions caused by a confusing experience become blissful and euphoric emotions caused by an arousing experience , and this is hardwired into the individual's sexuality. Sexual Paraphilias a...

AGP arousal is caused by shame

Detrans is the new AGP This post will explain the most common cause of AGP.  I'm not claiming that this is the only cause of AGP; however, if you are the type of AGP that meets a woman and then becomes aroused at the thought of what it would be like to be that woman, then this post just might be for you. AGP is an environmental condition; in other words: a product of our society .  The evidence for this is the fact that AGP has exploded in the last fifty years.  AGP went from rare to common in only a few short decades. AGP is no different from other paraphilias and fetishes, in terms of what causes it: childhood experiences of complex negative emotional states.  Complex emotions most often associated with AGP are jealousy and shame. Modern Society Puts Boys in an Environment that is Conducive to AGP Allow me to set the stage: the last few generations have allowed an increasingly larger gender divide to develop between little boys and little girls.  The wes...

How to Manage AGP without Transitioning

The difference between HSTS and AGP starts in the womb, with prenatal androgenization of the brain.  In utero, all fetuses begin as female.  The formation of male genitalia and the androgenization of the brain occur separately and at different stages of fetal development.  In HSTS, the androgenization of the brain does not occur.  This means that HSTS are born with the brain of a female baby.  HSTS are also born with an innate female sexual orientation, meaning that they are sexually and romantically attracted to men and masculinity. AGP is not "normal female sexuality", but HSTS literally is just that.  HSTS develop childhood gender dysphoria because they have female - or non-androgenized - brains.  This doesn't mean that children with gender dysphoria should transition; approximately 80% of the time childhood gender dysphoria will resolve itself naturally over time, and will disappear completely once the brain is fully developed and matured (someti...

AGP & Masochism

This post was inspired by a post in this forum from two weeks ago that made, what I thought to be, a very compelling argument: The discrimination against AGP works primarily because people have been led to believe that an "identity" is morally superior to a "fetish". I wouldn't think that it is even up for debate that the trans community believes that an identity is superior to a fetish. This attitude has also been permeating this community moreso recently than it has in the past. This isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. I believe that the OP of that post two weeks ago is, like myself, of the opinion that - when it comes to AGP - a fetish is superior to an identity. Obviously, this is the minority viewpoint of this community. I believe that AGP and masochism are inextricably linked to each other. With a few notable exceptions, I believe that the majority of this community is made up of masochists. There are two types of masochists: sexual masochists and so...

An Argument for Gender Dysphoria as the Causal Factor for AGP

Don't get too excited. You're not going to like it. Hypothetical situation: A little boy (age 4 - 7) feels envious of the girls in his class because of the clothes they wear, the way they act with their friends, and the way they are treated by boys and adults. Theory: There are a few aspects to consider here (in order of importance[imo]): 1) The boys innate heterosexuality and 2) male socialization in a society in which men have been emasculated (to some degree) and 3) industrialization has exposed humanity (and the rest of the animal kingdom) to a chemical cocktail that contains significant estrogens and is having a feminizing effect on males. Number 1) makes femininity attractive to the boy and 2) & 3) are what causes the boy to desire to be feminine himself. Envy is a complex emotion that feels dysphoric to experience, and the envy triggers a second complex emotion that feels dysphoric to experience: shame. The large contributing factor here is male socialization in a pa...