Things that Transmedicalists Say

Hi!  I believe that there are five possible genders:

  • Male

  • Female

  • Born with female genitalia but does not grow breasts after hitting puberty and is infertile

  • Born with male genitalia but does not masculinize after hitting puberty

  • Androgynous/Indeterminate

The following is in relation only to the male/female binary (those with xy and xx chromosomes and the corresponding genitalia).  I've always said this, from day one.  You just weren't paying attention.  REMEMBER NOTHING!

Things Transmedicalists Say

1. Transsexualism is a Neurological Disorder

Lately I have been seeing the claim that being trans is a neurological disorder. Is there any compelling evidence of this? Research has shown "Body Integrity Disorder" to be a neurological disorder where the brain does not properly map a person's limb which creates dysphoria because it feels like one of their arms/legs is dead and it is a very uncomfortable feeling to live with that can be maddening overtime. This is why I support the amputation of these limbs, as it is shown that it provides immediate relief for these people. Once the limb is amputated their condition is cured. This is not necessarily the case with medical transition, however, because some people claim their mental issues remain after transitioning. I know people here will say that these people aren't really trans and were just confused due to trauma etc. The big issue is that there is no evidence that anyone is truly trans due to a neurological or physical condition. Others are never satisfied with where they are at and need to progress more in order to "pass".

What I don't understand is how a neurological condition like this can exist where the brain maps the body of the opposite sex. How can being trans be a neurological disorder?

2. Transsexualism is a brain/body mismatch

Evidence shows that in utero the genitals and the brain develop at different times and that prenatal testosterone levels can create a situation where a baby has male genitals and a feminized (not masculinized) brain, or vice versa with female genitals and a masculinized brain. This also predicts a homosexual orientation far more than transsexualism. We're talking about girly boys and boyish girls or butch lesbians and flamboyant gays who experience childhood gender dysphoria due to their physical condition. The thing about this is that their dysphoria is almost always rectified upon full maturation of the brain. When these children hit puberty they start producing the hormones that correspond to their genitalia and if they don't want that to happen it creates dysphoria. The fact that this physical aspect of this corrects itself naturally is evidence that gender dysphoria is ultimately a mental disorder. If it wasn't then why are not all butch lesbians and effeminate gay men trans? I have met several effeminate gay men and they display some feminine mannerisms but they are very much men. The ones I know all seem to be tall and big and would not pass in the least as women which makes me think that the idea of trans people fitting this description being able to pass better is a myth that was created because they are typically younger when they transition.

3. Gender is Innate and Immutable

A year ago transmedicalists claimed gender is a social construct, but now I am seeing people here saying the gender is innate and immutable. There is no evidence of this. Gender is clearly a social construct and a gender identity is clearly developed through socialization. Otherwise, how could gender be fluid? How could people's gender identities change overtime? How could there be non-binary people? How could the definitions of man and women change overtime?

If gender were innate and not a social construct then why would passing matter so much?

People here who claim that trans people are changing their sex because gender is immutable are backwards. Sex is immutable and gender can be changed. No one is changing their sex; they are modifying their bodies to appear as the other sex. This is an aesthetic change, not a biological change. Taking hormones is inducing a medical condition, not a biological change.

I think that most trans people just don't like the gender they are assigned moreso than they are biologically the opposite gender. I also think that most cis people aren't so much aligned in their body and sex; they are simply more mentally healthy and could also function if they were born as a member of the opposite sex.
